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About Toonook

  • Birthday 02/23/1981

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  1. I dream of having 12-15 people to play malifaux against regularly... Stoopid Melbourne
  2. Of the non-mercenary, I think witchling stalkers are used heaps, also stitched
  3. If you're a savvy enough tactician taking bodyguard and his personal scheme can help create a goal for your opponent that you can manipulate, tease them with Yan Lo then counter attack.
  4. I wanna go on the Seamus ghost train....
  5. McMourning's is a funny one, it is brutal and since he needs to be out there carving people up he gets the requirements just by being him. Only problem with it is that by the time you've hacked up enough enemies to manifest you've usually already got the game in the bag....
  6. I've used kirais avatar but didn't get much out of it, though that was probably just through lack of experience. Raspy's seems like an insurance policy for if she gets swamped in melee, avatar up and change focus.
  7. Hahaha well lets take it even further and have an ultralisk drop in the form of killjoy! So much slow to die
  8. Surely you'd have to leave out 3 punks to include bête noir?
  9. This will be useful once the vassal module gets released
  10. When is yan lo getting released? I have a 2 day tournament that involves a brawl in late January next year. Was considering picking up Seamus to run alongside mcmourning but yan lo sounds much more fun
  11. Awesome. Thanks for the response Nathan, I really appreciate it
  12. Really can't be bothered finding the original thread, but is this getting any closer to completion? Malifaux is dead in Melbourne, if I don't get some decent games in soon I may end up just going back to the evil miniature game that monopolised the industry for so long, the one we all know and hate, just so I can play some games of something. Throw me a bone guys, I love your game but if I can't play it I can't maintain my interest.
  13. Probably drawing a long bow here but the mechanical doves a nod to Bubo from clash of the titans?
  14. Only problem with that is crews like kirai, crews that need to sacrifice their own models as part of their mechanics
  15. Yeah and the theory is good in that. I lose a little bit but I'm denying my opponent as well, can I hold on or have I cost myself too much? However, the sad reality is that people just don't take schemes like grudge. You just take hold out or breakthrough or something that the opponent can't deny and the game becomes a boring narrowed down version of itself simply because the risk v reward isn't enough for the harder schemes. Unless you play in gaining grounds format or something in which case you sit there and wonder how you're supposed to win as ressers with trash faction/master schemes, plus a hard time at a few of the main schemes, versus the neverborn and arcanists with their kidnap and power rituals and sabotage.
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