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Gracie's anatomy


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Hi folks again! I have played 10 games more or less with gremlins and I was always hiring Gracie regardless the master. I just think she is survivable (not against everything or a really sustained attack), and that she can kill a lot of stuff with her very rewarding situational min dam4. Plus she can have 4ap potentially and with healing in the plan she can mitigate the penalties for that. What do you think about het? Any ideas how to use her properly? I normally use her with Mah and Somer who are my "main" masters.

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I really like Gracie, but I find her too slow to be an auto take. I mean, yea,  she can reactivate, but it comes at a cost (2 wounds and a 7+ card). If you really think about it, a single walk from a rooster rider is almost as good as 2 walks by gracie (7in vs 8in).

I tend to bring Gracie when:

- The strat favors sticky models (like guard the stash)

- I suspect there will be a lot of melee engagements. Eating an enemy and resetting your wounds is amazing, but only if you dont die before chomping someone.

- The saddle brings a great benefit to the already picked crew combo, like making sure a Lenny keeps up with the rest of the team.

I tend to leave Gracie out when:

- I suspect my opponent will have HtK/Armor ignoring attacks

- My schemes involve marker dropping and/or general movement

- Strats that involve board control. Gracie is amazing, but costs 11SS (because no one brings gracie without at least 1 upgrade). 11SS are a lot of models  (at least in Gremlins anyway :D)


So, bottom line: if I know I need the extra firepower to be able to control a position on the board, or I really want a certain model dead, Gracie will be heavily considered (lenny + gracie or burt + gracie are an expensive but very very deadly combo).

If I want activation, board control and/or movement, Gracie will stay home


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I suspect that she is amazing in Ten Thunders, given Recalled Training. That's certainly been my experience with Burt + Fast from the Emissary/Shenlong/Sensei Yu and I don't see why she'd be different but I haven't had a chance to try it yet. I echo a lot of what cfrag says, although I think I've mentioned before that I don't like her with the Saddle because then you lose out on Dirty Cheater which is too useful imo.

I also love to make her glowy with Wong, then she gets regen twice a turn to cancel out the damage she takes from reactivating (I guess I could see using the Saddle then, but I still take Dirty cheater to top her off)

The other thing I realised only fairly recently was if she is out of charge range on her first activation, instead of double walking into melee range, just walk once into charge range and focus, then use that on the first attack of your charge. I tend to forget that focus carries over like that because normally models don't activate twice in a turn.

I guess part of the reason I don't use her so much is that my model was half-finished with a kinda crappy paint job for so long, but now she's sitting in some dettol getting stripped so hopefully I'll use her more in the future.

You win the prize for getting a chuckle out of me on the thread title btw!

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Gracie is pretty good in Ten Thunders. 4-6AP Recalled Training turn kills things dead. Few heals from wherever makes her ridiculously tanky so long as armour isn't ignored. That's how I've got the most out of her actually, she can be a colossal AP sink for the enemy. She doesn't have to kill anything if enemy spends 2-3 big activations for a few turns straight to get rid of her. But she's Gracie, of course she kills something in that time. Distraction pig goes nomnom :D

I'm guessing she's a more reliable damage dealer in Gremlins with ram auras. And you've got healers. I suppose there's room for finesse with her but I just point her at the enemy and charge. Earns her feed almost every time.

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When I have taken Gracie it has tended to be with Saddle and Lenny was riding around with her.  It keeps her in his Ram aura making her damage pretty much 4/6/8 and his damage reduction makes it harder for people to kill her.  He has functioned a bit like a reverse Burt.  When Burt rides with Gracie, everyone targets Gracie knowing he will use Slippery to put it to her anyhow.  With Lenny people want to target Gracie but often find out they are better off going after Lenny first as if they let Gracie go with his Ram aura she can pretty easily kill something and heal up.  And lenny is not exactly soft at hitting either.  The pair have fared very well in some of my games despite their 20ss price tag as they have mulched through several obstacles.

Generally Gracie will double walk first, dragging Lenny with her, if something is in range puts Lenny in the front, give herself reactivation, Lenny charges or attacks, and Gracie reactivates and makes sure to target something she thinks she can kill to heal.  I have also had Gracie double walk into combat before on her first activation when she does not have a clear charge lane to insure she reaches the target, Lenny is kind enough to either soften the target up for her or forces them to drop the resources against him before Gracie goes again.

Of course this combo ends up with issues against Wp lures and the like, as they yank Lenny pretty easy.  Him being Ht3 means they can see him even behind Gracie.  Though to be fair he has been yanked forward before only to have Gracie charge in after him and still get the bonuses.  But it is a combo I hesitate sometimes when facing Neverborn or Ressers but have still taken against them at times.

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A good thing with Gracie to keep in mind is that in a clutch, Gracie can always eat a Bayou or a stuffed in order to use "Eat your fill". Not all enemies are used to see the opponent killing his own models, so generally it won't be expected, and as a result you have your favorite pink tank back at full health, ready to start mauling left and right again.

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15 minutes ago, EpicWaffle said:

A good thing with Gracie to keep in mind is that in a clutch, Gracie can always eat a Bayou or a stuffed in order to use "Eat your fill". Not all enemies are used to see the opponent killing his own models, so generally it won't be expected, and as a result you have your favorite pink tank back at full health, ready to start mauling left and right again.

That's brilliant! Saddle - also known as a "Lunch box"... :D:D 

Edit: No, wait, Eat Your Fill specifies Enemy model. Take a Bite would work, however.

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23 minutes ago, Math Mathonwy said:

That's brilliant! Saddle - also known as a "Lunch box"... :D:D 

Edit: No, wait, Eat Your Fill specifies Enemy model. Take a Bite would work, however.

Damn, and I guess having dirty cheater won't give me the permission to cheat anyway xD that splipped off when I read it but yeah, taking 2 bites with a bunch of medium cards is gonna heal you for good anyway.

A good idea at this point is that if you have a model with dirty cheater you are bringing around, you can take a bite from it, since half of those who use it can heal up to 3/4 damages a turn (especially good with Taxidermist), especially if is a late turn activation.

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7 hours ago, maca1066 said:

Gracie plus a swine cursed, Bert plus an iron sketer, plus Wong with Ooo Glowy won the UK master side event and came 8th/44 in the second side event on Sunday.

gracie plus saddle is so flexible. My 2 cents is she is amazing.

What else was in the list? 

Zipp took 2nd/44 in that same side event - Gracie with saddle was used in 2 games out of 3 too

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I think do over works really well with somer because one of the tricks i aim to pull off in every tow games more or less is: last activation a bayou go reckless and stay a little bit more than 1" away of 1,2 or 3 models  (the second and third model within 4" of the bayou) and then cheat initiative go with somer, shoot te fool gremlin cheat if necessary and blast blast for 4 damage. So i suppose with do over you can do it in a more "reckless" way. Wong probably is a better target because of the "a gremlins luck" upgrade.

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On the Saturday event i also had a good result with gremlins! I used Mah and finished 13/36. So very happy. And gracie was an alstar in all 3 games. I don't tend to take saddle on her because i use her as solo flanker most of the times and i have burt as a counter beater. Plus Mah's first turn is to reposition 3 models. But for sure saddle is a powerful upgrade. Also gracie with a situational ml7 doesn't need something better than a 10 to kill minions and heal. 

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