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Fun time with Izamu


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Ok, we can all say hi to our big new friend.

So lets start brainstorming about the big lug. Basically, for the big first question is Izamu or Dead Rider? Hard to Wound 2 is amazing, but it increases the odds to get red jokered if your opponent goes for it, Object 2 is more reliable but is a lot less efficient in stopping secondary effects of severe or moderate damage. Izamu is really tanky thanks to how much of a "hell no" he does to offensive triggers, being able to cut a whirlwind chain, a lure chain or an onslaught chain is huge and his counter trigger keeps other melee threats honest. That free + on his spear and melee exper also makes him dish heavy pain. Where we lose out is on the mobility of the rider which Izamu can't even begin to compare. Also, though he is immune to influence his WP is strictly average and I don't know if that could be a problem for him.

Anyway, incredibly solid piece. What are people thinking about this bad boy and how to use him? Nicodem seems the inirial obvious choice, though I think Seamus and his whorewagon will love him too.

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I think the name of the wizard dude we've seen before is now out there too.

He'll be best vs Arcanists or Sonnia, as they'll more likely cheat in books on attack flips, so you can cheat in to trigger both Spiritual Fortitude and Eternal Warrior.

He's awesome. Not sure about 10SS, but that would require some play.

I don't play Ressers, but I do have a Seamus box set. I might pick this guy up to lob into a crew with some Belles, because Luring models into this guy's charge range won't suck.

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There is a sentence in the description that interests me.

Yan Lo watched... skeptical as to whether or not this was the right ancestor to call upon...

Sounds like summoning, yes?

No idea how to judge the model itself. Definitely looks like it hits like a truck. But so does Teddy.

Regardless... I will own him soon enough. :)

Edited by Gruesome
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I think he's great, 10ss is kind of a delve for cost, but if you think about it, he may be worth it, especially with Ressers and their hordes of low point minions, you can always slap a belle or two and some dogs, and some more fillers and run nicodem and just summon stuff you need by slaughtering the dogs with izamu.

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With Kirai, use Lost Love to give him spirit. Any attack of less than 7 damage will only cause 1 wound.

Same with Dead Rider and a Grave Spirit. (Why would you ever NOT have Grave Spirit with him)

But with Dead Rider, you can be anywhere on the board you want to be very fast.

Also, magic weapons and spells do just fine against spirits.

His automatic :+fate is a beautiful thing though. And that defensive trigger stuff could be awesome.

I'd love some sort of regen though...

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Same with Dead Rider and a Grave Spirit. (Why would you ever NOT have Grave Spirit with him)

But with Dead Rider, you can be anywhere on the board you want to be very fast.

Also, magic weapons and spells do just fine against spirits.

His automatic :+fate is a beautiful thing though. And that defensive trigger stuff could be awesome.

I'd love some sort of regen though...

True, though Dead Rider has a bigger chance to get red jokered and vs models that ignore armour, object is pretty huge too. But yeah, both are hard as nails.

It's more about what you want, mobility or hardiness. Dead Rider after all tends to be in the 7-5 wound area to be at it's best while Izamu can be at full all the time and heal himself and not worry. He also hits harder thanks to the + on his weapon though dead rider can plain hit more between flurry and either of his extra action configs. Rider also fiddles more with model placement while Izamu is more about staying put and making the guy that has to stab him sweat (riposte is a very mean trigger, specially on a model with a + on his weapon, that means that any attack you stop is going in with an even flip and his ability to make enemy triggers not work can cause headaches).

I'm very happy, he is an awesome piece that does not overshadow the rider, just a different set of tools depending on what you are looking for, though him actually being a pure undead and dropping 3 corpses will probably seal it for a few resser players.

Edited by Razhem
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Forgot about the healing on Severe, good point. And with the :+fate damage it should be something even attainable.

Definitely getting him regardless, not going to overly concern myself with "theory" on him yet until hit hits the table. :)

I really like that the riposte trigger, if cheated, is not only riposte, but shuts down onslaught. How is THAT for turning the tables.

Ok... already wanted, but now... WANT.

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With anyone else, slap the grave spirit on him and any attack of less then 6 damage only causes one wound, unless my rules lawyering is way off base.

Oblect 2 and Armor 2 are separate abilities, so should stack no?

While you are correct, Armor +2 stacks just fine with Armor +2. So it would work either way.

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Same with Dead Rider and a Grave Spirit. (Why would you ever NOT have Grave Spirit with him)

But with Dead Rider, you can be anywhere on the board you want to be very fast.

With Kirai and Izamu as a spirit, you could have him anywhere on the board with no problems. Just teleport him over to the enemy and watch him wreck face after they've activated.

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Same with Dead Rider and a Grave Spirit. (Why would you ever NOT have Grave Spirit with him)

But with Dead Rider, you can be anywhere on the board you want to be very fast.

Also, magic weapons and spells do just fine against spirits.

His automatic :+fate is a beautiful thing though. And that defensive trigger stuff could be awesome.

I'd love some sort of regen though...

If you have the Grave Spirit, you can't have Lost Love, so you can't make him a spirit (in scraps). But yeah, magical damage will still hurt.

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Actually you can have both, it just requires you bring henchman, either von schill or Molly. Not saying it is the best idea, but it is very possible.

Yes... And team tournament, which is where I originally intended to run it... Before I would up not being in the team tournament. :)

The amount of models that hit the table with Kirai+Nicodem and 4 Canine Remains was pretty darn awesome... :)

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I'm gunna love this guy the most with Kirai (after the new rezzer master, who I assume he has lots of synergy with) Lost love giving tthis guy spirit and then applying Kirai liberally all over him. Oh man it's gunna be sweet!

This is my plan as well. When I first saw him, I was disappointed he wasn't a samurai spirit like I had hoped. Then I read him over and remembered Pass Beyond.

Yeah, gonna' be fun. :D

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Although I will try the big guy with Kirai, lets not forget a mighty high crow is needed to spiritfy him and well, there are matches and there are matches... So I wouldn't count on him being able to be swirled, I still like him because he is a damn reliable core of facebeating and it's nice to have min dam 3 with Kirai that doesn't rely on her avatar or gaki being near her.

The big winners with him though are Nicodem and Seamus, only guy I don't see him interesting with is McMourning though I do use the dead rider with him so I suppose some games I can switch it up.

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