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Top Ten Outcasts Minions?

Dumb Luck

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Ok, lets give it a go:

  1. Desperate Mercenaries - come on, these guys are everywhere. They also have the worst job in Malifaux, making them the #1 outcast minion
  2. Convict - yup, before the Desperate Merc's, these guys were pretty widely seen. I would guess there are some people who did not realize there was an outcast faction, just Desperate Gunslingers.
  3. Student of Conflict - I gotta say, this little guy pops up a lot.

Wow, I cannot even get to 5. Damn, I tried.......


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1. Jack Daw: Because only I should be able to Cheat and spend Soulstones, not my opponent.

2. Pigapult: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! The whole board is just a Df->11 duel away. And there's nothing better than hitting your own Pere Ravage with a Stuffed Piglet when he's right next to a Coryphee Duet.

3. Leveticus: Takes a lickin' and keeps on kickin'. Done right, he can kill or sacrifice one enemy model every round. Plus himself. I know the other threads don't include Masters in top ten lists, but Leveticus has plenty of his own rules anyway.

4. Freikorps Librarian: Very few units can heal at all. She can heal more times than she has general AP.

5. Killjoy: Killjoy is a tactic. With proper setup, he appears out of nowhere and whomps on all of your favorite dudes.

6. War Rooster: The regular Warpig is good. The War Rooster is finger lickin' good.

7. Sue: I see the train a-comin', it's rollin' round the bend, and I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when. Sue has a lot of different tricks, surprising resilience, and incredible style. But he's definitely trouble when you let him get up close with a Nurse.

8. Nix: The Dg 4/3/2 just makes me boggle, even if it makes sense in context. He's got a lot of weird tricks and there's always more to learn about how to use him.

9. Giant Mosquito: Another model with many different and surprising applications. Fast and flexible, with a lot of great attacks and clever manipulations.

10. Rami LaCroix: A powerful sniper, and the counterbalance pig just makes my day.

Edited by Hateful Darkblack
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Ok, lets give it a go:

  1. Desperate Mercenaries - come on, these guys are everywhere. They also have the worst job in Malifaux, making them the #1 outcast minion
  2. Convict - yup, before the Desperate Merc's, these guys were pretty widely seen. I would guess there are some people who did not realize there was an outcast faction, just Desperate Gunslingers.
  3. Student of Conflict - I gotta say, this little guy pops up a lot.

Wow, I cannot even get to 5. Damn, I tried.......


Oh my sides!

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Well this is going to be a hell of a lot more difficult than the other factions since we are so insular. For example my top ten is going to be way different than someone who plays Hamelin, Leveticus, the Viktoria's, Ophelia or VonSchill but...

For me it has got to be:

  1. Som'er Teeth Jones
  2. Skeeter
  3. Hog Whisperer
  4. Piglet
  5. Bayou Gremlin
  6. Gremlin Taxidermist
  7. Stuffed Piglet (only behind the Taxidermist because you need him to take em)
  8. Avatar Som'er
  9. Warpig
  10. Slop Hauler (though I have a sneaking suspicion he is going to be replaced real soon...)

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1) Convict Gunslinger: Does any more need be said?

2) Ronin: Seppuku, Melee Expert, Next Target, and hard to kill... All for 5ss.

3) Killjoy: Death in a 50mm bottle.

4) Gremlin Stuff. Rami, Slop Hauler, Ravage, pigapult.

8) Bishop: The man of a million triggers, one ap charges, and good stats. It's a shame that he's only 1 ss less than killjoy, otherwise he'd be incredible!

9) Mr. Daw

10) Freikorps librarian: Wanna keep someone alive? Here ya go.

(Please bear in mind that I have no experience with Levi. )

Edited by Mournafein
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Kind of weird rating Outcast minions due to their mercenary nature and every outcast master working so differently. Convict Gunslinger has to be #1 though since almost every master can take him, he's a solid ranged model, and at 5/6 stones he's a bargain.

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Top 10 Minions?

1. Jack Daw. He's like an American Express card, I don't leave home without him.

2. Ronin. Ridiculously cool for 5 points.

3. Convict Gunslinger. See above.

4. Pere Ravage. I hate that f***ing gremlin. Suicide bomb.

5. Desperate Mercs. Guided missiles.

6. Taelor. If for no other reason than everyone at the LGS is terrified of her.

7. Sue. It's Johnny Cash. No other reason needed.

8. Librarian. Duh.

9. Bayou Gremlins.

10. I'd say Bishop if he wasn't so freaking expensive.

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Well, I did promise.

Mercs and Gremlins only. Naturally.

1 - Bayou Gremlin. Ridiclously flexible as a unit. Good at what the game is about (speed), can deal plenty of damage when used en masse and expendible.

2 - Slop Haulers. Compliment my first choice perfectly.

3 - Rami LaCroix. Easily the best LaCroix. Has a target on his head but not without good reason.

4 - Giant Skeeters. Having just worked out pig lists, these totems are worth it for Sooey alone.

5 - Pigapult. Gives Gremlins an instant 4VP in some strats. Really good in evidence scenarios.

6 - McTavish. Budget Rami LaCroix. Love them as a pair.

7 - Ronin. Anything around this points value in Viks list struggles to be heard over how versitile these guys are.

8 - Hog Whisperer. ASomer activating on Turn Two? Sounds legit.

