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First impressions of the new Molly

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New Molly!!!!! I've had half a dozen people asking me for opinions, so here we go...

Overall Impression

Oooooo boy. This just delivers on a whole bunch of fronts.

She allows a completely different build of crew. She adds a don't mind me effect to the faction (honestly this is probably the single biggest comment about her).

She to me looks like she plays a bit like Neverborn Marcus - too fragile to take straight punches, but so many mobility tricks she can really punish people.  And can hit like a truck if necessary.

Crew combos

This to me screams that she is the Night Terror Molly. OG Molly is all about the crooligans, but Night Terrors have the best fading in the crew and Molly can trigger them from a distance.

This also increases the viability of Philip, because Philip inherently pairs well with Night Terrors AND pairs well with new Molly's Fading. NOTE: You don't get to do 5 inches for Philip if Molly pushes a Night Terror from a distance :(

I think you're looking for night terrors + Philip being your schemers, and then archie/rogue necro/etc being your front liners to tie up the enemy/kill the stuff that is keen to stop your schemers.

One crooligan to eat scheme markers may be situationally necessary.

Card management

If you know my opinions on the Forgotten crew, it is that you can't just build your crew to discard a lot to fading.

Arcane resevoir helps here - it means you are less likely to have to stone for cards to smooth things out, it means you can better judge what you want to do before you have to start drawing cards, and it makes it more likely you have the crows you need.

One thing is this Molly has a lot of trouble going card positive (cheating and discarding for Deja Vu means you're often spending 2 cards to draw 2 cards...)

HOWEVER, her bonus action does let you go card positive, which is REALLY important in a discard-based crew. One of the first things to investigate with this crew will be how to efficiently use models to draw cards using cheating off the top. So we're talking low TNs ideally, or spamming lots of high TNs.

  • Night terror bonus
  • Rabble riser challenging a model that has already activated.
  • Philip and the Nanny boring conversation.

So that's potentially 1-3 extra cards a turn, which you really need to give yourself the opportunity to get. Card management is going to be even HARDER with this crew than regular Molly I think. You can also cheat with Archie off the top for instance hoping to land a hit, so may get a few cards from getting a few extra attacks hitting and drawing a card. So just flipping cards is SO important with this crew, rather than going for guaranteed hits.

Overall I don't think this Molly will quite get there on the card front, and so probably is more stone hungry than old Molly (prediction: 3-5 stone cache instead of 1-3). But maybe the 'card flipping' approach will actually surpass old Molly.

Whisper on Molly really helps with her TNs.

Movement shenanigans

At first glance, you might think new Molly adds a lot of movement to the crew, but I don't think that is true. What she can offer is movement transfer. She can spend an AP moving an ally instead of walking, for instance. Or moving an enemy (let's hope we can get more hazardous damage...)

I think treating her as a hyper-mobile crew is probably a bit of a mistake. What she can do is just do a bunch of micro-repositioning (think Viktorias but on a bigger scale), AND she can get value while doing that (damage, deja vu triggers, OR INTERACT WHILE ENGAGED WHAT THE HELL SO GOOD).

She is a finesse master for sure.

Damage spike

This Molly can turn a couple severes into 9-12 damage, and that will be key to getting the most out of her I think. She can focus herself while deja-vuing (very efficient use of AP), and then can bop people for six.

That'll be critical to her kit - force people to play around being bopped for 6 damage, meaning they have to save some cards or stones for defense. So it may not come up much when people are playing around it, but if people don't play around it you just smash the crap out of them.

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Well... I felt so strongly about the need for an ability that is 'discard a card, draw a card' spread across the Forgotten keyword, and they put it on!!!

This entirely merits tons of keyword testing for that ability alone. SO GOOD.

The model is SQUISHY, though. It is a mature neph with -1wp/df and no combat finesse (although hard to wound at least). So... Needless to say it is going to die by turn 3 most games, especially since it has self-damage. Its trigger seems really bizarre against melee, but seems very useful against ranged.

