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Everything posted by Wimmlo

  1. Nein, kenn ich nicht. Aber gut zu wissen! Danke!
  2. @Harlekin I am from Schwerte in the near of Dortmund. And you? Okay, so it likes there is no easy start up, just pick my two favourite two masters. But they all look cool in their own ways. Into my eyes these masters look interresting from model design: Outcast - Hamelin Exp. Society - Cooper, English, McCabe Rezzer - Seamus, Mourning Arcs - Rasputina Goblins - Wong, Ulix So, i dont know who fit in my thoughts 😛
  3. Hi Wyrd Community, At first I have to say I'm from germany, so I'm sorry for my bad grammar. In my City there exists no place to play Malifaux. Not even in the surrounding gamestores in the neighbour cities. But I still want to play this hobbie with my friends. They just know the prominent Warhammer and refuse to invest money for something new. So here is my question/bidding: I want to have at least two crews to put on the table. These crews should take all corners of strategies and be totally beginner friendly. So marker shenanigans, complicated setups, lots of stuff to buy to make the crews work or lots of summoning are all points i want to avoid. The Test games should make fun for both players and should be clear to follow instead of getting more complex. I dont know, if a henchman hardcore would suit much better my needs, but i hole u understand :-) Long terms short: I need a suggestion of two masters (or henchman) and a minimum Setup to fullfill every strategy (At least a bit). Tanks a lot! Eichhörnchen
  4. Thx for the quick reaction, but they didn't answer my question. I know that Francesco is THE Guild Key model to nearly every list, but he only comes in the Latigo Posse Box. And that would destroy my Plan of a cheap allcorner list. I am not part of a competitive group, we just start this hobby. And i don't like the fact, that i'll Buy a Box to use just One model. In example a box of Death Marshals, where I just need one of them. I hope my intentions are clear now. :-) And I've chosen the guild for their simplicity. Don't know if the plan of 1x Master Box + 1x something else would fit into the other factions.
  5. What you say: no left overs xD
  6. Hey Guys! I'm new to this hobby and got Marcus and some Silurids as Starter. But now I want something new. My goal is to created a 50SS list, which includes every model and is cheap as hack. In others words: 1x Master Box and 1x Something Box. I got 3 Lists to vote. Maybe you can tell me, which is the most versatile List for strats and schemes nowadays and maybe some suggestions, what can I change. 1) Lady Justice (Implacable, Swordfighter & Badge of Office) 4 Scales of Justice 3 The Jury (unrelenting Leader) 10 3x Death Marshals 18 2x Guild Austringer 12 2) Sonnia Criid (Disrupt Magic, Badge of Office & Counterspell Aura) 5 Purifying Flame 3 Samael Hopkins (witchhunt & Expert Sleuth ) 11 3x Witchling Stalker 15 2x Guild Austringer 12 3) Lucius ( Secret Assets & Deep Pocket ) 4 The Scribe 2 Captain Dashel (Arrest Him) 8 2x Witchling Thralls 18 2x Guild Lawyer 10 2x Guild Guard 6 So? Meaning?
  7. Okay, thats a lot of information. I thank you for the patience and useful tips. Seems i have to start with the master i prefer mostly from the model design and play a few matches to see if he fits in my playstyle. I cut it down to Lucius, Rasputina, Marcus, Seamus or Wong. Which one of them needs a minimal collection to work well in the first few games? Read that 50 Bugs is the common playground? Thx for the help!
  8. Okay so every master and his crew got his own complexity and can be played in different ways. Maybe i list some masters which i like from the style and u help me picking. Dont forget, i prefer versatility, transparence, little summoning, no shenanigan Horror, buffing > debuffing and fun for everyone xD Im disgusting, I know :-) Lucius: a mysterious politican, woh gives out Orders? I like that he seems to hurt his own people for a little benefit, but dont know if you need many many troops or if he plays very combo heavy. Rasputina: her shooting angels through her ice demons sounds interresting Seamus: undead hookers and a victorian style. But dont know much about hin. Marcus: beasts are always cool. Brutal monsters who are controlled by a Mage. Sounds very simple and Lovely. But he can hire every beast from every faction Sounds brutal for the Wallet. Wong/zipp: random goblins. Unpredictable and funny. Collodi: always liked creepy horror puppets. Hamelin: love the story of hamelin and the model box looks nice, dont know how he plays. Guess Rats are weak and just scary in sheer numbers. Mccabe: a bizzaro indiana jones. He can be dismounted? Reva: she can be dismounted tool? Model looks nice. Parker Barrows: a lonely cowboy gangster. But absolutely dont understand him, he sounds complicated. Shenlong: asian style. Its new and tasty. Okay i see it's a lot i like from style and models. Maybe u can give me a hint which one fits best with my wishes and why. Thx for helping this noob xD
  9. It's not only the killing i want. I can play warhammer for that. Giving others models actions is absolutely okay, but dont like the scenario of overwhelming my oppponent: "Hungry burger uses his hunger cry to summon hot dog man. He instantly activates and charge your cuty pies. Did i mention, that he Hates cute pies and that triggers the pizza murderer and so on " So maybe i wrote it a bit complicated. I like a transparent game that doesnt get more and more complicated during the turns
  10. Hi, I'm new to this hobby and i've got to take a decision: Which Master should i play? I know, I'm not the only one with this problem and there are many threads with this topic and the website pullmyfinger and so on. But it is very confusing for an absolute newbie to getting started. There are some criterias to chose my master. Btw i dont like the idea of collecting a whole faction because every master seems to be well rounded and offers a whide personal hiring pool. So the aspects for my decision are: The Master/ hired models should be... - easy to understand. Im not a fan of dirty shenanigans which are disgusting to use and no fun and not transparent for the opposite players. - I want a fair and close game, so i do not need to win every game by overwhelming my opponent andto drink their tears ;-) - outperforming my enemy through attrition via summoning, endless hordes or action control is not my style - randomness is okay, makes the games unique - i like versatility, especially the master but it hasn't to be. Just want to play different schemes and victory conditions without much preference for just a few ones. - relatively small hiring pool. So, i hope u can help me and give me a small selection of ideas. Btw I'm from germany, so please be gently to me and my grammar mistakes;) Thx
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