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A Special Announcement for All Aethervox Listeners!

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Dear Aethervox Listeners,

Over the past fourteen months we have been proud to bring you The Aethervox, covering all aspects of Wyrd Miniatures' character-driven, tabletop skirmish game, Malifaux. Sadly, all good things must come to an end.

When Ian and Julian first began The Aethervox, in February 2011, we were the only dedicated Malifaux podcast on the internet, and we proudly filled what we saw as a lacuna in the miniature wargaming podcast landscape. But ever since the meteoric rise of certain other Malifaux podcasts, we have begun to feel that The Aethervox has become redundant—a dinosaur among mammals, a V1 statcard in a V2 meta.

We believe we have served the community well, bringing you the latest news, commentary and tactics interviews (and, we hope, a few laughs along the way), but it is time for Ian, Adrian and Julian to move on to bigger and better things. We feel secure leaving you in the capable hands of the good folks at Cheated Fates Radio, and of course our old friend and mentor, Bill at The Gamer's Lounge. With such talented and dedicated guardians watching over Malifaux, we will rest assured knowing that the community will continue to flourish and thrive without us.


We may be done with Malifaux, but we're certainly not done with podcasting. Now that Malifaux has achieved near-total dominance within the hobby, we feel that there are other, lesser-known games that deserve our attention. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, like a phoenix rising from the ashes of The Aethervox, we are today announcing the launch of our brand new podcast: VoxHammer Xtreme. This new show will be dedicated to a little-known tabletop battle game that the three of us recently discovered and immediately fell in love with. It's called Warhammer 40,000. "40k" (as the cognoscenti know it) is a futuristic battle game created by UK-based games company Games Workshop.

Like The Aethervox, VoxHammer Xtreme is designed to appeal to newcomers and veterans alike, so whether you've heard of Warhammer 40,000 or not, please click the link below, give our new podcast a listen and let us know what you think.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement. It's been a blast!


Julian, Ian and Adrian

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Like, rock on dudes! 40k is da shizzle in da nizzle and other similar over-the-top ejaculations.

Good thing you warned us on April 1st, gives me a whole day to pretend to take you seriously XD

EDIT: $$$$$$$$, Ratty reads the Chap?! Now I REALLY want to marry his brain.

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Sad to see you all go into the emperors eternal light. Cant say i dont love the name. And tje timing seems right. We shall gladly carry the torch until the end of the day the nigh the very 2nd of All People Realize Its LAUGHING. You gents are brilliant and i look forward to hearing more of this game of six sided wonders. Till tomorrow when im sure sense will surely slap you

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Just finished listening.

Personally I feel that Warhammer 39,987 was the best edition. Its all just been power creep since then.

Also you forgot to mention the big green armored guys, they also play completely different and wear dresses. :)

Great job guys and I am happy to say that I was on the last episode of the Aethervox :)

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Well I will admit you got me. Woke up and read the announcement on my podcast downloader and said "Oh my god, we killed the aethervox." I thought about all the stories I'd miss and what I was going to email to talk them into their senses. 5 minutes later I realized the date. Afterwards I listened to the episode and laughed all the way through. So thanks for ruining and then making my day all with one thing. Well done... And yes.. I'm gullible.

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