To me this seems like one of the best corpse makers for trying to get corpses far up the board for whatever reason (for instance, catch & release with a bone pile). So I would not be at all surprised to see this replacing carrion emissary in corpse-hungry builds.

The bring it effect... I'm not very good with this ability, but it is powerful and I'm sure something can be done.

Tear off a bite trigger - this is HUGE. Triggers really matter for Molly crews because she cycles so many cards. The ability to start an activation at 3 health and heal back up to 7 is just so significant.

Looking forward to testing out both!

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Archie takes on a completely different role with Molly2 as a bodyguard.

Every time the opponent attacks Molly2 she discards a card (triggering Fading: Loneliness which in turn triggers Fading: Brain Freeze) healing Archie who becomes the target of the attack.  Sadly Terrifying wouldn't trigger (as per the FAQ a couple months ago since he was not the original target) but with HtW, 11 health and healing 1/2/3 every time he will be a nightmare to drop.

This does allow Molly2 to play somewhat aggressively up the board.

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This Molly looks fun with Hazardous terrain producers like Jakuna. Parade Route becomes garaunteed 2dmg and Leading Baton becomes 7dmg pops.

I think she can have some impressive durability with Archie/Necromancy nearby. Can’t kill her while they are near, and her discard to change the target to them fuels thier healing abilities.

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5 minutes ago, bakaryu135 said:

Archie takes on a completely different role with Molly2 as a bodyguard.

Every time the opponent attacks Molly2 she discards a card (triggering Fading: Loneliness which in turn triggers Fading: Brain Freeze) healing Archie who becomes the target of the attack.  Sadly Terrifying wouldn't trigger (as per the FAQ a couple months ago since he was not the original target) but with HtW, 11 health and healing 1/2/3 every time he will be a nightmare to drop.

This does allow Molly2 to play somewhat aggressively up the board.

Once Archie gets low, you can use protected on the nephilim and when it takes damage it can make Molly discard and she can make Archie heal ^.^

4 minutes ago, PiersonsMuppeteer said:

This Molly looks fun with Hazardous terrain producers like Jakuna. Parade Route becomes garaunteed 2dmg and Leading Baton becomes 7dmg pops.

I think she can have some impressive durability with Archie/Necromancy nearby. Can’t kill her while they are near, and her discard to change the target to them fuels thier healing abilities.

Yeah, really keen to see if we get new hazardous tools!

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Looking out of keyword, Noxious Nephilim I can already see plenty of value for it with many of our masters so I won't go there, but looking at non master models there are two that immediately jump out at me:

Toshiro loves a guaranteed access to corpse markers to try to push out those free Ashigaru models.

Revenants in general also love access to corpse markers, Draugrs can turn them into pyre markers which in turn can help to keep Lampads alive with their demise ability.  Not to mention that Revenants in general can also use them for shielded and Reva herself has many uses for pyre markers.


It is also totally worth pointing out Grave Spirit's Touch upgrade for him, Regen +4 is no joke.  Also means he can drop down a corpse marker end of one turn and next turn use Blasphemous Ritual to hand out Focused +1 to everyone around him (except Archie who is too dense).

Killer Instinct is also a worthy mention turning him into a Soulstone generator.  Two turns you break even, three turns you are on a net positive on the investment though I still prefer GST as an upgrade for him even if just for the regen alone.

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1 hour ago, Maniacal_cackle said:


The bring it effect... I'm not very good with this ability, but it is powerful and I'm sure something can be done.

I see it being used to move friendly models around. Can sling-shot a Night Terror 12-17” and filter 1-2 cards depending on if you push through the Nephilim. Philip can tag along with the pushes as well.

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Just now, PiersonsMuppeteer said:

I see it being used to move friendly models around. Can sling-shot a Night Terror 12-17” and filter 1-2 cards depending on if you push through the Nephilim. Philip can tag along with the pushes as well.

That's a neat combo :D

Really the ability to make models discard on command is SO good for the keyword. I don't know how viable it will be, but another discard outlet is fantastic.

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I just realised that noxious nephilim may make Grave Golem a lot more viable into Molly crews.

