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Games workshop who plays still?

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so my question is how did playing malifaux change your games workshop Relationship.

1 do you still play

2 if so what game/army(s)

3do you still enjoy it/how did it change with malifaux in the mix

i will start

1 i still play every 2 weeks

2 i play 40k and have 8000p of space wolves and still getting more. i play sisters of battle 2000p worth( i started playing B4 they got the new codex to) and daemons 1500p

3 i do still enjoy it but don't have as much enthusiasm for it as i use to. i still buy things form GW but no as much as i use to i make/get from other sources as of late. the way malifaux change my GW relationship is it showed my what a game that cares about the people is like. so thank you wyrd for the great game.

:collodi :marionette

witch one are you master or puppet?

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I used to play 40k and Fantasy. Fantasy I gave up on shortly after the release of Daemons of Chaos. With the release of 8th edition, I had a lot of hope, and then saw what changed and hated a few bits of it massively. The changes to charging, the fact that the magic system is horribly screwed up and random...no thanks.

As far as 40k, I've been going back and forth on it because it's the primary game here. However, I just don't enjoy it anymore. My problems with that one aren't so much with individual books, but it's more that the tactics and strategies are too simplistic. It has all of the problems of both a skirmish and an army game, and none of the advantages. At least that's how it feels to me.

Malifaux has become my main game, with a small loyal following, and we've also got a good amount of Flames of War and a new growth in the game Dystopian Wars. Currently I'm working on painting up a Covenant of Antarctica fleet and a Hydra styled German halftrack army for a February league.

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I wanted to get into WHFB or 40K at an earlier point, but the whole thing was just too expensive. As it stands there is a significant cost related entry barrier with paints, brushes, tools and materials to get into table top war games, long before I could even start to think about picking an army. I'm happy for the people who can get into it, but Malifaux offers a much more manageable game in so many ways.

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I play with fantasy still; mainly TK, but still have lizzies, VC, dwarves, empire....

I like the more epic proportions of fantasy. A horde of skeles, the ability toi custom my leaders. If I have a lot of time- an afternoon per say- then fantasy. A quick game, easy to travel then Malifaux is the way.

Nice that it paints up quick with 6 models.

I do 40k also with DEldar. My son likes fantasy/40k more i think it is easier for him as not every guy has 6 different abilities.


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I actually stopped playing before it was cool (hehe) with the advent of good ol Warmachine (prime vs 1.0). I still played for a while but eventually i just stopped. I still have 3000 points of brettonians and 2500 points of High elves. I just can't bear to part with them since the brets were my first painted army ( every one is a different color scheme) and the high elves are just a cool color scheme and painted well. I have since sold ( all painted) my 2000 pt empire army, 2000 point goblin army ( that's right no orcs), 1500 tomb kings and 3000 points wood elves. Thankfully i got a good price for them.

Frankly though, i don't play non board games as much any more since puppet wars and super dungeon explore came out though.

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1. I still play, but not very often

2. I have too many armies (40k: Chaos Marines [2000+ points of every legion except Slaneesh], Chaos Daemons, Imperial Guard, Necrons, Blood Angels, and Orks and Fantasy: Tomb Kings, Bretonians, High Elves, Dwarfs, and Chaos Daemons [slaneesh])

3. I would rather play Malifaux than either 40k or Fantasy, I was always a bigger fan of the skirmish games of GW than the main lines (like Necromunda, BFG, and Mordheim). Malifaux gives me the same feel in a game that Mordheim did.

I am kind of in a bad place with GW at the moment. I have been playing their games for over 20 years and I am tired of their price increases for no reason. In example the 8th edition fantasy army books now cost $37, they the price increase was because they switched to a hardback book with better paper etc. I fell for it and continued to play WHF, well then the new Necron book came out and it was priced at $37 and it looks no different than the other 40k books, So a $12 price increase for no reason. Their customer service and LGS support has gone down the toilet as well. They keep changing their policies to where you are better off buying stuff from their website than at your LGS. It's like they think it's a privilege for a LGS to carry their product and not realizing that they would not exist if not for the independent retailers... Rant over :)

Wyrd hit it spot on with Malifaux for me. It is a very enjoyable game with endless strategies and very cool figs.

