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Films with terrible endings

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Hi all

Due to unforseen circumstances I have hardly left my house for the past 4 or 5 days and went on a bit of a DVD splurge.

A lot of the ones I watched seemed to be reasonable films until the last 15-20 minutes or so and then they went haywire.

This thread is likely to contain spoilers.

Two of the films I watched were:

Harry Brown - Excellent Michael Caine film, with a poor ending. In my opinion the film would have made more dramatic sense had he died.

Law Abiding Citizen - Not a great film but the final 20 minutes were just ridiculous and didn't seem to make any sense in terms of the film's message, in so much as it had one.

An honorable mention to AI which everyone seemed to hate but I liked. Mentally though I stoppped the film when he was at the bottom of the sea.

Anyway, long story short, what films have you enjoyed until a disastrous ending?

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"The Human Centipede" I thought it was a comic-book adaptation about a man with the power of nature's greatest metamorph and then...and then...Gahhh! I can't go on!! My eyes!!!

(Also, Zardoz)

(Also 2: AI gets special mention as the only film me and the missus have walked out of, when the ending became too silly for words. Specifically, the words, "let's stay and watch the end")

Edited by Sholto
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Lets not forget about the final Highlander movie....

Or the creepy end to transformers 1 where megan fox and shilo Buff are making out in front of the entire autobot force.

Angry red planet.... They all should have died when they thought they were running out of oxygen. Thats where the movie ended for me anyway.

And even though it was a terrible move, the last half hour of observe and report was RIDICULOUS... like, really ridiculous.

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"The Human Centipede" I thought it was a comic-book adaptation about a man with the power of nature's greatest metamorph and then...and then...Gahhh! I can't go on!! My eyes!!

Oh, you poor man! My sincere sympathies ... The world is definitely a poorer place for having that movie exist.

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Citizen Kane... "Rosebud" WTH?

Have to say I thought the beginning and end scene of Citizen Kane were definately it's strong points.

I don't think it is quite as good as people say, but I think that's because of the pacing in the middle.

The Social Network is another film where I wasn't sure about the ending. I got the film and thought it was good but to me it just seemed to stop at a random arbitrary point. Not hating that ending as some others but they have mostly slipped my mind right now.

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The Mini-series IT. Clοwns are Scary, having it just turn out to be a big spider in disguise kind of made it lose something for me.

Also by Stephen King. The Stand, really interesting series, ruined by the Hand of God coming out of the heavens like the hand in the National Lottery adverts and going "IT'S YOU!".

I had issues with Donnie Darko , It gets to the end and it feels like he decides that he's a Tragic Hero and does the douchy Tragic Hero thing. OK S. Darko explains why it was the right thing to do, however I don't think the sections of the book that make it a sensible decision are quoted in the original film. (BTW I liked S. Darko, it has some wonderful scenery shooting and cinematography, reminds me a bit of Easy Rider)

If you haven't seen it, this also helps explain it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKTwFoZnaj4]Donnie Darko[/ame]

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt.1 . Worst. Ending. Ever.

My only complaint about this complaint is that I've seen Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and it's ending was worse. It begins with Harry Potter finding a book belonging to the Half Blood Prince. Skip ahead to the end and for no apparent reason and completely unprompted Snape announces that he is the Half Blood Prince. I know this had a lot to do with Snape being in love with Harry's mother and it was a big story point in the book, but it had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MOVE VERSION!

And to be fair Deathly Hallows didn't actually end, it cliffhanged like an old live-action Batman series episode. We'll watch how it ends at the Same Harry Time, Same Harry Channel.

. . .

Same Potter Time, Same Potter Channel? That still doesn't work!

. . .

It just doesn't work with a name like Harry Potter. She should have called the character something more thrilling like Beef Studpile!

Will Studpile be able to recover the three Deathly Hallows? Will he be able to find and destroy every last Horcrux?

Find out, Same Beefy Time, Same Beefy Channel!

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Shutter Island.

What a letdown.

I had managed to avoid all the spoilers about Shutter Island, but I still had it worked out from the first scene. It just seemed like a completely obvious twist - so overworked and obvious, I spent most of the film hoping I was wrong, but being continually proved right as the film dropped its little clues here and there. I still enjoyed it, though. The sturm und drang made a lot more sense, for one.
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I had managed to avoid all the spoilers about Shutter Island, but I still had it worked out from the first scene. It just seemed like a completely obvious twist - so overworked and obvious, I spent most of the film hoping I was wrong, but being continually proved right as the film dropped its little clues here and there. I still enjoyed it, though. The sturm und drang made a lot more sense, for one.

IT, yeah the Giant spider thing just made me want to punch Stephen King in the face.

I also totally agree about Law Abiding Citizen. The movie was great, then it just seemed like they decided to cop out on the ending and it became very lame.

How about great endings???

The Mist. One of the funniest ending ever. I laughed out loud in the theatre. Great stuff!

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watch the infernal affairs trilogy and see how pointless and tacked on it was being as it's the only thing scorcesse added to the film

I have seen them, and had seen them before.. Which is the main reason for my surprise at the ending of the Departed.

Edit: Also, even if it's a remake I like it alot for what it is.

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The one that immediately springs to mind is Unbreakable. I thought the first 4/5s of the movie was brilliant and should've ended when Willis' character embraced his role as a superhero. Cut to credits when he steps outside wearing his slicker, listen to the accolades rush in.

But no, Shamalamadingdong had to reveal a twist at the end. "I'm your archnemesis!" No you're not! You're a moronic wannabe bad guy for "telling" you're an archnemesis instead of "showing" you're an archnemesis... in the SEQUEL!

That's one movie where the sequel would've been brilliant, with the good guy (Willis) trying to hunt down the one causing pain to others, only to watch it lead back to Samuel L. Total waste revealing all that at the end of the original movie. Total waste. :banghead:

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