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Why do you lose?

Jonas Albrecht

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I'm an idiot? lol. Honestly, a lot of it for me comes down to a lack of practice, and trying to figure out effective combinations. 85%(ish) of my games have been starter box demo games, which is great because of the new players, and bad because it means that I don't get to use my new models. For example- Rasputina is the Master I've gotten the most games with, but yesterday was my first time running Snowstorm in spite of having gotten him pretty much the day of release. And what a difference that made to how she plays.

The other thing for me is losing track of the objective, and/or picking Schemes that don't go well with the Strategy that I got.

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When I lose it tends to be a matter of 'I brought a knife to a gun fight.' We have a relatively small player base around here (half a dozen regulars) so I'll sometimes say to myself "Gee, I'll see if I can't manage using Rasputina against my opponent's friekorps for contain power. That'll work great!" Forcing myself to think outside of the box doesn't always go over very well. For every time I wipe my enemy master off the board with a charge delivered Clockwork Fist I'll wind up tabled.

Thankfully, Malifaux doesn't care if you're tabled. Luring my opponent into finishing off my models can distract him long enough where he can't rack up the points he needs to actually win.

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In my LGS most people lose because they lose sight of the goal, and go for destruction. Except when LCB alp bombs you deployment zone turn one.

Played 50 SS game yesterday LCB vs Som'er & Ophelia (Scrap). I was able to stall out my first turn so I had a Warpig, Ophelia, Remi, and Francois left. LCB drop shipped his alp bomb force on top of me. War pig (slowed) stampeded and took out an alp. Next ophelia activated, Uses 4 SS to pass 2x alp, and 4 terror checks, then on fifth, flipped a 6 and needed a 3 on extra card from SS to pass last last check, got a 2. If I passed she was in a position to take out the last 2 alps (he only brought 3 to try alp bomb, not abuse it.). I would have been hurt, but still able to at least hurt my opponent, without it...


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The breakdown probably runs like this.

5% I just flat out get outplayed.

10% I do something stupid that costs me the game.

10% I brought a stupid list, and it didn't work.

75% Horrible, horrible luck with the cards.

Seems like a lot,but I really don't lose that much lol, maybe about 1/4 of my games.

Edited by Necromorph
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A theatre-based story encounter has the notation that all Showgirl models really do break a leg and their walks are reduced to 3.

Really, it's usually just one major screw-up toward the end of the game that wipes out my girls. (Clumping them all together in range of C. Hoffman and a few piles of scrap comes to mind.) Which is why we make a mad dash for those objectives immediately, before I've had time for a stupid moment.

That, or just plain going up against a new crew without having done the proper research on how that crew works beforehand, and getting blown off the board. I need to get better at that.

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Forgetting stuff.

Forgetting to achieve strategy/schemes, forgetting abilities, forgetting that Adam is a dirty cheating Gremlin git....

Or drinking too much and turns 5 & 6 becoming a blur....

Drinking usually helps me, that's why I usually do infinty tournaments drunk, ill finish top 3 and not remember half the games haha.

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Usually my loses are down to my general ineptness and the consumption of that liquid of the gods Gin & Tonic while gaming....oh and don't let the 2 wins with Sonnia fool you pretty much all my others masters lose more than they win.

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failing to stay on task and play the strategys/schemes is the way I most commonly lose. Heck I cant say how many matches I have won with a single model while getting wholesale slaughtered and incapable to do much if any damage at all. So Strat/Schemes are fundamental...

As for being out played, or miserable luck... it certainly does happen and when it does it feels really rough. But as with any failure, it is best to learn from it and maintain a cool head.

The hardest defeats I feel are the ones where I catch myself using the wrong tool for the wrong job... in example, the only tourney game I lost yesterday was turned when I tried using Sonnia's melee/pistol anti construct triggers against a corophee duet early in the turn. Later in the turn, in desperation it makes sense... but certainly not the way I played it.

As for what I always seem to have the greatest challenge playing... Our league here in Tucson has quite a few Collette players, the sheer amount of soulstone users combined with the ease of access to soulstone generation means that often an entire deck of red jokers will still fail against the duel totals you will encounter.

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