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Suggestions for wyrd as a company


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hey there, i'm a long time miniature gamer here in louisville, ky. Malifaux is undoubtedly my favorite miniature game and I think wyrd has done such a amazing job, outside of avatar marcus. WTF were you smoking when you let someone sculpt that. Anyways, I've noticed with malifaux, there is that one book a year that you put out which is nice because it updates all the factions at once. On the other hand though I feel like it's really letting your product sales die off in the later parts of the year. I don't own a miniature company personally or have any knowledge of wyrds sales etc, so I'm completely talking out of my ass here. Though I feel like there just isn't much interest come 6-11 months after the book comes out because we have all proxied the models and are just waiting for the ones we need to come out. Seems like next book is the most exciting thing. I think to generate even greater interest year round, there needs to be some sort of sneak preview web rules of things that may be in the upcoming book for that year.

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I have to disagree... aMarcus is awesome, lol (jk)

I'm honestly not sure how previews would help, especially considering the wave of speculation come this time of year.

Personally, I think reinstatement of Wyrd Chronicles would be great as a quarterly 'fluff buff' type deal, maybe even with some designers notes.

But, Wyrd is still a very small company that's gained a lot of popularity, really quickly. These guys are so busy pouring their blood and sweat into next year's big thing, and more importantly making sure it's right, and having enough produced so we can buy them all up!

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I'd presumed that was a Terraclips promo because of the logo. Does that logo appear on anything else that relates just to Malifaux? If so - colour me excited!


I think your presumption is correct in that it is a Terraclips promo and it was posted in the Terraclips forum.

Potentially still valid but re-reading the OP he really does seem to be only looking at it from a Malifaux point of view rather than Wyrd as a whole....

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I would love to see the Wyrd Chronicles come back - or even some type of printed magazine. I have to say I am enjoying reading the fluff for Malifaux more than any other game - EVER. The writing is so cinematic - it just pulls you in. I for one would easily be willing to give Wyrd more money for more stories of this quality. (and it is a shame that the first book is out-of-print - the story there is great!)

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D'oh!! Missed the Terraclips logo in my fervoured frenzy to type some ideas!

And fluff wise, yes Malifaux is very good, but my ultimate favourite is still the WH40k universe.. When written well it is great...I'm loving the Horus Heresy series at the mo!

+1 on the horus heresy.. I think some short novels from minions PoV would keep the tastebuds watering between models..

For example : a short autobiography of a desperate merc..

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For example : a short autobiography of a desperate merc..

Thats easy

Entry 1: My name is Zeke and I am a desperate Merc. My family is poor so I came through the breach with my dull sword and my second hand pistol to find work.

Entry 2: Today I am doing a job for the Guild. The local morgue manager asked me to help him out with a little problem. He's a strange guy but money is money

Entry 3: Oh my god, my god why are you doing this to me. Why are you taking my spleen and kidney. AHHHFFGGHhghhhhh...

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Thats easy

Entry 1: My name is Zeke and I am a desperate Merc. My family is poor so I came through the breach with my dull sword and my second hand pistol to find work.

Entry 2: Today I am doing a job for the Guild. The local morgue manager asked me to help him out with a little problem. He's a strange guy but money is money

Entry 3: Oh my god, my god why are you doing this to me. Why are you taking my spleen and kidney. AHHHFFGGHhghhhhh...

..and i would pay good hard cash monies for this in a paperback..

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I think enough people (myself included) have bugged Nerdelemental enough to suggest that Wyrd have registered peoples' desire to see more fluff throughout the year.

I can also attest to the fact it takes a while for the wheel to turn and with the amount of work Wyrd undertake together with how big they are (all the while advertising for more jobs), I'd say they're showing tremendous effort putting out what they do.

But I agree. While I am happy to see Wyrd releasing alternatives (so they do listen, huh?) I think we need to see the Gencon Climax (sexual pun intended) spread out a bit more throughout the year for healthier.. err... business growth (pun.. also intended)


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Zephyr's story in Book 3 not enough for you? I dunno, you give a 2SS minion a whole 8000 word story and what do people say? ;)

Not good enough Sholto, not good enough, that's only 4000 words on average per SS-

Simply unacceptable!

I also think other models should see more love, like Witchling Stalkers, Teddy, Ten Thunders Brothers, etc. Wyrd are just failing at hearing my cries...


But really, as long as I get my fix (more often the better) and Wyrd don't screw up Marcus, then I'm as happy as a Panda with a pumpkin.

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i would just love to see a list of when things come out( and if there is then thats great) as i have been planing convertions for some models but dont know when it comes out. some sneek peeks would do to.

Check the main page, most of what you request is there (for the next few months anyway).

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My advice would be to diversify. T-shirts, key chains, comics, novels, plushies... ext.

I realize that's easier said than done. But third party companies possibly could be enlisted. I know several of my friends, as well as I, would blow money on them. I think most fans would.

You have plenty of beautiful art already. Slap those on a few T-shirts with a big fat logo and you will have folks paying you to advertise for you.

Reproducing the 1st rule book fluff and all is a big one as well. Love the mini condensed version. But the fluff is a huge selling point, or was for me anyhow. Took me a couple months to get my hands on a copy of the 1st book so as to know what I missed reading the last 2 first. Borrowed it too. Have yet to find a copy at at reasonable price, well, when I actually had the money to blow.

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Not good enough Sholto, not good enough, that's only 4000 words on average per SS-

Simply unacceptable!

I also think other models should see more love, like Witchling Stalkers, Teddy, Ten Thunders Brothers, etc. Wyrd are just failing at hearing my cries...


But really, as long as I get my fix (more often the better) and Wyrd don't screw up Marcus, then I'm as happy as a Panda with a pumpkin.

By that logic, wheres the 52000 words on Ashes and Dust?

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Another suggestion based on actually playing the game would be some 'official' counter / token sets.

Honestly why would they want to go there when someone has already put out an awesome set. Personally I would rather they spend there time on other projects and let the 3rd parties crank out the counters


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By that logic, wheres the 52000 words on Ashes and Dust?

Very good question!

Seriously tho, I think wyrd are pretty down with the kids in the table top sense, would we all like to see another gw? Rebranding rather than innovating? I wouldn't..

I think is just like to see a model release with the books, not everything.. but some models, 1from each faction perhaps.. because for me, the first 3months after book release is all theoryfaux and the 9after is spent waiting.. why not give us something to play with? Hit the tabletop running..

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