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So my LGS caught a couple players cheating


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I have seen a few people cheat in my time playing table top war games. Mostly in 40k or fantasy where you can toss a few more models down on the field and no one will notice( Or they think that at least). I can see people cheating because they are jerks or simply because they have a low self esteem and think they need to win to prove themselves as something.... (I do not condone cheating for any reason) With that said, I have to wonder how those people feel after they put all this work( and money) into cheating and still lose to an honest player.

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I think my favourite cheats so far are in descending order.

3) Moving a unit forward, deciding you don't like where it is moved to, move back slightly forward of where it started. Repeat until your in range to move where you want.

2) Guess range as 34", and then claim you really said 30" and they just didn't understand your accent.

1) Heat up the plastic pointy stick and stretch it so all the measurements are a tiny bit longer.

I've seen all of them while I worked in a store.

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1) Heat up the plastic pointy stick and stretch it so all the measurements are a tiny bit longer.

I have heard that this is one of the reasons a lot of Warmachine tourneys stopped allowing people to use cloth tape measures. I guess some way to smart people realize that cloth tape measures(like the ones for measure clothes), can be stretched out. I guess you could stretch it out ahead of time and even while playing if you pulled it really tight could weasel out an extra fraction of an inch.

Seems like a lot of work for fractions of an inch.

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Guys we all know size does not matter its not like a fraction of an inch is going to make any difference right its all about.....

Really I can not belive that people are like this well actually I can I helped run one of the the most sucessful persistant worlds in a game called Never Winter Nights and boy you really would not belive what players would try and get upto.

It is stories like this that really make me glad to be playing in a small group where its so light hearted and too a large degree no one will honestly care who wins (as long as itsme :1:) I guess that a lot of these stories its actually just young kids trying to cheat though. I would dread to think that an adult would feel the need to stoop so low to cheat at a game of pretent plastic or metal fantasy figures.

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Is one type of cheating not good enough...?

Yeah I will totally replace all my even cards and replace them with odd ones when I play Somer Teeth....


That's really just sad that people get tunnel vision so bad that all they want is a win...this is an awesome game and I don't know why anyone would be so needy to win. Like they are afraid of losing that bad...who knows?

If you want to cheat so bad, go play baseball.

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This reminds me of one game I played where I SWEAR TO GOD I had lost my Red Joker, because I didn't flip/draw the damnable thing once in the entire game (not even for initiative). I looked through my deck at the end of the game and it was at the very bottom of the deck... makes me wonder if it was there all game >.<

I left mine in the box with an 11 of something ... I just was not paying attention when I was about to play in a tournament because they were about to start so I just pulled the cards out and shuffled and for the first two games of three I was playing with out and never noticed. I dropped my deck when I was shuffling for the third game and when I picked up the cards I counted to see if I had lost any under the table. I was panicked as I looked everywhere and I could not figure out where the cards had slid off to. then someone picked up my box and said are these yours cause I seriously delayed the tournament start because I was so frantic asking everyone to look around. I was so embarrassed and when I saw what cards I had left in the box I felt like such an idiot. not only did I get everyone in a tizzy trying to find the cards but I was cheating to lose I guess. I was a sight to be had I am sure I must have been every shade of red while the story circulated in seconds around the players in the tournament.

anyway cheating sucks and if you have to cheat you already lose.

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That is just pathetic...

One way of dealing with such things would be for it to become custom to flip a card before each game, and whoever came out top could decide whether to play with their deck or swap decks.

Shouldn't it be the one that flips lowest gets to choose to swap decks.

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Shouldn't it be the one that flips lowest gets to choose to swap decks.

good point!

course this also comes up with the issue of someone thinking..."hmmm..let me stack my deck with low cards and when I draw the low card I give them my deck"

agghh....ok so that system isnt perfect either....so whats the best way to insure that people dont stack decks and cheat other than going through each persons deck before each game.


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good point!

course this also comes up with the issue of someone thinking..."hmmm..let me stack my deck with low cards and when I draw the low card I give them my deck"

agghh....ok so that system isnt perfect either....so whats the best way to insure that people dont stack decks and cheat other than going through each persons deck before each game.


When you have their deck in their hands you WILL see doubles when they come up, looking at your hand/discard will give you a clear understanding whether or not the deck is stacked one way or another.

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there is a guy that used to play at my store that would cheat all the time at what ever he could. back when he would show up to play warhammer he would cheat distances all the time. somehow he managed to make a model that would only fly 20" go over 28" and expect to get away with it on the first turn. then when we called him on it he fought and fought and claimed that he did not "realize" that he moved to far. After he did stuff like this all the time people just quit playing against him and he stopped coming to our store.

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I think my favourite cheats so far are in descending order.

3) Moving a unit forward, deciding you don't like where it is moved to, move back slightly forward of where it started. Repeat until your in range to move where you want.

2) Guess range as 34", and then claim you really said 30" and they just didn't understand your accent.

1) Heat up the plastic pointy stick and stretch it so all the measurements are a tiny bit longer.

I've seen all of them while I worked in a store.

Aside from these (which I have also sadly seen) the one that got me was the microwaved dice to slightly change the density of one side.

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When I was in grade school I was taller than most of the other students. I was invited to play one-on-one half-court basketball and told the other person that I didn't know how to play. I figured that I was taller, but inexperienced and the other person seemed to know what so it would be a fair game.

The little jack-a-ninny called a penalty on everything I did. I couldn't believe that basketball had that many penalties. Now that I have friends that know how to play basketball I now know what he called ups-and-downs was actually called a pump-fake and is legal. (No, this was not a misunderstanding, I showed the jack-a-ninny the pump fake and asked if he was sure that was illegal. He said it was).

In high school I thought maybe my negative opinion of basketball being played by cutthroat win-at-any-cost jack-a-ninnies with no concept of good sportsmanship may have been an overreaction so I gave it another shot. This time I didn't announce my lack of skills or knowledge of the game. This time the ball was thrown straight into my stomach and I got the wind knocked out of me.

Bad sportsmanship makes people hate the players and the game.

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I remember cheating at Monopoly when i was 5, I was the banker, and i took some money to buy a house. Anyway, my mum caught me in the act and told me santa wouldnt come to bad girls. I cried for a week afterwards thinking that santa wouldnt come to me. :( never again will i cheat at any game ever. (i love santa too much)

I'm pretty sure the rules allow you to cheat as long as your not caught. There area fee people I know who have been banned from banker duty for life. I even had a monopoly game for gameboy that let you cheat by charging extra rent for example m

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Only way I can see stopping people from stacking in a tourney setting is to increase the entry fee to cover new decks, provided by the tourney provider. Make these new decks tourney specific somehow (be they Bicycle decks or what have you) so that players cannot take them back to their respective tables and slip a few cards in & out that they may have prepared.

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Something like This here might work with the above recommendation, though it would be fairly expensive unless you run a huge tourney (or a couple smaller ones).

Another possibility (though tedious) would be for the TO to use a unique marking (whole punch is probably best) for each tournament. Players would have to present their decks to the TO for verification with each card receiving the marking. Eventually the deck would have to be retired but I think it would be rather cool to have a tangible record of tournament participation (maybe give a prize of a new deck to the player that shows up with the most tournament markings).

Edited by Omenbringer
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