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1. I still play if i can from time to time, but nowhere near as often as I would like.

2. I only have Warhammer Fantasy and Bloodbowl stuff now. For fantasy i have a Dwarf army of about 10,000pts (without runes) that I have been adding to since the late 80's.

3. I don't really play anything at the moment due to family commitments, but i can see me playing Malifaux and Freebooters Fate more than Warhammer in the future, simply because its quicker to set up and play.

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1. Yes I still play.

2. Mainly LOTR (Khazad-dum, Lothlorien, Minas Tirith, Cirith Ungol, Dol Guldur, Khand) and Mordheim (Marienburg 800 warband rating, Da Mob 600 warband rating, Sisters of Sigmar 300 warband rating)

3. It hasn't changed much. I realised from the start that the GW systems are full of flaws. But I got in the LOTR SBG for the fluff - and it still remains the same (as JRR wrote it :D ). similarly in Mordheim - fluff is great, models are cool and the HUGE difference with Mordheim and every other game is that it is a campaign game! so your models evolve with the games.

Currently Malifaux and Mordheim are my two favourite games. I don't know which is better. Malifaux is better in gaming aspect, there is no doubt. Mordheim, however, has that extra edge - the after game sequence and the thought process in between games when you think about what to buy, sell, look for... If Malifaux had that campaign and progress part it would be the greatest game EVER (perhaps someone at Wyrd could look into it ;) )!

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I still play 40k, Advanced Heroquest, Space Hulk and some others and doubt I will ever quit after spending so much time and money on the hobby.

I may buy less GW products now, but there's very little I actually need (having more than enough forces/factions/armies and in 40k at least 4,000 points for each of the 11 armies I play!) and there are other games like Warmachine (collect but not play), Sphere Wars and Dystopian Wars (that are just starting up in my area) that also have me interested.

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1. I technically still play. Blood Bowl, which is "technically" a GW game. My last game of 40K was almost exactly 2 years ago, and my brother and I had been playing that fo 20 years. My last game of Fantasy was 3 years ago.

2. I have 7 Blood Bowl teams, 15K worth of Eldar, 4K Orks, 2K Space Marines, 2K Dark Eldar, 2K Tyranids, 3K Chaos Space Marines, 2K of High Elves, and 1500pts of Squats. That's right- Squats.

3. I know many people have quit due to Failcast, pricing, etc., but I stopped playing the actual GW games (excluding Blood Bowl) not because of the cost but because I feel that 40K and Fantasy are possibly the worst tabletop systems out there today. Luckily though, Blood Bowl was saved by its fans, so it's still a very fun game that has the one thing Malifaux currently does not have which is a persistent league/campaign system.

Since my last game of 40K 2 years ago I have had no desire whatsoever to play, Malifaux or not. From playing back in Rogue Trader to 5th, I couldn't believe how incredibly boring the game has become. So we were playing Blood Bowl, but only seasonally, and I bought some WarMachine thinking that I might play it when Malifaux turned me 180 degrees from that game.

So Malifaux has become my regular game, with no close seconds or thirds. Blood Bowl is still a seasonal thing for us, though we have skipped last season just to play more Malifaux. I've also picked up Puppet Wars and Super Dungeon Explore so that I have 3 options for side games when I'm not playing Malifaux.

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I stopped playing 40k about a year ago. I sold off 2/3 of my armies and hung on to my Chaos Space Marines because I had a friend in the military who had gotten into the game shortly before duty called and he had to leave. Once he got back I had him play Malifaux with me and now I'm working on selling off both of our armies haha.

I do have a small collection of Warmachine and I like that game a lot but I only play about 1 game of Warmachine for every 10 of Malifaux. The Warhammer universe is still very appealing to me, I like the Horus Heresy novels and I've looked longingly at how cool the Fantasy minis are but the idea of playing a WHFB or 40k game just feels like a chore to me at this point.

