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Beginners Decision


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Hi Wyrd Community,


At first I have to say I'm from germany, so I'm sorry for my bad grammar. 

In my City there exists no place to play Malifaux. Not even in the surrounding gamestores in the neighbour cities. 

But I still want to play this hobbie with my friends. They just know the prominent Warhammer and refuse to invest money for something new. So here is my question/bidding:


I want to have at least two crews to put on the table.  These crews should take all corners of strategies and be totally beginner friendly. So marker shenanigans, complicated setups, lots of stuff to buy to make the crews work or lots of summoning are all points i want to avoid. 

The Test games should make fun for both players and should be clear to follow instead of getting more complex. 


I dont know, if a henchman hardcore would suit much better my needs, but i hole u understand :-)

Long terms short:

I need a suggestion of two masters (or henchman) and a minimum Setup to fullfill every strategy (At least a bit).


Tanks a lot! 




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It's a tricky one to answer because the way Malifaux works, its difficult to get a perfect balance for all crews to work for all Schemes and Strategies.  Because each crew excels at something different, they find themselves better suited for certain objectives.  For example, Colette is a fantastic control Master, who is extremely powerful, but is not the best choice when it comes to a Scheme or strategy that involves killing.  She has a lot of movement tricks and can manipulate the opponents units, but has generally low damage output.


My advice would be to put a list together of the Masters you like the look of.  From there we can suggest a couple that would work well together for demo purposes.

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Hi and welcome. 

Where are you from? I am from Germany, too and it's not the easiest task to find fellow Malifaux players but there are some. 

I would recommend Molly (Rezzers) as one crew which is quite versatile and has a few tricks while not being overly complicated to handle and involving a lot of micro management (like tracking tons of Conditions or such). 

Another "simple" crew is Leveticus: Even more straight forward and includes fast models and some weird tricks. 

With those two crews you should be able to show the most important aspects of the game: hand management, ressource mangement in general, bubbling versus lone models, Demise, Scheme running versus Marker manipulation... 

Or maybe Kaeris instead of Levy, but I don't really like the match up. 


From a player's perspective, I'd aim for picking your favorite faction and then picking your two favorite Masters from said faction. It's just the most reasonable way to start for yourself. But I can imagine, that you want to choose two different factions for being able to show the different characters of each and every crew. 

Pandora comes to mind with so many signature miniatures, or Dreamer with Teddy. Same goes for almost any Bayou... 


For starting the two crews I mentioned, I'd recommend this shopping list:








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There are certainly people who will suggest Henchman hardcore as a way to demo. I'm not completely convinced its a good representation of what Malifaux is, so I would probably suggest normal Malifaux but with smaller lists. 

Its very hard to pick 2 masters as beginner friendly. I think at Beginner level all masters can do all strategies and schemes, its only as people get better, that you will start to see where masters are better in one place or another. All masters can be played in complicated ways, although the learning curves are different. 

My advice is pick 1 master you like. Work out what the Cost of that Crew box is, and then look at other masters with similar crew box sizes (they don't need to be exactly the same, the game has a mechanism if the crews are uneven points cost) and pick one of those that seems least complicated to you. A demo using these 2 boxes should be reasonable, 



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I am from Schwerte in the near of Dortmund. And you?


Okay, so it likes there is no easy start up, just pick my two favourite two masters.  But they all look cool in their own ways. 


Into my eyes these masters look interresting from model design:


Outcast - Hamelin

Exp. Society - Cooper, English, McCabe

Rezzer - Seamus,  Mourning 

Arcs - Rasputina

Goblins  - Wong, Ulix


So, i dont know who fit in my thoughts  😛

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You choosed alot of complicated master right there... I think straightforward aggro master might be easier at the beginning (Lady G, Viks, Ophelia, etc.)... Cooper seem to fit this bill, but I don't know much about ES. 

If you have nobody to play with, maybe you want to try the game on Vassal first... It's a bit tedious, but  at least you can have a feel for the game.

