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Favorite OOK NVB Picks


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Guild has Phi, Bayou has Franc, what is a model that sees play for you OOK?

For me its Candy. Take her with Z and a Ride with Me and Ensorcel Obey later and she is in their face, manipulative and aura still up. Take her with Titania and you make a zone of take 2 damage, gain Stunned, and discard upon activation, with the Emissary (who is usually with Titania) Misery's push gets alot of mileage.

How bout yall?

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Candy and BBS are also my go to OOK. Candy also work with Nekima (you can easily bring her in position with fly with me).

The other day one of my oponent use Thoon with Zoraida to abuse is removed from the game trigger. I'm still not sure but it was an interesting tech piece against big expensive models.

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I need to play more games with Thoon but I'm afraid he is more of a meme than anything. It could be that be just needs to be taken OOK when an opponent doesn't tech in marker removal. Once per turn removes the possibility of out of activation shenanigans, but with Lucius you can get 2 Mimics and Changelings can copy Artic Pull to yoink Pillar'd models out of your opponent's reach.

Maybe a meme worth exploring but I'm not super hopeful 🤣

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Does someone take the Spiders duo OOk for deepfield Scheme running? What about Grootslang? 

We're so bad at marker placement that I usually just tried to avoid schemes such as Breakthrough or Spread them out, but maybe it's possible to take our oponent off guard with the Spiders (with Dora or Titania for example). 

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I wouldn't take WW with Dora simply due to her Terrifying have far less value when your opponent is expecting it an Manipulative and is probably going to bringing Ruthless.

I can see value in dropping 50mm Severe markers for Titania to put her on [+] or for the Emissary to put his target on [-] or give him somewhere for Planted Roots.

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10 hours ago, dzlier said:

Surprised no mention of Iggy. I almost always get my money's worth out of Scheme Marker removal from him when the pool is right.

Never tried him, but he strikes me as doing alot of nothing most the game then maybe stopping a scheme. If there are multiple scheme marker schemes in the pool and your opponents master is the kind that favors those, an 8 point model that stops 2 scheme points is great. But they get to see him in your list before choosing schemes so they may just opt for others instead and a Mv5 Stat5 2/3/4, even with Fast, guy isn't setting the world on fire(forgive my pun).


6 hours ago, Nathan Sells said:

I have yet to try it, but I find the Changelings a very tempting OOK pick with Woe. Candy and Pandora just have such lovely tactical actions they can copy. 

The 5" on Just Like You and 2" on Good Basket make it tough to get alot of mileage there since Candy is usually going to outpace them once she On Your Heels onto something. Not having to spend Dora's AP on Despair's Influence is awesome, but Woe generates no card draw so having to discard for it is rough. Euripides likes having a Changling around though because it gets the suit for the action so it can save him an AP if he wants to start his turn on a Reflection teleport to a pillar that wasn't there before.

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13 hours ago, Nathan Sells said:

I have yet to try it, but I find the Changelings a very tempting OOK pick with Woe. Candy and Pandora just have such lovely tactical actions they can copy. 

Also using the poltergeist's  telekinesis for extra marker removal. I do tend to bring one when i play Pandy.

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On 1/22/2021 at 8:44 PM, Roadhouse said:

Never tried him, but he strikes me as doing alot of nothing most the game then maybe stopping a scheme. If there are multiple scheme marker schemes in the pool and your opponents master is the kind that favors those, an 8 point model that stops 2 scheme points is great. But they get to see him in your list before choosing schemes so they may just opt for others instead and a Mv5 Stat5 2/3/4, even with Fast, guy isn't setting the world on fire(forgive my pun).

That's assuming you aren't using him for anything else, which you should be... With fast that gives him up to 15" a turn, more than enough to get anywhere on the board by Turn 3. 

Also, with Misery you're getting min 4 out of his melee attack if they take the Burning damage.

He's small and has multiple defensive tech things giving him some survivability as well.

And if the opponent drops 2 scheme-marker schemes from their available pool because of one model of mine, I consider that a win as well. Not saying he works into every pool, but I definitely took him in GG0 if there was the corner-scheme marker based one and prevented a good number of points.

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Manipulative and 6wds is not sturdy at all and if he's pinged himself for fast just once there are tons of things that just kill him with Focus and a Severe. I said I could only see the denial because he'd be hiding most game due to the above.

Calling his attack Min 4 is way off, if anything you get Min 3 once per activation, that applies burning. It takes 3 burning past the first to increase that end of turn damage so you definitely don't get to count each instance of burning as extra damage.

One of my regular opponents likes him in Kaeris, but there he get to hide him behind Pyres and he becomes an amazing control peice, pushing dudes post charge through pyres, denying attacks and the like.

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Iggy is a narrow tech piece. I take him some time in Woe if the pool and the opponent are right. But I never tried him OOK. Maybe in the perfect game for him (let say against Reva with at least 3 scheme needing marker placement)... 

I agree that you need to hide him (he's really squishy), but that doesn't mean he's doing nothing. He can be use as a flank piece to scheme (which he's decent at), than if he attracts a big beater, it's fine (he'll eventually die, but dragging something out of position is often good). Than he can be use for a clutch turn, denying a scheme.

Still, most NB masters probably have better to do with 7ss...

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3 minutes ago, Regelridderen said:

I’ve only used Iggy with ‘Dora, but I made great use of his speed and denial. And kept him out of the fighting, which his speed and range allows him to - but he isn’t my favorite model.


Yeah I mention that he's small (Sz 1 / 30mm) to mean that keeping him hidden from threats is part of his defense. He's not meant to be a beater or anything, and yes a true "min 4" would be able to do multiple Min 4 attacks in a turn which he can't do, but he can do 6 with a Min 3 + Min 2 + Burning ping at end of turn which means he could feasibly kill a 6 SS model if necessary. But yes like lots of stuff in NB you have to hold him back and then strike at the right time.

And again, he's not for every list. But I do find a place for him when Scheme Denial is going to be critical, and it has worked out for me.

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I've also had good use of Iggy in certain situations. Although a bit expensive with Eldritch Magic, he has been critical against Kaeris for keeping my models free of burning and injured. (You can use dispel magic with opportunist against a friendly model to remove burning and injured while getting a +flip at that). Of course you could do the same with Pandora, but I feel her actions have better uses...

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