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New Errata


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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey sketch just curious. Is the only goal of the eratta to fix rules of the game or are you working in changes for balance reasons as well. Im cool ither way just curious if that is being factored in at all.

That's a bit subjective....anything that's clearly an imbalance that we've been made aware of is discussed and may or may not be addressed in the way you expect....sometimes players see a clear imbalance where the design and development team does not.

When the game first launched we heard Pandora was too weak to compete. Ramos and Rasputina, too. We heard there was an imbalance and nothing could touch Perdita. All of that has to be considered.

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Actually it would be high time to release the new errata.

Book1, Book2, official errata, faq, extra errata, occasional hints about pieces from the new errata and the already released v2 cards makes it very hard to get things right. Especially for newcomers.

On top of that I started to organize a 10+ event late November and it would be VERY helpful if I had the new set of rules in my hand till that time.

So dear Wyrd crew, tell us something more exact than soon (or release the errata). Thx! :)

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Just gotta hold fast everyone, wait and see what they do. They will do us right, they always have. =)

Just be ready to adapt when whatever they are doing comes out. For organized events, be ready to make the decisions needed to make it all work and be fair in the end. Come up with contingency plans and be ready to just help Wyrd get it working and integrated into the player base. I know most Henchmen are waiting for this and hopefully as ready as we can be. =D

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I find the lack of any new erratta now a little concerning. Sketch said it was in the proofing phase. Proofing an erratta should not take a month unless it's being read by illiterate monkeys, lol. The fact that nothing has been put out to clarify who has V2 cards and what those cards are despite those cards already being in print and packaged in with figs being sold echos of procrastination and/or just plain laziness. Too much time has passed for it to be excused.

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I don't know this for sure, but from what I'd seen, it seems like a lot of Wyrd's "employees" are not full-time employeed by Wyrd, and thus have other lives/jobs on top of what they do for Wyrd. Plus, all of us keep coming up with other crazy things that keep needing to be added to said Errata document. :P

I'm eagerly awaiting, but satisfied to wait.

That said....if they need help with QC or proofreading...I've typically got time on my hands. ;)

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Eh, you'll either like what we've come up with and be happy with it (which I suspect will be the case), or you won't, and can continue to let us know we're all lazy bastards sitting on our laurels.

Which we aren't, but you'll just have to wait and see I suppose.


I'm so into Malifaux, that I'll forgive you guys anything (literally), I'll wait untill I die for new errata. But I have a feeling that many are pissed off for not releasing new errata yet.

If you want to become a serious company that can eat GW and PP for breakfast, you have to make right things that people are asking almost instantly.

I've heard Eric that he is hopping to find "dream" edition of Malifaux on some podcast, but IMO this new errata isn't going to fix EVERYTHING, there will be always something new to fix.

I do understand that you are building Malifaux errata instead of new edition. I really love you all for that.

I'm the guy who started hate on GW long time ago in my area, I'm the one who openly told Matt Wilson on his forum that: "I play WM despite of the MW" (after he told in one his announcement to his gamers to STFU) and I'm the one who are telling you:


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I'm the guy who started hate on GW long time ago in my area, I'm the one who openly told Matt Wilson on his forum that: "I play WM despite of the MW" (after he told in one his announcement to his gamers to STFU) and I'm the one who are telling you:


The difference still being that Wyrd give a crap about us and Wyrd might be taking "months" to release something that they want as close to perfected as they can for us, and again GW take years to do anything and usually not in accordance to their fans.

I would rather wait for an awesome errata, than have one and have to wait for the errata's errata.

I think as Wyrd fans we should be less "whiney" (I can't think of a more diplomatic term :o:) and more supportive for a company that has only just left the starting blocks of the miniatures market and are actually trying to do right by us and who especially are forward planning their awesomtastic system for our sake.

But Wyrd, don't take too much longer :flute:

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