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Everything posted by rvrchamp

  1. haahaa... This is perhaps the MOST widely known piece of shunga. There is a lot more out there though. That said, ya did a great job painting it up! Keep up the good work.
  2. I agree with him... the bases distract me too much, but the models look great!
  3. very very cool, great job. I hope the tournament is a success!
  4. They look great, and the bases came out really well!
  5. the dragonforge urban wasteland bases have some clockworkiness check them out... http://dragonforge.com/Painting%20service/for%20sale/base_sets/round%20lip%20bases/wastelad_II_rlb.htm
  6. wow pretty amazing for your first model in 10 years, keep on truckin man!
  7. I use procreate terrain putty. It's a two part resin putty that dries rock hard. The great part is that it's really soft for a while which allows for all sorts of modeling fun. Step 1) mix the putty Step 2) apply putty to base Step 3) push any base bits and model into the putty Step 4) give atleast 24 hours to dry and you're done! http://www.thewarstore.com/product42203.html
  8. I have the battlefoam warmachine bag, and it's the "bees-knees!" It holds absolutely everything I could want or need in a bag, and the pre-cut foams actually make pulling my models out much easier and quicker than with traditional pluck foam. I'm sold... perhaps the difference between the warmachine and malifaux bags is smaller spaces or models because i havent had any trouble.
  9. Wow... that guy has some amazing models. The clockwork fairies are neat, and they'd make an amazing arcanist crew!
  10. If you're using magnets (even rare earth) I would HIGHLY suggest doubling up on each side. aka use two magnets in the base stacked on each other, and two in the model. You'll get a much stronger bond at the contact point. That said, I've done considerable modeling and wouldn't trust basing metal models with magnets. Perhaps the malifaux ones are light enough, but if there's too much weight the dancers are gonna be twisting and turning whenever you handle them. It'd definitely work with plastic, but I think the metal will be too heavy and they'll end up chipping. Personally I plan on just buying extras... but good luck with the magnets! double them up, hopefully it'll be strong enough.
  11. Looking awesome! What bases did you use? your own creation, or resin ones?
  12. Those cheat sheets are an absolute godsend! Thanks so much.. Also, I was under the idea that when a model is forced to fall back it moves immediately. Also, I thought the model couldn't preform any actions until after it rallied. Where was I wrong?
  13. Hello all! As the title says, and post count implies, I'm a new player and just played my first game yesterday. Guild vs neverborn... My opponent is also a new player, so you can imagine the frustrations and mistakes that we made. I looked over the FAQ and errata this morning, but am still scratching my head over a few points. Perhaps you guys n gals can help? 1) Has anyone created any "cheat sheets" yet? The lack of an index was incredibly frustrating as the summary is quite incomplete. We spend nearly the same time thumbing through pages to find the meaning of terms and abilities as we did playing (I read the rulebook twice, he hasn't read it at all). 2) Is there any condensed, easy to read/understand compilation of rules changes, erratas, ect for neverborn? I read this morning that Pandora and her crew has been changed quite a bit, but beyond the change to link I'm not sure what else is different. 3) Along the lines of the above questions, with regard to the errata's, are the cards correct or are they too in need of change? Onwards to questions regarding the actual game... 4) Pandora's trigger "Mental Anguish" (MA) won me the game all by it's lonesome, but I'm not convinced we were using the fall back rules correctly. The way I understand the fall back rules is that once an opponent loses a wp duel and she triggers MA they immediately move twice their wk towards the nearest table edge, then the fleeing model spends its next activation doing nothing. a) If a model had not yet activated on the turn that Pandora forced it to fall back, is this model able to still activate this turn to rally or does it need to wait until the next turn to rally (thereby effectively losing two turns)? If a model has activated on the turn that Pandora forced it to fall back am I correct in understanding that it cannot rally until the next turn? 5) If Candy poisons a model that already had poison counters, she merely replaces a lower number of counters with a higher number (in her case a maximum of 2) 6) If a model has gunfighter, can Candy force that model to attack itself with a ranged weapon? 7) When the guild character Papa Loco makes his "take ya with me" attack, does he need to do a df duel against each model in the pulse? Thanks for the help!
  14. Failed orders? Does this imply some didn't properly go through, or just that they havent been shipped yet?
  15. Great post... keep the updates coming, they look awesome!
  16. Lookin awesome man, glad to see some regulars from the PP forums here too. I just picked up a pair of crews too... but painting is gonna have to wait until I order some bases. Keep up the good work, and I love the paint jobs! (the fishnets were a nice touch 8)
  17. definitely looks cool... and is less two dimensional than the actual model
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