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About DangerMouse

  • Birthday 02/07/1980

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  1. Very nice! i love the different colors and the NMM is fantastic. The base on the this one is the best of the 3 as well. Great job -DM
  2. very cool i love the bases -DM
  3. NICE! i love the metals and the dark tones great job. -DM
  4. NICE! i love this mini and you did a great job with it and a great base to boot -DM
  5. Nicely done! they look great with all the shades of blue. -DM
  6. Thanks guys! Well Peterdita i DO leave the house... but i have been told i paint like a mad man so i think i fit in great here . But I am a firefighter and so I can't be bothered to work more than one day out of three and on my off days i paint during my two year old's nap time. As to the paints I use, I use all P3 paints now I just like the way the wet blend better. And I make all my bases from scratch. All I did on these guys was use some green stuff flattened out and made the cobble stones with the side of a card to make the little squares then dry brushed it and such, added talus, static grass and underrrush or flowers. As to the clockwork style base on Hans i have a how-to that can be found on my website here: http://lorddangermouse.com/id38.html For my water bases, like Leveticus and his glowy green water, i used the say basic steps as my Pirates for Warmachine and that how-to can be found here: http://coolminiornot.com/go.php/go/articlephp/aid/777? and http://coolminiornot.com/article/aid/778 -DM
  7. DONE DONE DONE DONE!!!!! That's it! That's all! There DONE! Now if my rule book, cards, and such would just ship so i could play... my order status is still showing "Processed" i guess they got slammed with orders (i ordered right before Gencon) is why it has not shipped out yet but i am TOTALLY ready to play now that there all painted! and the group shots: -DM
  8. Welcome! and that is one fine looking baby! -DM
  9. Now only Johan left to do and my rule book and cards should get here this week i hope and ill be set to play! -DM
  10. Welcome to Wyrd! where we are all at least just a little bit odd. -DM
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