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My Malifaux Log:


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Well I finally managed to get some time to work about more on my Malifaux Terrain.

First I finished the ramp sections for the elevations. I made a total of 4 which i feel is plety for a 3 foot table.

I am toying with the idea of embedding magnets to help things stay in place during games.

Those that have the Terraclips versions will know about the small tabs in place to prevent models from sliding down the ramp after some brief testing.

the only models that slid on mine were those on 40mm bases or greater due to weight like LCB or a Ice Golem etc. I plan to fix this by placeing small

clear strips of clear tape to form small lips to keep the model in place.

Maybe just a light coat of sand, covered with clear coat, to serve as grip tape to keep models from sliding down.

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Maybe just a light coat of sand, covered with clear coat, to serve as grip tape to keep models from sliding down.

Not a bad idea, I did manage to find some clear laminate like the contact stuff I used to cover schoolbooks with, That has a coarse texture enough to provide enough grip and keep in place, Also with the move to plastics It is becoming less of a problem.

Looks sharp. I hope Skulls went OK.

The Skulls event was awesome, I managed to walk away with best painted, best faction, (kinda defaulted as I was the only Neverborn player :P) and managed to win overall so a good day. The best painted was not easy there were a very high standard of painted crews there. OSOI's Hoffman crew was there if you have seen his painting thread here you see what I mean. There was also a fantastic Raspy, Sonnia, Perdita and Seamus crews I saw.

Just out of curiosity' date=' where did you get your display board.... I freaking love it! Also I hate you due to your infinitely better paint skills than mine :P (but I'll get over it in a minute... I'm sadly just like Seamus when it comes to my attention span).[/quote']

Well the displayboard I made myself. I keep a CO2 laser engraver in my shed, which I origanlly purchased to start my own engraving business, However that never took off and instead is being used for my hobby. I started using it to make game aids and markers sorta like the GF9 stuff, as well as looking into the 3mm MDF buildings that are starting to pop up now. Nothing mass produced just for personal used and friends at my local gaming club. The displayboards were a spare of the moment experiment that has turned out well.

The only problem is the material used is hard to source, and though I have found out where I can get it in the US. The company only sells to large busness and not to public so small fry like me have to find alternatives.

But I am sure I can work around that, I am glad you like the board. Dont hate the skills :P like all skills its only through constant practice and research and many many years (for me anyway) have my skills reached this point.

Thanks again for everyones comments encouragement and tips.

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Well I just have to say that I absolutely love your tray... It's freaking spectacular. And your paintjobs are stunning to say the least. Conveniently enough, my wife and I were discussing what I wanted to do with my nightmare Lord Chompy Bits paintwise and yours is almost in the exact color scheme that my wife (luckily I married a art teacher so my color theory is sound at least if my skills are still rather basic) mapped out for me. Getting to see him in a color scheme that appealed to me is really a blessing in disguise as I keep looking at that model and being just a tiny bit intimidated lol. Now to begin work on him.



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Well I just have to say that I absolutely love your tray... It's freaking spectacular. And your paintjobs are stunning to say the least. Conveniently enough, my wife and I were discussing what I wanted to do with my nightmare Lord Chompy Bits paintwise and yours is almost in the exact color scheme that my wife (luckily I married a art teacher so my color theory is sound at least if my skills are still rather basic) mapped out for me. Getting to see him in a color scheme that appealed to me is really a blessing in disguise as I keep looking at that model and being just a tiny bit intimidated lol. Now to begin work on him.



Truth be told the reason it took forever for me to get him done was deciding on a colour scheme, I looked high and low via google to see what most had come up with so I could either do something I like or something original. In the end I could not see anyone painting him close to his original art, so I went from there. I really loved how he turned out. However after last tournament while nothing happened to him I was in a constant state of panic each time I had to move him. so I think I may do the standard chompy for games

as well as Nekima as she is another model that does not travel so well.

---------- Post added at 09:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 PM ----------

Textbook amazing. :)

I'm still undecided on the puke on mine. I might just have more fun with magnets so that I can change my mind on it on a whim.

Thanks I really had fun painting him though I did originally have the puke in I just panted it seperately after 3 attempts I could not get a finish I was happy with. But in the end I like him more this way. the only annoying thing now is alot of new players ask me why I call him the puking worm lol.

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  • 3 months later...

WoW Talk about Threadomancy!!!. well to be honest from november untill now I had suffered major hobby burnout.

