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2022 Monthly Painting Challenge - August


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Hello everybody!

This is the August Thread. Paint a lot of miniatures and Post Photos here.

This months masterclass is Relaxation. Try to take it easy and don't get swamped by all the heat weather and life wise, paint some minis, have a good life



p.s.:If you are new to the challenge and what to know the ins and outs - Everything you need to know for the Challenge is right HERE.

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Caedrus, reporting in!

For the month of August (runs to calendar, and realises that it's nearly August, promptly panics) I shall be painting the annoyingly low-value Plague units ... auilorophobes, and so many cats.

Any requests for cat colour schemes? 


Oh, and if I get a chance, I'll have a go at the OSL Challenge. What to paint?!?

Have a tremendous August!



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I'll probably mostly be working on my competition entry for the first half of august, but I should be able to slap some paint onto some more nightmares during the second half.

I do have quite a few half-started models that I should be able to finish... right?

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I'm joining the "painting something for the competition" club on my pledge. Aside from that I'm not sure. I've got some swampfiends, some Fey, some more savage. Various little neverborn bits that I might opt to go with. Should probably paint dreamer Insomniac too, he'd be a relatively simple 15 points depending on time constraints for the month.

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I'm glad we are relaxing, as this month I'm getting married and seriously considering using the Mulligan! Going on Honeymoon straight after so I hope I might be able to paint something before the month is over, but if not, well I'll just relax and enjoy all the amazing paint jobs in these threads.

Keep up the great work all, over half way through 

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I already noted my plans in my what I finished (barely in the last few days) for July post, but will repeat here to remind myself about August. Looking at finishing my 3rd Jorogumo, then starting on Honeypot with Mr Tannen, and maybe Lynch.  I might flip back to MCP for a bit as I am 2 models (Vision & Angela) short of fully painted there, then I can buy new stuff under my self imposed MCP budget.

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Demi checking in! This month is gonna be packed full, so I might will have to pull a mulligan. I am trying to start and finish my competition piece (4ss) as well as continuing Qi and Gong, this time with a Kunoichi and a second Bunraku (12ss). 


@Viruk Can't wait to see what you make of them, especially Lady Yume, she is such a gorgeous and interesting model!

@Kogan Style Huge congrats on tying the knot mate, wishing you the best! :)

@Caedrus I feel you, I have the rest of my Plague crew in a box as I simply can't make myself to paint teeny-tiny RATS... 😅


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Shockingly I finished a model extra early this month, so anything else done will be gravy.  I might power through and get alot of Malifaux done, or I might switch to another game system to get more done there, or if I finish my Katashiro I might finally base my Oni crew as I'll finally be done with the keyword.

Anyway, here's my third Jorogumo, in a similar purple & yellow scheme as the other two, but this time a more blotch scheme, rather than a stripe or hourglass scheme


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Whelp, i'm feeling better motivated to paint than I expected and have managed to get some models painted in the little time off I've had so far this month!At this rate I might actually have the savage keyword fully painted by the end of the month! Well excluding Euri2 and the Kaltgeists, those I'll need to wait on arriving from a gencon order.


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Real question for you folks, how do you handle burnout, and lack of motivation to keep painting? Been struggling with that for the past few months, and was wondering how you folks deal with it.


For better news, I did manage to find some motivation this past weekend and put in some work on Maxine a bit.


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1 hour ago, OctaBit said:

Real question for you folks, how do you handle burnout, and lack of motivation to keep painting?


Tricky question but from my own recent experience...

Wasn't so much burnout for me as failure to get motivated, was barely having any time off from the rest of life to paint and so in the time that was available to me I just couldnt be asked to get paint on my models. How I ended up remedying it was waiting until I had a proper day off with no real obligations or demanding household tasks that needed to be done and then buckled down and got to work on something different. Completely different model to what I'd been working on prior to burnout, different theme, different size different colours, something that I could just do without being beholden to the rules set out for me on the models I'd been planning to paint (due to needing to keep them in theme with the rest of the keyword).