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I played WHFB since 6th ed. Haven't played or bought anything in a long time. Have 8th ed rule book but haven't played a single game.

I couldn't paint fast enough to paint an army in it's entirely. I got really fed up before finishing one 20 man unit, with painting the same, or similar model all the time. Was no longer painting for fun. And 8th ed requires so many figures.. Depressing.

In addition it was just getting stupidly expensive.

And I found, I just couldn't get enthusiastic about it.

I still have my White Dwarf subscription, however, I'm about to cancel that too and I'm seriously considering selling most of my WHFB stuff. Also have some 40 bits which I will sell as I never played it.

Malifaux has taken over. More fun, more strategic, fewer figures to paint, more interesting fluff and theme.

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I stopped playing when Malifaux came along. Not because I stopped enjoying it or anything like that but the people I introduced to the game were WM/H players and so it felt only fair that I would try their games too.

As a result as well as having plenty of Malifaux I also have a large Legion of Everblight force and gradually my 40k/Fantasy armies started to hit eBay.

I have no problem with GW and i'm sure I'll be tempted to pick up another 40k army at some point.

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i was going to start Warhammer 40K when I first got into gaming which was around the time of the finecast and prise raise introduction. By the time I had picked an army to go with, the internet was aflame with critizism and it didn't seem like a good investment at the time. Malifaux and FoW caught my eye and I never looked back.

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A EbonStar - there's no "technically" about it, BB is GW lol!

I was feeling a bit lazy the last time I posted so here's a more clear rundown of what I do still play (even form time to time) that is GW:

40k - DA, GK, Nids, SM, CSM, IG, Orks.

Man-o-War - Chaos, Undead

Epic - everything

Necromunda - everything

Mordheim - everything

Blood Bowl - all teams

Space Hulk (all 3 editions)

Advanced Heroquest (far superior to the later Warhammer Quest)

Chainsaw Warrior

Judge Dredd RPG (GW did this one first)

Talisman (the current on is actually 6E revised, not 4e, lol)

Doctor WHO (this one was great!)

The Troll Games

Dark Future


It might sound like it's impossible to fit all of those in, but most I only play every couple of months or so in a long lasting league or campaign. 40k is the only one that I play at least every couple of weeks.

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A EbonStar - there's no "technically" about it, BB is GW lol!

Sticking with my "technically". I think a lot of current BB players would agree with me.

GW is clinging desperately to its IP and has been fighting Blood Bowl's fanbase for years now. If Blood Bowl is a true GW game, then I haven't seen a company outwardly trying to kill its own product this hard since the automotive industry collected and destroyed its own electric cars.

What's the currently used ruleset? The outlawed LRB6 which GW stripped down and changed to CRP. What's GW's official ruleset? The soft-bound LRB4, a ruleset outdated by two entire rulesets and now many years. Good luck finding any active BB player, league, or hell tournament that would actually use those rules...even local GW's here are using LRB5, and they're still outdated by a couple of years.

Speaking of GW shops, have you seen any Blood Bowl on their shelves recently? True- that can be said of their other specialist games, but at least you can play those in the store. Try to bring your Impact!, Shadowforge, Gaspez Arts teams in the GW store to play (the larger of the many independant companies that still produce fantasy football mini's) and see what GW wants you to do. Wait...GW do you make new Blood Bowl minis? Can I play my new Chaos Pact, Slann, or Underworld teams here? Wait, what...?

Can I buy block dice at my local GW? No? I have to order a decrepit boxed set that costs more than 2 Malifaux crews for three lousy dice, or join NAF for ten bucks a year, play LRB6 internationally, and get a nifty new set each year...hmm...

I know, let's just play this official GW game online then.

I can totally play Blood Bowl, using a ruleset sort of like LRB5.1 and CRP...if I buy Legendary Edition...wait it's still missing a bunch of stuff like superstar players...Arrgh! so many cheaters! And I can't play my Slann...

