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popg0estheworld's Kirai Crew Spirit Journey

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... Wow. I actually thought the picture of the mural was a full-size painting (if not the original), but that's actually on the miniatures? Aaaah! That's amazing! You're great at not just painting miniatures, but at actual painting-- ON miniatures! And the colors on the seishin are also nice-- muted, but they still stand out. I can't wait to see the bases painted up.

In short, I don't mean to gush but you are my painting hero.

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... Wow. I actually thought the picture of the mural was a full-size painting (if not the original), but that's actually on the miniatures? Aaaah! That's amazing! You're great at not just painting miniatures, but at actual painting-- ON miniatures! And the colors on the seishin are also nice-- muted, but they still stand out. I can't wait to see the bases painted up.

In short, I don't mean to gush but you are my painting hero.

Oh, do go on!

But seriously, thanks. I really appreciate the compliments.

Also, sorry about the dark pics- black primer on black background is pretty stupid.

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I've taken on the challenges set by thatnicguy and Saint Norton, and have reached show-offable levels of progress-

"The Fisherman's Wife," the back mural (the one that will face backwards, not the one right behind the models).


Dr. Zoidberg, Amy, NOOOOOO!!!!!

Before you all accuse me of being a total pervert, this is taken directly from a famous piece of early modern Japanese erotica, "The fisherman's Wife" (Google it- NSFW). I figured it would be appropriate for some place like the Qi and Gong. This will face backwards in my display case, as to not alarm guests. The front-facing mural will be much tamer, and more spirit based.

haahaa... This is perhaps the MOST widely known piece of shunga. There is a lot more out there though.

That said, ya did a great job painting it up! Keep up the good work.

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I am near completion on the mural for the group-


I have a friend at UW Madison working on the Kanji for the scroll, but otherwise it is done. I cherry-picked images from a number of old Japanese prints depicting spirits to piece together the mural.

Here it is with the minis, so you can get an idea of the final composition (and the basic base colors for the minis)


The screens look wonky here because they are just kind of pinned on, not flush like they will be in the end.

Here is the back with the minis- my "retouch" tool did something crazy to the image as I was censoring it, so ignore the weird crotch-wave.


In all, it is slowly coming together, and has proven a much more massive project than I ever anticipated.

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Kirai and Ikryo are more or less done-






Bases obviously still need a lot of work, and they still need a little touch up, but the figures are pretty much done.

Yes, I am aware that Kirai has kind of a Christmas color scheme going on- it was not intentional. I copied the color and pattern scheme from an old Japanese print, and realized only after I was done that it was all Christmasy. Whatever. She will be ready for the holiday gaming season.

Now to finish the lower section of the bases and join everything together.

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Holy flower on the sleeve batman!!! You free-handed that? Man I thought my Kirai flowers were cool - I'd have to go strip it if I hadn't sold it.

I'm subscribed to this thread so I have to come and look when you update it, but I hate to..........I leave feeling so inadequate.

Uhhmmm.....nice work - what else can I say.....please call 911.

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As ever, yours is some of the absolute best work I've ever seen! The colour scheme works so well too! Made me straight away think of grass/leaves and blood. Really outstanding execution, and such an amaizing overall idea! Can't wait to see more :D

I'm really glad you feel that way- that was my original artistic intent... My wife's comment of "It's cool. It looks Christmas-y." made my blood run cold, as I realized she was correct.

I think that the addition of the backgrounds will temper the holiday spirit a little.

The bases are almost done... I should have final pics within a few days.

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