Once I was over that particular hump I ended up painting pretty much the entire savage keyword (going back to the project that I'd been on before my burnout) and converted a base for my hooded rider, a converted Stumpy for Swampfiends and a converted Scorpius for Chimera (plus constructed a leg for a changeling from greenstuff due to his original legging pinging off into some unkown corner of the room).

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21 hours ago, OctaBit said:

Real question for you folks, how do you handle burnout, and lack of motivation to keep painting? Been struggling with that for the past few months, and was wondering how you folks deal with it.

I think i just don't paint for a while, also don't look at your instagram, cause there is too much proof that other people are painting.

Read the fluff, play the Game, or watch some videos about painting with different stuff then you have tried before.

Also i have a regular (3 out 4 weeks) weekly painting session with 2-4 people which always helps to smooth over the rough holes in my motivation, cause you sit, you talk, you paint something, cause people.

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Well, until my coldsnap box arrives from gencon the Savage keyword is now fully painted!


The chain on Thoon is my first real intentional attempt at doing Non metallic metal, pretty happy with how it came out. Happy with how the crew looks, can't wait for coldsnap to arrive so I can work out how I want to do the Kaltgeists. In the meantime will likely be moving on to some Elite/Mimic or Nightmare as I have the remaining models I need to complete those keywords, they just aren't painted yet.

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On 8/8/2022 at 4:55 PM, OctaBit said:

Real question for you folks, how do you handle burnout, and lack of motivation to keep painting? Been struggling with that for the past few months, and was wondering how you folks deal with it


I guess it varies according to each person’s personality and circumstances to a large extent.

I’ve been on a massive roll for a year, since I moved house and got a dedicated painting space in our garage. This is a HUGE help as I can spend as much or as little time as I like there. 10mins in a rush, slap a wash on, next time I see the minis I can see progress, which is a big motivator. If you have to go through the faff of unpacking and packing everything every time, it’s much harder, and unfortunately loads of people aren’t lucky enough to have such a space (especially if they have kids etc as well).
For me personally, I like to have one or two models from different games/systems/factions on the go at once. ATM I have a Norse Blood Bowl team, the last few Malifaux minis, some Necromunda terrain bits and some romans for Saga. This means if (when!) I get tired of one mini/style, I switch to another. Lots of minis also have metal or leather type bits, so I can also batch paint across various types of models and feel good about progress on various fronts, then when I am ‘feeling’ one mini, I’ll concentrate on it. It’s making progress but mixing it up at the same time.
One also needs to accept two points, I believe: some minis you just don’t have a feel for, even if you like the sculpt, and sometimes you’re just not feeling painting. In the former case, sometimes you need to accept ‘good enough is good enough’, especially if it’s for playing rather than display. In the second case, take a break. Do something else. If you force it,  you’ll resent it.
I also have the problem of different hobbies taking up the creative juices. Another hobby of mine is drawing, but since being on a painting roll, I’ve done virtually none and have tended to flip-flop between hobbies.

I guess this is a long winded way of saying that we’ve all been there, your circumstances may not make it easy for you, you may not be feeling a particular mini or painting at all at the moment….and that’s OK! don’t force it, and everyone here is supportive of whatever you do!


edit: your work is still amazing, even if you are struggling for motivation!

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I know the theme is "relax" this month but I guess Wobbly and I didn't get the memo!


Have been on a bit of a painting burst. Ended up doing the entire NB starter set and most of my unpainted nightmares. With the exception of the 3rd bearly together (and a 4th Teddy) this is the nightmare keyword compelted for me, at least until I decided to update my 1E metals for Daydreams, Alps, Coppelius, Dreamer and Chompy...

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3 hours ago, TimH said:

I know the theme is "relax" this month but I guess Wobbly and I didn't get the memo!


Have been on a bit of a painting burst. Ended up doing the entire NB starter set and most of my unpainted nightmares. With the exception of the 3rd bearly together (and a 4th Teddy) this is the nightmare keyword compelted for me, at least until I decided to update my 1E metals for Daydreams, Alps, Coppelius, Dreamer and Chompy...

I can taste and smell the pressure... Better get to painting some more of my own NIGHTMARES. 🙀

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