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is this a guild or nb jank?


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I would want  couple of decent attacks to copy but you're already at 42ss so not too much swing there.

In nvb you could take an illuminated I guess. They are nice since you can take the brilliance shot with the illuminated and the rest of the models can hopefully copy the attack. A trapper would also be fun for a plusflip bonanza.

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1 hour ago, admiralvorkraft said:

Lucius handing them focused attacks is good enough reason I've found. Plus it's a damaging cast in Guild that targets willpower so it patches a lot of holes in the toolkit.

But the damage track... I'm categorically against including anything without min damage three in guild lists. :D 

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My game against misaki with this list tonight really put a damper on my "I want to make lawyers work." I actually did ok on the back of the emissary, doppelganger and changelings but they lawyers werent really a part of it.  One got shot off the table by a samauri turn one.   The second survived, but a warden, deathmarshal, witchling stalker, pistolero, or two hounds andwould have been more effective.

Part of the problem is the fees condition.   The fact is, especially since it doesnt effect masters, people use way fewer actions for damaging attacks than ever before.   There is a much bigger focus on making the attacks you do make count.  And since they have to hit you for it to be effective,  higher impact attacks mean fewer actually impactful connections.   

Finally condition removal is more common than ever.  

So what we are left with is the objection attack, which does 2 damage and somtimes slows or paralyze.  You wouldnt believe how many models you will face that will be immune to whichever of those you hit.  See also the above condition removal.


Their defensive ability is less useful than ever too.  More model attack at plus flips than ever.  Its so hard for them to actually get opponents on negatives, and its super expensive to do so.

They are right now about the bottom of my pile.  Im just not seeing it.

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Sounds like we have reached the same conclusions about them. They're basically a very expensive scheme runner that does worse than most 4-5ss options (at least in neverborn, arcanists and ressers) at that job.

The htw also has a poor timing, it should have been until this models next activation or something because you don't want models to be survivable for the last two actions of a turn. Htw matters when the enemy wins initiative and lays into your master with some death star unit, for that you need to already have it up because I'm not using my first turn to a lawyer's activation if my master is in ml with a 13ss threat.


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This may need to become an event. I'll have to try it with someone first. Handing out negative flips on damage would become really strong so lawyers might work in that ;)

Raw stats would become really important and firing into cover might not be that bad if your opponent can't cheat anyway.

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