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Everything posted by TwitchyPenguin

  1. ......you're gonna be there...for gencon...? *faints from happiness.*
  2. Hmn....godlike powers...i say we can tap those and sell it for lots of money.... just how to distill it......*evil, girlish, McMorning type cackling*
  3. Thanks! I think my Dreamer base is my favorite, but Kirai is probably going to be my main crew once I get good at playing. Thank you for the comments. Speaking of Kirai (and I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do this in the minature thread, but I don't know where else to go with it, and I like to keep my stuff together) but here is a hopeful, quick, and sloppy drawing I did of a Kirai!Gremlin I think would be fricken awesome as a mini. I call her Mei-Mei and her little buddy is a Pig-Shi..get it..hahaha...ha....(bad puns ahoyyy....) Hopefully I'll update with more mini's soon.. Been a bit overwhelmed with the amount I have!
  4. great googlie monkey bananas that is so awesome! I don't know how you have the patience for this stuff!
  5. I only glanced over the post, but I agree with WookieeGunner. I don't think you should ever feel disheartened or a poor painter EVER. You should never look at another painter and compare yourself to them. I think your figures are fine, they are perfect, especially if YOU think they are perfect. I reread my fig thread and saw your post on how you wished your figures were as good. They thing is, they ARE. When I started (and for years after) I hadn't even touched on the level that you have gotten to. And the throught of adding glitter for effect is brilliant. I wouldn't have tried actual glitter(like I said, I cheated, I used premixed stuff.) The best advice I can always give (and honestly, I don't think I'm that great of a painter) is that the best way to become a better painter is to take pride in the pieces that YOU do with YOUR hands. It may only be a hobby its not a race, nor is it a contest. I know I'm reiterating what Wookie said, but it is true--there are award winning people who use techniques not everyone agrees with and you don't have to use them either. I remember once telling someone at a game shop (when I was 16-17) actually scoff at me and degrade one of my pieces when I said that I used craft paints. The man was over 45, and thought he was teaching me a valuable lesson by telling me that I would never improve if I used cheap paints, and I ended up actually not painting for a year after that. I got over it, but it took a lot to realize that no matter what tools I used, how much time I took, or how crappy my fig looked--It was MINE and I did it how I wanted to. Alright, stepping down of my soap box. BE proud of what you do, we are proud of you. (And don't take me saying this as complete denial of improvement, we all can improve, it just depends on if we feel it benefits us at all.) TL:DR...Just a longer version of what Wookie said. Prolly repeated myself alot and you can delete if it doesn't help.
  6. Hi, I got more updates. I actually have quite a few painted, but I don't get much motivation to photograph my mini's, especially since I'm taking my time on basing quite a few of them. So I just based one of my daydreams (Though not complete, my beading items are out in the car and I'm too lazy to get them, so I will share.) Please forgive the bad pictures. I got motivation really late and so they are a bit off...I'm working on my own cheap photo box, and I'm hoping to get better images. My Daydreams are named Doofus, Primrose, and Cuttlefish, in order. It's probably pretty obvious which is which. (Click the Links for the big pictures, they are 800x600 Doofus in his floating cloud chair. (Dap Fast n' Final spackling compound. Not really strong, makes clouds like a breeze!) Primrose and Cuttlefish are not based, and I don't think Primrose is done. Hense the even crappier pictures. Primrose Cuttlefish!(my favorite Catopus.) Now for Jaakuuna Ubume. She has only one picture, because I could not get a good one that will give her justice. The surface of the water is shiny, using ModPodge Dimensional Magic. Got Killjoy in the discount bin at my local store. He was already glued to his base, and was weighted AND magnetized...and only 5 bucks. I tried to paint him kinda deadish, but he just looks like a Van Gogh painting.. EPIC BUTT SHOT! (That thing rival's Sibyl's!) My Lady Justice was my third or fourth figure that I painted, and the first I used with the base inserts. I ended up using jewelry making items (such as the backpiece, which I engraved and glued together, then stuck on her base with removable rods. And the chain is..well, chain.) Ah, Miss Sonya Criid...how I hated painting you. How I hated it. I feel like she's the worst painted out of the bunch. I only like her coat (which I painted twice!) And Pandora was my boyfriend's second figure, and he really likes her--when I asked if he wanted me to put on her skirt, he said no. Of course I agree, Pandora is a bit of a rebel... And to make up for Killjoy earlier (does this count as PG-13?) Kirai is my first attempt at making my own base. Used Miniature Railroad ties for the wood, and Dimensional Magic again for the blood. Also experimenting with detailing and freehand painting. Hope I did okay...(The blue on the trim was .005 blue micron pen. It's so much easier.) And my favorite basing next to the Dreamer-Lillitu. Actually used a piece of old mulch from the yard, and the water is done using a UV set resin which didn't quite react well with the food-coloring I tried to add. Still very happy with it. Disclaimer-Please forgive any and all fluff and dust on the figures...They've been sitting on a shelf for a while and we have very long haired and fluffy cats. Fur is EVERYWHERE. Anyways, I hope I'm improving a bit on my figs. I've got my airbrush today and am going to start practicing with it, mostly with priming a few figs and more widespread areas. I am worried that I might have trouble considering I use craft paints, but I don't think it will be too bad. Any tips and tricks or anything I need to work on it is very welcome, I always aim to improve!