What's this I hear about this FUMMBL online thing? You mean the site/platform that GW has issued cease and desist orders to for years is STILL the world's largest (and most current ruleset) arena for playing Blood Bowl?

Fact is- I can play Blood Bowl, pick up the current ruleset, buy modern miniatures, custom pitches, templates, obtain block dice, play online, and in other words completely support my Blood Bowl hobby without so much as giving GW a dime of my money.

A fact that GW will fight you tooth and nail over, and they STILL won't support their own game.

So quick recap:

Is the "official" GW ruleset in use? No.

Does GW recognize all of the teams that can be played in the Blood Bowl, Chaos Cup, or any of the world's major tournaments? Not really.

Does GW make any new minis for BB? No.

So what is GW's actual support of their game?

Protect their IP. Pray to Nuffle that Blood Bowl dies a quick death and everyone forgets about it. Begrudgingly host world major tournies. Get in the way of any consumer who wants to enjoy the modern version of their game. Protect their IP.

Oh, and did I mention? Protect their IP.

I know this comes off like I'm bashing GW, but that's not my intent. I use the word "technically" because GW not only does not support the game, they seem to go out of their way to stop the fans from enjoying it.

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Haven't played in years. Was just starting to get my head around the third edition of 40K and then there was talk of a fourth. I still have my big IG Jungle Fighter army, with the squad on the original Vincent black Shadow SM bikes and converted IG metal Landspeeder. And the Necron army I kept, cause they just looked too cool. Favorites though were , like many other, Necromunda, still have my Orlock, Delaque and Van Escher gangs. Even played in the tournament to nab that LE bounty hunter, one of my prize minis. Would've played Mordheim but was turned off by the total abandonment of Necromunda (and Space Marine [original Epic], and BB, and Warmaster, and Man'o'war.)

And I still have my large, complete except for maybe a couple figures, Dark Future collection. Two boxed sets, extra Battlecars box, and loads of bikes, trikes and pedestrians. My all around all time favorite GW game. Great fluff, decent mechanics and it was a lot of fun kiting out those cars. Good times.

Since then I played a lot of Shockforce (the War Engine is a great system, one day I might try to finish Shockromunda, my WE version of Necromunda. Then WM came along, which was pretty cool game and model wise, but they really got me with HORDES. Addressed most of the issues I had with WM, and I love the majority of Legion and Circle models. I have a lot, though I teach the game more often than I play.

Always though it's models that get me into any game. I'm a painter and modeler first. After an unplanned gaming hiatus I came back to discover so many nice Wyrd minis that I had to check Malifaux out and see how it turned out. Well, it turned out pretty damn nice. I look forward to finishing painting my first crews to try it out. It's the only game I have any real desire to even play at this time.

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@ EbonStar - Yeah., GW is not the sharpest knife in the box. Would be better if they sold off the Specialist Games licenses to other companies that would actually do something with them. or better yet, get Jervis back and put him back in charge of that division as he pushed support for it.

I think their BoD isn't very hobby savvy. I also think that GW is one of the reasons behind the trend towards skirmish level games over the past five years or so (they obviously were around prior to that, they got a big boost more recently) with people struggling to field correct sized forces for anything bigger.

I'm fine with them not capitalizing on the trend. I'd rather not give them any more money if I can avoid it.

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I regret starting off my hobby with 40k... It was just a few months ago and as far as I knew the only wargame that existed was Warhammer. I quickly learned that there are much better options out there. Playing 40k was alright for me, but the game itself feels so overwhelming, and the rules seem to contradict themselves and leave things out. I finally found thewarstore and started looking into warmahordes, and, while I hate painting beasts and 'jacks, the game and the rules are a lot more fun to me. Then I found Malifaux... Needless to say, it's turned out to be my favorite, skirmish games appeal to me a lot more. Starting to try Kings of War a bit too, just because I like the idea of WFB and large battles, but the cost and 500 pages of rules compared to the 23 pages of FREE up to date KoW rules...

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