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is Perdita worth it?


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so im pretty new to malifaux and was looking into a Perdita Ortega List. when I Asked my friends if this was a smart choice i got mixed reviews. some said that shes really good and other said that she sucks. so my question is this. is she worth running or is she really underpowered.

And if she is worth running is there any basic list or outline that i should look into. from what i understand her strongest power is her Obey hers and her totems but I have yet to find any specific list to go with that.

anybody have a list that i could look into?

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No lists here, but I will say that Perdita is almost universally considered one of the top 3 masters in the game, if not the best master in the game. So yeah, your friends are smoking crack :)

First of all that is an incredibly bold statement. Top 3 is a huge stretch depending on your metagame. Her main advantages are that she is Defense 8 with Faster n you and have companion family. She has crit, Heros gamble and quick draw which are good as well. She's pretyy good but not that best.

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First of all that is an incredibly bold statement. Top 3 is a huge stretch depending on your metagame. Her main advantages are that she is Defense 8 with Faster n you and have companion family. She has crit, Heros gamble and quick draw which are good as well. She's pretyy good but not that best.

You missed Execute. Which is amazing for taking how Hard to Wound models. Gun Fighter, which means she is just as deadly in melee. Plus Obey, which means she can make other models do out of turn activations(Great for getting Fransisco in range to flurry, or Santiago in a good spot to Rapid Fire). All that and shes Fast too.

Yeah she is definitely top 3. So much so that I know several people who do not use her anymore because she is too good. It hasn't stopped me from using her personally because I love the Ortegas.

In conclusion, whoever told you she sucks is in for a surprise when you put her on the table.

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I stopped playing her because she was too easy. I think she is a good master to begin with, but it is just too easy to win with her in most situations. I would definitely say she is one of the top 3 masters in the game. I cannot possibly imagine how she would be considered underpowered.

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I think she is a good master to begin with, but it is just too easy to win with her in most situations.

That is the generally accepted opinion on the whole. It will certainly upset some Perdita-lovers out there saying so, because it takes away from their efforts...but generally speaking, using Perdita means your job is probably going to be less difficult than your opponent's.

Edited by thetang22
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Hiya i have to add my 2 cents into this thred.

I love perdita she is my fav master but I am not going to put her in the top three casters, I honestly think that every caster is = as good as others.

But in the case of perdita her skills are straight forward and easy to understand how she is good and how to use her. This means that most players play her right and get the best results, a master like nicadem is harder to understand how he works so players normally don’t play him, though in my games with him i have been just as effective as the games i play with perdita. Its all about understanding how your master works.

And perdita is one of the easiest to understand, she has some tactics that may take getting used to like how to use obey but the rest are straight forward.

Her perks,

-She is fast in both ways, she has fast and she moves fast.

-She has gunfighter so she is just as good at melee as range fighting

-She has deference 8 so as long as she has soul stones on her she is one tuff cookie to beat.

-she has great zero actions both are good.

-she hot

-She is part of the family a well versed killing machine that if used right can kill just about everything.

The list goes on and on but that the gist of it.

Hope this helps

Andrew Haught

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could not put it better myself, she's better than sliced bread (try playing around with her and guild guards sometime you'll be very impressed)


Perdita (2ss)

2x guards 8

fran 5

2x hounds 6

captain 7

so you get 7 SS (guild kennels is an awesome ability)

and I basically use all the SS to keep her attacks at crazy high numbers and keep a few for when her 8 df somehow isn't saving her

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So I went and shot my mouth off.....

Played Perdita today twice. Boxed set v Ophelia box. Ouch. Bloody battle ended up with me on the downside, after a couple bad mid-game hands.

35ss v a Rasputina build that had Hamlin doubling up damage on me. ouch. Managed to win that on schemes, though only Hamlin was left on the table.

So no smoking of opponents today! But still great and bloody games.

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It seems no one mentioned her ability to utterly destroy Pandora by ignoring the Wp duel to target her.

Pandora is, in my opinion, one of those other top 3 masters, and Perdita has the ability to take her down incredibly easily.

Yeah but Pandora strips Perditas immune to influence. Which is pretty hard on her since unlike the rest of the Ortegas, she does not have stubborn.

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I think the reason the Perdy does well is that she and her slection from the guild leads to few to non bad match ups allowing the user a great set of tools to use in any situation.

As an example of what i mean by a bad match up. orphilia and co VS panora. When you get a WP4 as your highest WP you can see how this one will go, Or rasputina V Levictus with SPA. Splash damage against units that need to clump up to move quickly.

Im not saying that haveing a bad match up is an auto lose its just a up hill struggle to get your VP before you drop.

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One of the key things about Perdita is that her abilities are straightforward and her learning curve starts low and grades smoothly. It is obvious to even a beginning player what Fast is good for, or high Def, or Execute, or Bullet Bending etc, but she is not without depth, and the possibilities of Companion and Obey are powerful and effective when used without much tactical nous, and more so when their use is more carefully planned out.

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One of the key things about Perdita is that her abilities are straightforward and her learning curve starts low and grades smoothly. It is obvious to even a beginning player what Fast is good for, or high Def, or Execute, or Bullet Bending etc, but she is not without depth, and the possibilities of Companion and Obey are powerful and effective when used without much tactical nous, and more so when their use is more carefully planned out.

+1 Exactly my thoughts as well.

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Sonnia...wait until they get a face full of Flame Burst for the first time...

(Daemonkin, if you're ever out here in Hawaii, drop by Other Realms on a Monday night, and I'll take your Perdita crew on. (Maybe even with my Gremlins...and all their guns. Even if I lose, there'll be a slew of flying lead.) ) :rocketwho

The trick to beating any crew (even Perdita's) is finding tactics/gimmicks/etc. that work for you against them. I've found that I get almost stubborn about finding a way to stand up to or beat a force (in most games) that I have a hard time with.

If someone grumbles about the crew you're using, remind them that they don't have to actually hammer the crew itself (unless you're playing Slaughter, and you can re-flip for strategy, I believe). The thing is to go after the objective(s). It's possible to be wiped out and still win. :laugh:

(The infamous suicidal cultie tactic.)

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