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Everything posted by AllDeadDave

  1. Thank you. I will give that method a try some time.
  2. That's a great job. The blue shading is fantastic.
  3. Looks sharp. I hope Skulls went OK.
  4. Good start. Can't wait to see them painted.
  5. Great paint jobs all around. The metallic of the Guardian is especially awesome, and rarer to see than the non metallic variety.
  6. I did indeed Liam. Thanks for the intro game. We will need to have a rematch in the not to distant future.
  7. Just a quick introduction and greetings to all here. I am just starting to learn Malifaux as a system, after previously picking up a Kirai crew as a painting project. The crew itself is proving an interesting project to paint, due to the less exaggerated sculpts (compared to other gaming companies), but it has also proven a welcome break from painting units of men. As for myself, I am a gamer from Perth, Western Australia. I have played a number of systems on a casual basis for quiet a number of years (mostly 40K and WM/H). So "Hi to all" from the West.
  8. Just starting down this path myself. It seems like 5 seishin is a must have article, and I am thinking of expanding to 4 Gaki. After that things become a bit more flexible. There is a wonderful trick you can try with Datsue Ba and a Desperate Mercenary (or Canine Remains) that can net you an extra Sheishin and Gaki (or Onyro) for a 2 SS investment. So one of those might be a good purchase for low SS games. General advise is that any of the following spirits would be worthwhile picking up down the track; Night Terrors, Hanged, Drowned, Insidious Madness. Hope this is somewhat helpful advise, from a guy that is just starting building a similar crew.
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