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How often do you play


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My LGS has a minis night every Thursday, where I usually play 1-2 games of WM\H or Malifaux.

But with a store league set up we play a bit more. Yesterday we have 8 players on an off day trying to get games set up. I think its because we set a Max number of games at 12 (3 per week). Most leagues don't have max, and the winner is the player who plays the most & largest. With a max its not that much more work to max out.

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At the moment I live 2+ hours from the nearest other Malifaux player so I typically get most of my games in tournaments. In the last year I've played a total of 18 times. :decaypuppet

Not bad for someone with 9 painted crews and a 10th crew in progress at the moment.:confusedpuppet

By the end of the year I should have moved so that I'll only be 45 minutes away from other Malifaux players so I should get 1 or 2 games a week plus tournaments! :exhaustedpuppet

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I only get one nite out a week (between work and family) and I'm lucky if I play once a week. I'm apparently not doing my job very well and Malifaux interest has dropped significantly at my LGS. I'm planning a tourney and a new league to try and turn that around.

I'm hoping the Vassal version will take off and I'll be able to play more often since I'm up late nights by myself - but as a heavy painter, it disappoints me that I don't get to put my minis on the table all the time.

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How often do I play? Not often enough. :(

I generally get 3-4 games whenever the local gaming club is open, which is around once a fortnight. And that's assuming I'm not flying interstate that weekend.

I'd love to get in more games if I could, I just yet to find a consistent group. Fortunately, I quite enjoy th painting side of it too. ;)

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At the moment I am getting 1-4 games a week in, if I can stay steady at at least 1 game a week I will be happy. Very happy to demo but it is satisfying to bust out one of my 'harder' crews to give more experienced guys a game too. I have caught the painting bug big time of late so I am trying to make the most of it while it lasts.

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Here in Perth we are spoilt for choice... there is a gaming club open every day except for Thursday, so there's plenty of options to get out there, assuming you can.

Myself, I tend to restrict my play to one club through preference - I find it difficult to get to clubs on weeknights (excepting Fridays). So, lately I've been averaging one game at the club on Friday nights, and 3-4 games at the club on a Sunday. Lately, the majority of these games have been Malifaux.

And this weekend, the club is open on Saturday too, so we have four hours on Friday night, all day Saturday, all day Sunday. It's going to be a great weekend for gaming

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My club is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I try to get to one of these nights each week. So I normally get one game a week. You only get 2.5 hours on the table per session so can only every squeeze in one game, but sometimes there is a table open in the later session and I can get in two.

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I usually play 1-3 games a week depending on my schedule. That's just Malifaux, but due to my group of friends shifting more toward malifaux, decline in popularity of other games, and my schedule not always allowing me to show up on other games' "league nights", I haven't been playing much besides malifaux...and somehow I'm fine with that, haha.

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