I agree with@Adran about HH. I recently introduced two friends to malifaux using this mode and I was not convinced by it as a way to learn the game (the small hand size is really hard for beginner imo). 



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1 minute ago, Wimmlo said:


I am from Schwerte in the near of Dortmund. And you?


Okay, so it likes there is no easy start up, just pick my two favourite two masters.  But they all look cool in their own ways. 


Into my eyes these masters look interresting from model design:


Outcast - Hamelin

Exp. Society - Cooper, English, McCabe

Rezzer - Seamus,  Mourning 

Arcs - Rasputina

Goblins  - Wong, Ulix


So, i dont know who fit in my thoughts  😛

I know, almost all crews are cool and interesting to me in a combination of models and rules. Its why I ended up with such a large collection.... But I've seen people learn with crews that another would say are too complicated  enough to know that if you want to learn you are the best guide of what you like. Below is my views on picking the crew box for demos 


Hamlin is one of the few masters that I wouldn't call playable from his crew box. If you're happy to buy the brotherhood of the rat box, then he is playable. It is a crew that some people might dislike facing, and it might seem overwhelming if you're given the crew to pilot in a demo. 

Cooper should be simple and fun. I would say the biggest downside to him is that his crew box does not contain multiples of the same model, meaning you have a higher learning step at the beginning. 

Ivan isn't out just yet, but will be soon I believe. He is a summoner, so you probably want more boxes to start with. 

McCabe is a fine choice

Seamus should be fine

McMorning should be fine

Rasputina should be fine

Wong should be fine

Ulix is a summoner, so you are going to want to buy more models to play him. 

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11 hours ago, Wimmlo said:


I am from Schwerte in the near of Dortmund. And you?

I am from München, so there probably won't be any games together in the near future. But I will spread the word that you are looking for Malifaux gamers around your area. 

Du kennst die deutschsprachige Facebook Gruppe schon? Und es gibt auch einen deutschsprachigen Discord Channel. Vielleicht findest du ja darüber Mitspieler.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I’d look to the crews that have the most ‘draw’ from people, and are iconic for Malifaux. 

Nightmare - everyone has at least considered it. And Teddy is basically the spokesperson for the game. 

Family/Parker - everyone and their mother owns a family crew. It’s often the first buy. And it’s easily relatable being cowboys. 

Ulix - Orcs’n’Gobbos appeal to the fun crowd. And ‘faux has got a unique take with moonshine and bacon - and everyone likes bacon. 

This gives you a crew for the three archetype players. Those who like monsters, those who like shooty stuff, and those who like chaos. So consider that, when you make the actual choice.

Next. You’ll need to set down the rules. Henchman Hardcore is great, due to speed and limited models, but not only that. It’s also great because of shared and open schemes, so new players don’t have to make choices with no base for it, and they can understand your choices as well - and since HH is so killy focused, even GW players can relate. 

So if you go beyond HH and Master games, take some cues from the good thoughts in HH - but really, you should do HH, because of the speed, and then have the other models standing around to inspire conversation.


The way to ‘sell’ the Malifaux experience is to:

Draw them in with the models. 

Convince them with the rules. 

Inspire them with the wider range. 

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  • 3 months later...

I'd also recommend you start with HH, games are much shorter and you can have a good peek at the game and the system. Also, it is easier to balance, since there are less models and strat and schemes are set.

Whilst a normal masters led game can be overwhelming for new players.

I think it is better to tease than to bore them. And you can always have a masters game ready for more and better Malifaux!

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  • 5 months later...

HH is henchman Hardcore, an alternative format for the game that uses only 4 models a side. 

Some people recommend it for learning, because its a smaller size game, I personally don't because I think it can give the wrong impression of the game, but each to their own. (I agree smaller sized games are good for learning, I just wouldn't use the Henchmen hgardcore rules to teach from). 

There are plenty of areas with less than 10 players. The uk is fairly lucky in that it has quite a large population of Malifaux players, but even then there are parts of the country where people can't find local games, or maybe only have 1 opponent. 

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