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List your masters in order of preference


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I thought I'd start a thread where everyone list their masters in order of how much you enjoy playing them. Mines Below.

  1. Mei feng (new toys are always fun)
  2. Ophelia
  3. aRamos
  4. aMcMourning
  5. aSeamus
  6. Colette
  7. Victorias
  8. Vonschill
  9. Kaeris
  10. Colodi
  11. Zoraida
  12. aSomer

Colette & Colodi are lower than you might expect because I feel guilty playing them. Somer is on the bottom because I havn't tried him yet. As for Zoraida, I banned myself from getting any Nephilim so my poll of models with are limited if I don't take Collidi.

FYI, my ban list is to force me to contain my collection and not get everything. So far its All Guild, Nephelim, Resser spirits, Nicodem (Too many models), Asian outcast (getting hard to keep on list because they are 10T), Levi and Hamelin style crews.

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So hard to rank these!

1. aLeveticus - I rarely bother with the Avatar, but the base version is so much fun and such a unique playstyle. And it's fun to say "You realize that if you come within 12" you'll lose that piece" and be able to back that up.

2. aZoraida - usually I play with Collodi. a powerhouse. The strategy is fun and engaging, and there's always more to learn.

3. aPandora - I usually Manifest when I play her. Mobile, and then not mobile at all!

4. C. Hoffman - I love the way the whole Crew feels like Voltron together

5. Mei Feng - still learning this one, but the style is amazing

6. Jakob Lynch - I am still learning, but I like the mechanics of the whole thing. The way Jakob stacks the deck and the Darkness and Beckoners lay down the Brilliance.

7. Colette - so mobile! so many tools to use! haven't played it much though

8. aViktorias - Fun, easy to play, and not very complicated. I haven't actually Manifested yet, though.

9. Perdita - I love the flexibility and gunslinging, and the flavor, but don't play her often.

10. aSomer - there's so much to learn about playing Gremlins. I like playing him, and he's hilarious, but I feel like I need to get in another zillion games before I can do him justice.

11. Ophelia - No pigs, but a much easier playstyle than Som'er. Fun and flexible.

12. Von Schill - consistent, a great intro crew for introducing friends to the game, and he has a moustache!

13. Collodi - So fast, but so fragile! I usually pair Collodi up with aZoraida, but want to try him with Leveticus soon.

14. Kaeris - I like playing a mostly Union Miner crew

15. aRamos - I like all the spiders, and the Avatar is fun, but he's often frustrating because he's so slow.

16. Lilith - my first crew painted, but it often seems to fall flat

17. Molly - still learning this one

18. Dreamer - Other people seem to play this way more often than I do.

19. aMcMourning - I never manage to get the Avatar out

?. Misaki - Still haven't finished painting her and haven't played her. Can't judge.

I have at least two Crews in every faction, but I mostly own and play Outcasts and Neverborn.

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1. Leveticus. Just something about his playstyle amuses me.

2. Lady Justice. The sheer amount of damage she can do is just great fun, especially with riposte. That, and she's probably my favorite crew in terms of looks.

3. Dr. McMourning. Once again, the sheer amount of damage is fun to play with. That an Simulacrum 29 is just plain awesome.

4. Raspy. Loads of damage to everyone with blast is fun. Detecting a theme here? The terrain and movement control is pretty cool too.

5. Mei Feng. Haven't really played with her that much, but the combos and bouncing about from construct to construct are just great.

6. Pandora. I love her and her creepy little kids and the avatar of insanity, and really enjoy playing her, but unfortunately other people think she's too powerful.

7. Perdita. My first master, so I still love her style, but I haven't really used her much lately.

8. Ophelia. Gremlin Perdita. What's not to love? I love her gremlinness and her synergy with the kin, but I've only got round to playing one game with her.

9. Misaki. Looks great on paper, but haven't played any games yet, so can't really comment.

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1. Colette: she is just fun, and I love the risk/reward aspect when playing her.

2. Perdita: first master, still fun very well balanced in that she is mobile and has a good toolbox only really suffers against high armor lists everything else you have a good chance against.