  7. I actually have a guy that attends our weekly games that painted them up like Aurora, Belle, and Cinderella. I think they are pretty spiffy, but I dig yours a lot. I still think that even though they are undead, Seamus' girls would still take the time to make themselves as pretty as they can...you know, beyond body parts falling off and that odd skin condition-- But as in modern times, there's nothing that make-up can't fix!
  8. Sorry it took me so long to respond to this. I'm not as much of a forum goer as I have been, and Xmas is always so busy. Thank you SO much to everyone who's commented. It makes me feel very proud of my little dreamer. I've got quite a few more figs that have been painted but just haven't gotten around to painting them, and I've got a few that I want to paint based on some of the better painters around here. I've got seven crews now waiting for me to paint them, with one planned to be purchased tomorrow (If we can make it to the shop, lotsa snow here.) But, Kirai will be added to my growing list of figs. Hope everyone had a happy holiday!
  9. I don't think I do. I think one thing that might help is that I probably could make LCB's claws shiny to cover it up. That or I could just bite the bullet and report it as a bad fig to Wyrd, but I've already attached an arm and it's part of a box set, so I don't know if they would replace the fig or want me to replace the whole set..which I've painted 2 of.
  10. I don't know if it would help, but for the sparkle, you could always try pearl paints, or I found a glitter paint by FolkArt(yes, I am a cheap painter, I use craft paints. ) The brand is called FolkArt Gems, and the color I used was "Diamonds." Granted, I used it on a roughly flat surface, so I don't know how it would do on skin. (I used it on the wings of a fairy dragon for my Dreamer base. Dunno if it would look good on skin or not) Although, I wonder what might happen if you tried to mix shimmer make-up in with clear varnish..It might work.
  11. well, that's why I am asking about sculpey and the point of if you can actually put these mini's in a small oven and bake them, because I already have the sculpey. I just didn't know if anyone has had experience with this or not.
  12. So, my poor LCB came to me without a finger! I guess it didn't fill out enough, and by the time I found out, I had already glued his arm on and basically can't return the figure. I currently am on a very tight budget and can't afford the green stuff, but I have a TON of sculpey, and I'm decent enough with it to make the replacement arm. Here lies the problem, I want to try and use the sculpey on his finger, and to fill the joints and cracks that came from a rather bad mold(I love the fig, but think I got a bad casting) while trying to save some money. I've heard of people who mod figures boiling them in order not to ruin the plastic, but I'm not sure if I am a brave enough to bake or boil my LCB. Has anyone else had any experience with this? Will my fig melt if I try to bake it (275 degrees or so in a small toaster oven) or will it let of toxic fumes. I have some scraps from the flashing I could use, but I don't want to ruin my oven. Any ideas, or should I just pony up the dough to get the green stuff?
  13. Thank you so much! I actually had to do the clouds twice because I made the mistake of trying to paint them to make them pop more. It ended up looking much better white! I actually forgot to mention I just uses some quick dry spackling compound for them. (and, btw, I love your thread, your bleaches figs are actually inspiring me to try the same techniques.)
  14. Hi again! Thanks everyone for the feedback. Sorry it's taken me so long to reply, but I have been busily working on more figs. I ended up burning through all the starter figs my boyfriend and I bought and ended up getting my first boxed crew early! (was suppose to be Christmas Present) I have been having major problems photographing my figs, but I am trying some new tricks. Not my second ever fig (Ah, Sonnia how you drove me bonkers) but it is my favorite. I am doing alot to make my bases a lot more of a storytelling element to the characters. So, here is my dreamer. Sorry for the kitty hair. It gets EVERYWHERE. The story I was hoping to get across with the Dreamer is that the power of his dreams (the fluffy clouds) is tearing apart his nursery. I found I tend to use alot of random things for the basing. The flooring is miniature railroad ties, as well as the toy sword(the pains of making that . . .), and the blue ball is actually a bead. Gears are watch parts, and the fairy dragon is actually from the Reaper Familiar set. I am working on making/finding a small teddy bear miniature to add to the base to connect him to the Teddy mini. The chair was actually from a bar set I earned working in a friend's bookstore forever ago, and the cat came from the Reaper Familiar set as well. The cat is actually a stupid little idea I had that LCB will always be with the Dreamer, even if he is buried, so I made him a kitten. A little tiger kitten. I hope to paint LCB to match it. Anyways, please let me know how it looks, and I hope to share more with you later! Thank you so much.
  15. I'm in! I'll bring the cheetos! (but seriously, put me down for one of these sets. I would pay in copious amounts of string cheese)
  16. Hello, I'm a newly discovered member of Malifaux, having picked it up rapidly (dragging my boyfriend along with me) after catching it at a local gaming shop I had visited for the first time about two weeks ago. I haven't ever done any sort of tabletop mini-gaming (beyond D&D) so it almost flew under my radar, but the setting was so unique I couldn't pass it up. My first miniature that I painted was my boyfriend's figure, a gunsmith female. I have others painted, but I don't have pictures of them quite yet. I am not a beginner painter, but I am far from an expert. I've been painting minatures since I was about 13-14 and slowly lost interest in both painting and playing D&D Mini's when I was about 21 or so. I painted a few off and on, and my last painted mini was probably about 3 years ago, if not more, so I think I am a little rusty. My skin and faces aren't NEARLY what I've seen here on the forum, and any critique or helpful hints would be very welcome! I hope to share more in the future, and I have a Lady Justice I am waaay overly proud of that I hope to post soon! I hope you guys like them!
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