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Got married!

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I've been all quiet lately and unfortunately skimped my duties as a Malifaux playtester. The rules were awesome, though, so I will be picking up the rulebook for sure. The reason for my lack of time was a wedding.

My (now) wife likes cows. I like Confrontation minis. We got married:


Nothing all that special, really, painting-wise. I was in a hurry and didn't have time to make them as nice as I would've wanted. While the bride was out getting her hair and make-up done, I was furiously painting away :lol:

So yeah, lots of things that I'm not happy with, but OTOH for most of the wedding guests these were the first minis they had seen, so no biggie.






The three weeks of honeymoon in the Caribbean sun behind us now, so got to post these finally.

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Congratulations!! A 3 week honeymoon sounds like a great idea. It's weird actually because literally yesterday I was just discussing with my fiance (who is also a minipainter) about painting minis that represent each other as a cake topper! I've just nudged him after seeing this post and he's just rolled his eyes at me in the "yes dear" sort of way that I guess most men do when organising a wedding! Congratulations again and I wish you both all the best in the future :D

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