3.Ramos (avatar or not): I like how he can do things, sure he is walk 3 but with the right list surrounding him I like how he doesn't struggle according to popular forum opinion.

4. Vikkies: They are my fun crew to play in that they don't require too much thought to use. Basically a cruise missile in that I point them in a general direction and they demolish any/everything in their way.

5.Sonnia: I'd play her more but I find her abilities are redundant in the faction she is in.

6. Lady J: I fail at playing her. So she is my bottom master. Granted I know I should play her differantley than I do but I just find her frustrating to use.

Soon to come mei feng probably somewhere in the top 3. Can't wait for the metal gamin to come out as well in jan to round out her crew.

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First I'll list the eight that I have played the most with and know very well. (Even the 10T...thanks to play test). I own all of these except for the one that is un-released.

1. Perdita - her look got me into this game and her play-style kept me. I still play her when I can. It would take something truly spectacular to move her from her place in my heart.

2. Misaki - Loved her as a minion. She is even better as a master. She comes the closest to besting Perdita in my list. As a faction, the crew that she can bring puts her even closer....I love 10T minions.

3. Marcus - The beast master is great fun. He sits at number 3 only because I believe it is where he would be if beast lists were more viable....the beast minions he has available reduces his fun for me down to probably an 8.

4. Sonnia - especially with her Avatar added. Fiery doom and turning the enemy into Witchlings....it's almost a better summon than most Rezzers have.

5. McCabe - Haven't played him as much as I'd like because proxies are a pain. But I like his style and survivability a lot.

6. Raspy - Icy doom... blasts are great fun.

7. Lady J - She's stone cold, and no joke.

8. Viktorias - Whirlwind bomb is too much...adding a Librarian to heal one Vik and have the other be healed as well? Hell yeah.

The next set is all masters that I own, but have only dabbled with. With my limited time I can't play as much as I'd like and the ones I listed above always take precedence.

9. Mei Feng - cool arcade style and really quick.

10. Kaeris - Burning things up is fun...and her box set comes with Trinity and Il Duce...that's a win for me.

11. Lucius - I like his fluff and the way it translates to his stats...all his authority and all that.

12. Von Schill - Chuck Norris...I would probably like him more but the way people throw him into every single list makes me a little nauseous and that skews my opinion.

13. Zoraida - Big fan of Obey from Perdita already. The voodoo doll is too cool.

14. Collette - I like the showgirls movement tricks, but they are just a little too movement oriented for me.

15. Ramos - I think I would like him more but I think I have played him all of once.

16. Hoffman - About the same as Ramos. I don't think robots are really my thing.

17. Collodi - I love his concept. His play-style is a big NPE for me - just flipping cards and going through the whole deck doing 1 or 2 damage all the time is boring and just can't keep me excited. I don't even carry him around anymore, he is on the chopping block to be traded or sold I think.

The next batch are masters that I don't own and probably never will (except for the 1st one).

18. Yan Lo - I love his fluff and his mechanics....I love the Storm of Shadow rezzer minions (the Ancestors). I will be picking him up to go with my 10T's. I am generally anti-rezzer which is why he is placed here, but as a 10T master, he will probably move up my list to around 9-11.

19. Lilith - I considered her and if I were to choose another NB master it would be her.

20. McMourning - As I said, I am pretty anti-rezzer, if I had to pick a rezzer (after Yan Lo) it would be the good doctor.

21. Kirai - love her fluff and her minions. I actually owned her once but after a few games I didn't like her style at all so I sold her.

22. Seamus - awesome fluff...some of the best in Malifaux....but way too dead for me to play.

23. Nicodem....zombie pimp-mobile is cool looking but zombies are no go for me.

24. Dreamer - so the rest of these masters really do nothing for me, so no more comments. They're just here to complete the list.

25. Pandora

26. Leveticus

27. Jakob

28. Som'er

29. Ophelia

30. Molly

31. Hamelin

Well that was a great waste of an afternoon at work so thanks for that.

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Well for me,

1. Lilith,

she was first minion and what drew me to the game. i could go on all day about her lol.

2. Sonnia,

Was the master I actually learned to play the game with as lilith was on my painting table at the time. still a potent and destructive master and not in a demoralising way.