I'd much rather 19 stones for the pair than 16 stones for a digger + grave golem...

Just opens up so many possibilities for when I'm wanting bete/toshiro/grave golem but don't want to hire a grave digger...

The corpse generation is probably the most exciting part for me about the new neph xD

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3 minutes ago, PiersonsMuppeteer said:

Noxious Nephilim’s Bring It looks good for use on Crooligans, to rip a scheme marker nearby for “free”, Rogue Necromancy, to sling it 12” into a nearby enemy w/ pouncing strike trigger, or Molly herself to discard 2 draw 3 with Deja Vu trigger.

Ohhhhh, bring it on a friendly means that they get to damage the Neph! So good!

Note the attack can't declare triggers, but still can be a way to do extra discard/fading/draw.

EDIT: Specifically you can also do this in Molly's aura as another chance to draw another card!

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4 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

Ohhhhh, bring it on a friendly means that they get to damage the Neph! So good!

Note the attack can't declare triggers, but still can be a way to do extra discard/fading/draw.

Shoot, forgot about that portion of Bring It! Necromancy is a poor target then, but Molly is still decent to just filter a card.

You can also use the Night Terror push to trigger remember the lost on the Mv duel for Fading (shadows) to try and draw a card for each forgotten model pushed through. Forgotten’s lower movement certainly limits the appeal of the tactic though.

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Molly2 is definitely a change on how you play compared to Molly1 really dialling into card cycling and playing on the Forgotten keyword's fading abilities.  She doesn't change the way the crew plays on a fundamental level but instead she gives you better consistency and micromanagement of positioning.

Nox (easier to type than his full name) on the other hand DOES bring a lot of stuff to the table that Forgotten couldn't get out of keyword before, on top of that they have gained a third bruiser alongside Archie and Rogue Necromancy to deliver damaging threats.  He really makes me want to run Toshiro OOK with Molly, especially with his own aura that affects minions so well combined with the minion heavy approach that Molly really seems to favour (though Archie, Nox and Toshiro is a pretty heavy investment already without any upgrades).

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I'm sure I wasn't the onle one who thought Molly's title would be journalist themed.
I didn't even think of the parade story for that!

Molly2 seems to be so different & fun to play, it will be nice to try her out!
All the discard & card draw to trigger other's fading ability (and the combo with Philip, trigger 2 models ability each time - at least once I want to discard a severe with Molly, trigger Archie heal of 3 with her, and with Philip, to heal 6 and make it clear Archie is here to stay :D)
Having protected can lead to all sort of shenanigans when the opponent targets Molly.


For the new model, it looks like a good beater, who could be deceptively tough.
Bring it will help move your friends & trigger Memories of Blood

Speaking of which : Memories of Blood will allow to use "Last Memory" once per turn, once per model using, right?

Also, I'm stuck with the mental image of Noxious Nephilim barfing up a body, then Archie throwing it at people :D


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Im very curious to try her out and see what she can do. Shes going to be gimicky and be able to move around so fast.


The general problem i have with molly is not with molly herself, its with the forgotten keyword. The normal struggle i get with old molly (and probably this molly aswell) is my models will be dead by end of turn 3 (all the forgottens atleast). I want to use the keyword as they are designed to work together but they just dont last 😅

The new forgotten nephelim model i love! I been waiting for the day for us to get a bring it model and corpse generator !! I see him fit so well in red chapel. So excited try him out ! Can see him with many of our masters and try him out. 

Will this molly win more games for resser in tournaments? Maybe? But as for now i think the other new titles look more exciting 

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I agree the keyword dies too easily.

Old Molly can address that with activation control via constructive criticism and card draw. Especially in GG0, I had many games where Archie jumped into the action as last activation, and jumped out of it as first activation, making him effectively immortal.

New Molly... I'm not sure.

She can't takes models and get them to attack out of activation. She can't accomplice into other models.

So... I think you probably end up having to play the Chaotic Conductor as a crew very focused on the points and disruption. Although it is worth experimenting with other things like tarpitting - a noxious nephilim and a grave golem can tank an entire enemy crew if working together potentially.

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