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What? Let me see that card!

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Wondering what your most memorable 'let me see that card' moment is, that moment where something was used against you and made you double-take. The most surprising and dirty tricks in the game. If your buddy was going against a certain master, they key thing you would advise them to watch out for...


Ideally I end up with a list of Watch Outs for each master, as a sort of quick cheatlist for when facing a never before encountered master.

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I once had that when someone tried to reactivate Izamu with Molly. Thank god I had a peek. Would've been a very different game. And once when Ramos spawned 3 spiders out of one action. Turns out that is fine. Somehow. Yeahhh...

Whenever I play Lynch against people who don't know him yet they have this habit of What do you mean you do 9 damage or Why is your weak damage 4 now or How are you holding 7 severes n stuff.

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Getting my scheme runner (minions) stuck in a corner with raspy and the Wendigos ice pillars and then the December acolyte giving me exhaust every turn.

The first time corn husks is used against you (not even an action)

CA8 on a rotten belle

not me but Marcus Alphaing Ramos to blow up joss, howard and himself in one activation

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Every single time it's someone's first time against Brewmaster, it's painfully obvious it's the first time they've seen him on the field.  Once you know his trick, it's not a difficult fight (meaning the Brewmaster player isn't getting an auto win).

The thing about Brewmaster is that pretty much everyone knows what he does, but until you've fought against him, you don't really know what he does if that makes sense.  Everyone knows he's the perfect tarpit and pain in the ass, but until you fight him it doesn't exactly sink in.

Every game I've used him in, I ask my opponent "Do you know what Brewmaster does?" and they say yes.  Then they get stuck in the contest and say "Let me see Brewmaster's card," as if they didn't believe it was everything they try to do near him.  Always makes me chuckle.  Because I'm a bastard sometimes.

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This is definitely one of the biggest things, followed by Companioning into another belle, followed by finding out their SS cost...

Tip for playing rezzers: a model you leave out in the open WILL end up on your opponents side of the table. You cannot avoid it.

Sonnia is like Honeybadger. Sonnia doesn`t care. And her homies don`t care too ;)


Also, bring models that like to be on the other side of the table. Free movment on peacekeeper is always welcome!

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I get tons of those moment from opponents whenever I play Shenlong.

"Wait, why are you putting another peasant on the table when I won initiative?"

"He has three other upgrades that he can switch between at will?"

"Um, why did you just put both poison and burning on yourself?"

"You just hit my Toshiro and somehow got :+fate:+fate:+fate on the damage flip?"

The list basically goes on forever :P



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Belle bomb vs. fast, reactivating Howard Langston with + to attack. I see the gamble which was taken, but it did not pay off. No, sir... :D

I definitely need to try Howard with Toolkit, Hoff, Emissary and A Numb to the World/A Debt to the Guild. Min damage 5 Howard is going to be pretty funny but immune to paralyze and slow will be even funnier ;)

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Slop Hauler's Feed Piggies has no LoS requirement, it's just a 1/2/3 heal to up to 4 models within 3".

This always gets people asking for the card when I try to heal something out of LoS. I like to imagine the slop hauler throws the slop over a wall, and the target just points their open mouth at the sky.

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