3. Pandora,

Love the twist on her fluff and he playstyle clicks with me, but that goes with all neverborn.

4. Rasputina

Another one of my starting masters, the poor girl can cop such a bad wrap sometimes I often feel inclined to use her and try to smash my opponants, to hear her say "I'm not as crap as some say" :P


Cool idea and cool model.. Nightmare version nuff said.


the Show girl tricks and shenanigans make me feel like im playing one of my neverborn crews.

7. Vikkies

Chicks with kitanas and pistols whats not to like.

8. Misaki

I am a big Otaku so I can see this crew raiting higher as i use her more and get her painted.

10 Zoraida,

Just getting into her and find I am using more and more.

11 Jacob,

Same as Misaki basically.

12, Lady Justice,

Plays like Lilith.. sorta though more damage output but also more strait forward and kinda meh to me.

I have others however I have no thoughts about them other than a means to an end. my Collodi, Kieris and Levi fall into this category. Ressers just dont do it for me unfortunately.

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1) Levi - majority of my game are with him/ master I learned the game with and the one master I know inside out

2) Marcus w/ Kaeris - having a lot of fun with Kaeris's SS bag man.

3) aSonnia - I love the model fluff and she wrecks face. Deserves a spot in my top 5

4) Mei Feng - Lots of fun but I'm trying to get the hang of her. I still feel like I spend way to much time staring at her card trying to figure out the right move.

5) Nicodem - I love zombies. Nuff said

6) Zoraida

7) Viks

Masters that I also own but don't play enough to rank in any order

Lady J - painted but never used

Hoffman - painted but never used

Perdita - on the painting table

Lucius - painted but never used

aRamos - Play a total of three games so far

Seamus - two games under the belt

Molly - never used solo

Lilith - on the painting table/ no games yet

Pandora - on the painting table/ no games yet

VonSchill - painted but used as demo crew

Hamelin - purchased painted/ never used

Edited by Twisted Metal
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1) Seamus - What's not to like about this gentelman.

2) The Dreamer - There's just something about only deploying a small boy in the beginning and

then throwing out Nightmares :D

3) Zoraida - I can see the potential here. Need more experience.

4) McMourning - Aim and let him go. Tearing apart a guardian in one attack. Beautiful.

5) Lilith - My first master. Soon time to actually start playing her more.

Edited by Balefirestorm
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This is hard. I have played everyone that I own except Perdita yet and I enjoy them all.

1. Hoffman - I work with robots so why shouldnt I play with robots, hes going on the shelf for a little bit after some extensive play while Misaki takes over

2. Misaki - just fantastic

3. aSeamus - Seamus was my first master and I learnt a lot with him

4. Von Schill - the flexibility of the crew and Schill is great and I alwasy have to play a tactical game when I use him.

5. Yan Lo - will be a LOT higher when released I'm not playing a whole proxy crew

6. Viktorias - bouncing around the table is always so much fun

7. aSonnia - she is my go to girl when against arcanists and ressers, her and Hoffman are my favourite guilders

8. McMourning - who doesnt like the good doctor

9. Lady J - can be extremely flexible in her approach and is nice and killy

I will reiterate it is so hard for me to pick and rank them

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1. Markus - learned the game with him and just love his playstyle and theme

2. Von Schill - love playing him as a master in a gunline

3. McMourning - always play him as a meele beatstick with a lil bit of summoning. Throwing scalpels is just badass

4. Jakob Lynch - new and shiny

5. Misaki - looking forward to playing her. Loved the minion, gotta love the master

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I would probably list the following as such:

1) Pandora - She's my go to master because I love the tricks she can do, and I was able to pick her up reasonably quick. I'm still mostly using her starter box, since I'm slowly building my local Malifaux community.

2) Jakob Lynch - Love some of the things he can do with Huggy D., love the idea of his whole crew, I would play him more, but he's not painted, and I can't find his head which popped off D:

3)Dreamer and LCB - Something so fun about maniacally laughing while a little kid flies around the board, popping up nightmares as he goes.

Those are the masters I use that aren't during demos, which are the majority of my games lol

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