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About Vedreag

  • Birthday 02/20/1991

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  1. HA, I have that problem with painting I tell myself I'll just finish this one model *BAM* its 3AM
  2. Hey, thanks for the notice about the Convention but I won’t be able to make it. I have a presentation to give in Nova Scotia for school that weekend. I found a few others willing to start playing and was thinking about applying for a henchman position up here and start hosting local tourneys.

  3. Malifivilians- on the bais that its more fun to say.
  4. you'll be able to tell by looking on your profile page. Just so you know (short notice, I know) there is a gaming convention the 14-15 of this month (next weekend). There are Malifaux and Puppet ward Demos all day Saturday, and a Malifaux Tourney on Sunday. (Snowconmaine.com)

  5. I've noticed that I have a lot more extreme opinions about the models in this game then most others, I either love them or hate then so theres not a lot of 'meh" for me here, whereas other games all I got was a "meh" reponse. I can understand where you are coming from, I higly dislike most of the guild models/fluff but love the Ressurectionists A singel crew will take you far with some minor changes so you dont really need to use models you dont like.
  6. I've had some items for sale that got a little out of hand, I had a few old coins up and they sold for way above what I was asking, also above thier apriased value, either they knew more then I did or sme people are addicted to bidding wars.
  7. i was going to start Warhammer 40K when I first got into gaming which was around the time of the finecast and prise raise introduction. By the time I had picked an army to go with, the internet was aflame with critizism and it didn't seem like a good investment at the time. Malifaux and FoW caught my eye and I never looked back.
  8. your welcome, the works of art that people can turn "mini's" into was what first got me into gaming.
  9. Hey there, I think I accepted your request, the internet here is really terrible so if it didn't go though let me know :)

  10. thats a great idea, I would love to create some character zombies...well theres my weekend planned.
  11. Welcome to Malifaux, I'm still learning the ropes as well and it dose seem a little daunting at first because the game is pleasently different. Theres a lot of great people on these forums and you'll have no problem learning the game good luck!
  12. good idea about the spray paint, I'll look into it, judging by the minis on your blog it seems you know what your talking about... haha
  13. Oh I'm still plaing on getting a few, just not as much as when I thought I would need 30-50 for every kill
  14. haha if I ever get my passport renewed i might stop by for a vist "I buy primer from the hardware store..." I can only get in gallon cans and its really expensive, oh and it said "for latex use" on the side... and from what I've heard about this great game I doubt I'll ever need a gallon of the stuff haha
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