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A more risque Lady J Alt?


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CoolMiniOrNot just released this model. Seems to me that Jady J is showing a bit more skin!


EDIT: On second thought, I am not going to attach the image. Though technically I don't think there is nudity by most US legal standards, the image was rather ambigious. So I am linking to the image instead.


EDIT 2: Uhm, yaaaa. I am now pretty sure there IS nudity associated with this mini. I'd have to say NSFW. You are hereby warned.

Edited by Cadilon
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It's really not nice of all the other Guild members to keep telling Lady Justice she's fully dressed. She's going to make a real social faux pa at some kids birthday party one day...

Ha! You're right! I know she's blind and all, so maybe someone should tell the poor girl that no one else really dresses like that.

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Well thats interesting. I wonder if the artist was going for a knock off, nudey Lady J. The Ram head and the blind fold seem to point that way, but I am not sure the game or line this is for so maybe its just a matter of great minds thinking alike, and then one of those minds thinking about boobs

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Well thats interesting. I wonder if the artist was going for a knock off, nudey Lady J. The Ram head and the blind fold seem to point that way, but I am not sure the game or line this is for so maybe its just a matter of great minds thinking alike, and then one of those minds thinking about boobs

I won't presume to read the sculptor's mind or intent, but there are just too many similarities. As you mentioned, the ram head and the blindfold are really almost too coincidental. Then you add in the large sword and long flowing hair, it really points to him saying, "I love the concept of Lady J, but I want to see her breasts!".

What do they say? "Breasts: Proof that men can focus on two things at one time."

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Yeah, after looking at the link she seems even more nude then I first thought. With the smaller pic I thought she had some sort of armored pasties on or something, but on the larger image it seems to not be true. And she also seems to not be wearing pants either. If there had been a painted shot on their website it would be a little easier to tell but I think you may have been prudent in dropping the image.

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Yeah, after looking at the link she seems even more nude then I first thought. With the smaller pic I thought she had some sort of armored pasties on or something, but on the larger image it seems to not be true. And she also seems to not be wearing pants either. If there had been a painted shot on their website it would be a little easier to tell but I think you may have been prudent in dropping the image.

Heh, ya, I think you are right. Not that I was looking THAT closely, but I am pretty sure she's not wearing bikini bottoms under that belt either. Yikes! Don't mind sexy minis, but I think I'd be pretty uncomfortable putting this on the table to play.

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I am not sure the game or line this is for so maybe its just a matter of great minds thinking alike, and then one of those minds thinking about boobs

Its part of the new Maelstrom Games, banelords range I believe there are 5 of these models for the new game

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Sometimes dumb is so dumb it should never have gone from "I have an idea!" all the way to production.

Dumb is dumb.

That's not sexy in even the slightest. It's just dumb.

Oh, and maybe later I'll try to let you all know what I really think about it.

---------- Post added at 11:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 AM ----------

But that toothy thing was appropriately dumb. Just the right level of "Holy Crap!"

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nevermind, was something about the blindfold-stereotype.. Im always a bit cringy on *ohh thats so stolen from xxxx* conversations.. especially as it is a risky attitude towards artists surrounding it trying to make a living.

but lets just leave that be

on the other controversy... never on to mind nudity or sensuality in character designs.. except when its purely for *shock* value as is the case here, sculpting is great tough

the maw I really like :).. should go nice with the hasslefree mawes

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Dumb is dumb.

That's not sexy in even the slightest. It's just dumb.

Oh, and maybe later I'll try to let you all know what I really think about it.

So what you are saying is that if you had to write a story about this character, you would definelty drop a large structure on her head :)

Honestly I am fully prepared to see this thread start into a whole European vs American body image and nudity debate but I agree with Bowen. Its just seems dumb and tasteless. Kinda the opposite of the type of models this hobby needs to produce to get more mainstream.

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That is one ugly model and does nothing for appeasing the alienation of potential female gamers and hobbyists.

I know Kingdom Death get a lot of smack for their sexualised models (particularly the 'pin up' line) but I think that they do some lovely models and will hopefully expand their narrative to equalise the position of men and women in their unrelentingly horrific world. Yet as ugly and understated as the males are, only the females are lying on their knees in the nude (the blind White Speaker is different).

As for Soda Pop, I couldn't help but think that they're idiots for risking the wide appeal of SDE and publishing something as unappealing as that card came, whatever its bleeding name is.

Wyrd of course do alright, and though they too will get some fair abuse, I think they achieve a good balance.

But at the end of the day there's nothing better to counter the mass of ugly ass naked chicks than with adorable, cute and deadly puppets =D

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When will the obsession some companies have with releasing this junk end? Wyrd have managed without too much over sexualised, unnecessary nudity. It isn't clever, it doesn't make any sense most the time, and it almost seems like a sign that the sculptor can't do female figures properly. If you have to have naked models with giant boobs to say its female, then that's not good. Although they're often hamstrung by the concept art, so it may not be their fault!

Not saying sexy cant work, there's a lot of models out there that do it well. This ain't one. This just says someone sonewhere along the line needs to get out more!

Edited by Mako
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How did that poor girl afford breast implants when she can't even afford clothes? :P

I really am happy to see most of the thought on the thread regarding this model though. Even though I covered up Taelor's under-boob due to personal preference (I don't think a hardened criminal would go into battle with her boobs flopping around), I have no problem with nude models. Many of them are well done & quite beautiful, falling into the category of art. This one, however, makes me think of a 12 year old boy drawing a picture of what he thinks a naked woman looks like & yelling "boobies!" while doing it.

I definitely agree that Wyrd's women actually look like real women. As a geek mom, I'm hoping that my daughter will some day take an interest in my miniature hobby. If she does, I will have no qualms showing her my Wyrd models. This one though? I wouldn't even let it into my house.

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