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popg0estheworld's Colette crew

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Greetings all!

I just finished my first model for my Colette crew- Colette herself.





I am really happy with how Colette herself came out, especially the lace and fishnet. As for the placard, it came out a little sloppier than I hoped, but it isn't that noticeable in person.

For anyone who is curious, it reads-

Colette Du Bois'

Star Theater




Les Farces de la Lune

Fantastic Illusion!

The easel is made from brass rod, chain, sheet styrene, and some bits from a Warhammer Empire cannon.

The base is sheet styrene.

Thanks for looking!

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Absolutely stunning paintwork there. You must be painting with a single strand of hair on your brush lol. Very very jealous!

Only criticism - she seems to be glued to the base wonky - she's stood on her toes on one foot and her heel on the other


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Absolutely stunning paintwork there. You must be painting with a single strand of hair on your brush lol. Very very jealous!

Only criticism - she seems to be glued to the base wonky - she's stood on her toes on one foot and her heel on the other


I noticed that too- It is a result of making the base detail too small on the base, and then positioning her just off the rim. As opposed to rebuilding it, I just decided to suck it up and go with it. Good eye- that is one of my own criticisms as well.

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[url=http://wyrd-games.net/forum/member.php?u=4722]popg0estheworld, this is amazing. What did you use for writing on the placard? I always screw up my writing!

Fantastic job!

Again, just an 18/0 brush and a magnifying glass. For that little detail work, I mix in some acrylic retarder to give me a little more working time (in case I screw up, I can effectively "erase" with a moist brush).

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