Partly due to there were events in that time that had me painting up untill midnight before the event, As well as medical issues and trips to the hospital that sapped all the will to do anything out of me. Nothing life threating just cronic pain for the most part. with that out of the way for now. I am trying to re-ignight the spark I once had.

Enter Dark Debts:


WiP so far is just Jacob, after watching Django unchained those plantation owners gave me some inspiration, not to be like them obviously but to have jacob look like one.

So far all I have don is the white on him which started as a medium grey and worked back to white. But as you can compare to Graves who is just basecoated white. fortunately thre is a difference when you look at them in the flesh.

What you reckon goin with the white? also wondering if i should try some OSL on his right side where the spirit will be.

Also any tips for ignighting the cravings to paint like i used to would be awesome.

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I like the use of white on Jakob, makes him look even more elegant ;) You could try OSL on his right side but that would be pretty tricky, especially on white surface. I was also considering doing OSL on mine but gave up on the idea in the end in favor of the easier but safer solution ;)

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I like the use of white on Jakob, makes him look even more elegant ;) You could try OSL on his right side but that would be pretty tricky, especially on white surface. I was also considering doing OSL on mine but gave up on the idea in the end in favor of the easier but safer solution ;)

Yeah I was actually thinking of trying OSL, I think I will give it a go but it may just be a subtle light depends on how confident I feel.

I have since that pic was taken, added some more black/blue wash to Jacob to depen the shadows and ad a touch of contrast. This should improve final result.

Well its cool enough in Perth for some painting and here is todays WIP effort




While it didn't turn out the same in the photo with this fig, I am experimenting by adding things to the paint to make it irridesent.

I will probably use the same effect on the Illuminated for crew consistancy

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Cheers Viruk, while painting Huggy I was thinking of a shark for some reason, to that end I may just keep his eyes jet black and make them glossy to keep that menacing feel.

Ive managed to work back on Jacob today with him almost finished. I think going back and reshading for extra contrast in the white paid off. While I did like the older more sutble attempt. When seen on the board during games the detail was lost due to the vewing distance.


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Wow, your log is fantastic - there is so many cool stuff!

I'm glad you like the log

I really like Jakob in white. The Hungering Darkness looks great as well however where is the Basing? Do you have something really big planned?

Thes are still not completely finished. the Bases are the last things to be done, However as far as huggy goes I am having isses base wise with the colour. As I intend to give this crew the same bases as the rest of my Neverborn for the sake of consistancy. The issue with huggy is now I relise he is a colour pallette very close to that used on the bases. This will result in Huggy blending in with the base and will look bad when finished. so for now I am trying to work out how I can keep base consistancy but have contrast so Huggy stands out.....

Jacob is 99% done in that pic. I just need to paint the skeleton/spirit Woe thing. then decide on if I should OSL onto Jacob's right side or leave alone.

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Thes are still not completely finished. the Bases are the last things to be done, However as far as huggy goes I am having isses base wise with the colour. As I intend to give this crew the same bases as the rest of my Neverborn for the sake of consistancy. The issue with huggy is now I relise he is a colour pallette very close to that used on the bases. This will result in Huggy blending in with the base and will look bad when finished. so for now I am trying to work out how I can keep base consistancy but have contrast so Huggy stands out...

Based on the look of your other Neverborn bases it doesn't look like he'll blend in that much. With that said I might recommend introducing some greenish lichens/ bushes into Huggy's base if you want something that will still share some consistentcy with the other bases.

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White elements look really nice. really like the way you've outlined deeper recesses and the shallow ones.

Indeed I think the redo of the shading helped in this

Jakob's suit looks really good. It looks like slightly shiny (tacky yet cool) fabric now which actually really suits him.

Thanks, I agree as its prety much the effect I was after.

Based on the look of your other Neverborn bases it doesn't look like he'll blend in that much. With that said I might recommend introducing some greenish lichens/ bushes into Huggy's base if you want something that will still share some consistentcy with the other bases.

This is along the lines I was thinking, I may even over highlight it so Huggy looks daker more menacing.

Well here is some WIP of the spirit thingo.



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a good friend of mine once told me: never trust a man whose shirt is darker than his tie... re-worded it would go something like... never trust a man whose vest is darket than his suite... cool stuff..

---------- Post added at 09:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 AM ----------

spriit is awesome too... nice touch making the skele slightly darker than the white flames to make them seem really intense!

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