9 - Student of Conflict. Fast on Schill, a sniper, Viks etc is nice.

10 - Trappers. Rifle is tidy, I guess?

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  • 1 month later...

1 - Misaki - quick with good range and some nice buff spells (Wind and Fire as zero action i use mainly). Also melee expert dishing out good damage (particularly Ten Thunders strike trigger).

2 - Ronin - 5ss for melee expert and Daisho ignores armor and a positive damage flip

3 - Taelor - Melee Expert and range of 3" with her relic hammer. Also ignores armour.

4 - Johan - Can hit at range or up close. Cheaper than Taelor and tougher to kill.

5 - Convict Gunslinger - paired pistols

6 - Ten Thunders Brother - good defensive tricks. Defensive stance with only a -1 to Wk/Cg

7 - Student of Conflict - To give fast to Viks etc.

8 - Bishop - Some nice tricks but doesn't do enough damage for my liking for his ss cost.

9 - Hamelin - a nice distraction when playing against Gremlins!

10 - Rusty Alyce - Some nice tricks to help with Leveticus (not quite mastered how to use him yet though and haven't used her many times).

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1 Taelor. People keep asking me if 3'' of melee have an errata fix.

2 Ronin. Speedy, and everybody hates them. (well, every opponent, because I keep flipping red joker for their damage...).

3 Sue. Pure style, and +1 on Johnny Cash.

4 Librarian. She heals!

5 Bishop. Still mastering him, but with the right cards...

6 Oiran. Not tried yet, but them and ronins for a 'harmless' crew.

7 Lazarus. I like the robocop fluff. :blast attack.

8 Trapper. Shooty, but it's him or Sue.

9 Student of conflict.

10 Johann. Take him if you can't afford Taelor.

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No totems, masters, or henchmen.

1. Desperate Mercenary - Although better out of faction, the number of things this model gets used for throughout the game make it one of the best models in any faction.

2. Nix - A 6Wd, 5Df, Spirit with Magic Resistance 2, the ability to give out negative flips, a 4Dg on Weak, and healing? That's pretty amazing.

3. Bayou Gremlin - A 2ss cost significant model that can take 3 actions a turn and put out as much damage as this thing does? Powerful, powerful model.

4. Ronin - Harmless, Hard to Kill, ignores Armor, :+fate on damage flips, melee expert. Great mobility, can regain Harmless, and if you're playing Viks, can bring your Master back to life. What's not to love?

5. Pigapult - Never before has Deliver the Message been so easy. A 24" range that does not need LoS, and (with the right ammo) does 7:blast:blast:blast on severe, with the :blast doing 5. It might not be easy to hit with it, but it gets the job done.

6. Rat-Catcher - A model that, in its element, is Armor 2 with 6 Wds. It can help you achieve objectives, freely summons models into play, can paralyze models, and (essentially) gives Rats reactivate.

7. Ashes and Dust - Sure, it's expensive, but Cb7 3/4/6 with an auto-trigger is nothing to sneeze at, especially when it has Fast and Wk5. Able to heal, and pull off something more impressive than Humpty Dumpty and all the kings men, Ashes and Dust can end up taking up 3 activations in a turn for an impressive 7AP and 2 zero actions.

8. Convict Gunslinger - The original mercenary. Card discard, trigger happy w/ Paired, Rapid Fire. I've been shot 7 times in one turn by a Convict Gunslinger before. They are nothing to take lightly.

9. Jack Daw - The ability to get an extra VP into the game alone is worthy of note. The ability to stop cheating is also amazing. The frustration of killing him gets him up there, too. Jack Daw is a force on the battlefield.

10. Rafael LaCroix - A 6ss model that, at half life, has 4AP. That's quite impressive. With the Dumb Luck trigger and the :+fate on damage flips, this guy can pump out a meaty 10 damage on severe. He can make healing flips, and can move up to 20" with a walk. Not bad for a short Gremlin.

Honorable mentions:

  • Best totem: Mosquito - One of the best totems in the game, easily.
  • Best master: Leveticus - Maybe it's just my own experience talking, but he can handle anything that comes his way.
  • Best avatar: Som'er - Keeps the amazing totems, can attack a ton, can create Gremlins and Piglets, can get Reactive, can get Fly. No one in Outcast even comes close to competing.
  • Best henchman: Von Schill - Slow to Die with Use Soulstone. Great damage; great mobility.

Edited by Lucidicide
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Just moving into outcasts, but have used them loads as mercenaries:

Convict gunslinger

Sue - cant get him to work for me yet, but he's so cool I'll keep trying!

Lazarus - robocop, nuff said.

Steampunk abominations - I just love 'em. They look cool and can be very annoying for opponents (who seem to supply most of them for my crew)

Desolation engine - you have seen the model, right? It's great!

Rami lacroix - he's great fun and damned effective too.

Desperate merc - solid for 2ss

Jack daw - the king of the hanged

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7. Ashes and Dust - Sure, it's expensive, but Cb7 3/4/6 with an auto-trigger is nothing to sneeze at, especially when it has Fast and Wk5. Able to heal, and pull off something more impressive than Humpty Dumpty and all the kings men, Ashes and Dust can end up taking up 3 activations in a turn for an impressive 7AP and 2 zero actions.

Not to derail but i'm kinda slow this morning, can someone explain to me how A&D can end up with 3 activations in 1 turn?

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