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Pigapult Question


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IMO the Pigapult's greatest strength is as a model movement system, particularly on turn 1. It's really good at scoring Public Demonstration and Occupy Their Turf from the new GG2016 scheme pool, as well as Reconnoiter and Interference (especially with Som'er or Ulix churning out bayou gremlins/piglets). Don't forget Ophelia is the only Ht 1 Master and she can be hurled by the pigapult. If you're willing to give up their first turn each, a flanking combo of Francois, Ophelia and maybe a Slop Hauler or Burt could be pretty scary.

Lenny isn't a master but he can work alright with it, using a tome each turn with his I'll Love And Pet It upgrade to summon a piglet to use as ammo.

I've wanted to try Wong making the Pigapult glowy. It wouldn't be as much of a "holy cow we need to kill this model" as a glowy Burt, but it would have a much longer threat range.

Zoraida also has tricks with it. The voodoo doll is Ht1, so if you can hem an enemy while somehow getting the doll near the pigapult, you can spend 1AP/turn to permanently paralyse that hemmed enemy by using the action to throw it, but just placing it in range to be thrown again next turn. For simpler tricks she can always use Obey to get it to Focus.


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6 hours ago, Dogmantra said:

I've wanted to try Wong making the Pigapult glowy. It wouldn't be as much of a "holy cow we need to kill this model" as a glowy Burt, but it would have a much longer threat range.


No deal.  Glowey specifically says "non-peon" model.  I imagine it's for exactly the reason you're thinking about.

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  • 1 month later...

The Pigapult can run independent of any master as long as you have Lenny and a Slop Hauler.

That being said, Somer helps that configuration the most with 'Do it like dis!' to ensure Lenny gets the tomes needed for smooth summoning.

In an Ulix crew you can drop Lenny for Sammy and give her the Husbandry upgrade to hang back and summon ammo and war pigs (a little easier since there is no suit requirement) while Ulix rides around in the pig ball buffing the pigs. Still recommend a Slop Hauler here.



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On 4/15/2016 at 10:14 AM, D6Damager said:

The Pigapult can run independent of any master as long as you have Lenny and a Slop Hauler.

That being said, Somer helps that configuration the most with 'Do it like dis!' to ensure Lenny gets the tomes needed for smooth summoning.

In an Ulix crew you can drop Lenny for Sammy and give her the Husbandry upgrade to hang back and summon ammo and war pigs (a little easier since there is no suit requirement) while Ulix rides around in the pig ball buffing the pigs. Still recommend a Slop Hauler here.



Ok trying to figure out this bit - Lenny summoning a piglet is dependent upon doing weak damage and pulling a tome - if you do moderate or severe damage that would mean you simply don't summon a pig? Even if you have a tome?

Also, what I don't get is the target model for Lenny's attack action "whacked piglet" - is it a friendly or an unfriendly model (I mean for purposes of the combo, not rules wise)? since it says the summoned piglet is in base contact with the target, I'm not quite seeing how you make sure the pig is close enough to the pigapult to use as ammo, unless you use a friendly model?

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11 hours ago, Freman said:

Whack the pigapult. With armour +5 you're only going to do one damage no matter what, and cheating down, or hoping double negatives turn up weak, gives you a piglet to sacrifice for shooting.

I usually just trust to the Pigapult Relenting the attack (page 33) from Lenny, guaranties the :-fate:-fate for the damage flip and doesn't require cheating. With Som'er providing the required suit for Lenny's trigger and a Slop Hauler to assist in healing the Pigapult back to health it can provide for consistent piglet summoning. One for feeding the Pigapult and another to assist the crew (perhaps by moving Lenny around the board).

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As an additional question, now I'm putting my pigapult and piglets together and contemplating their uses ^_^


How may piglets would you recommend? Should I buy another box? I have one box atm.


Also it occurs to me, wild boars say they are pigs... would anything that affects pigs also then affect them?

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Without summoning I generally find I'm running three piglets maximum, and if you're running them solely as ammo for the pigapult one of your best bets is to bring Lenny with his I'll Love And Pet It upgrade so he can just summon you a new one each turn.

With Ulix summoning I've gone above three but never had more than six, but that's using them for much more than just ammo.

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I have recently been experimenting with Ulix+Pigapult+Old Major+ McTavish ... it's points heavy, but if you can summon in some piggies, there are nice options for interacts.
McTavish can do a kind of obey with Wrangle Critter which can make them do (1) actions. You also get some movement shenanigans with Penelope pushing pigs around.
Add in Corn Husks for (0) and you've got pigs all over the place interacting and such.

I should note that I have had mixed success with this, mainly due to my inability to flip anything higher than a 4. Or draw it into my hand. Even after SS use. But that's just me...

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Yeah, as I found to my dismay the other day, summoning Ulix eats up the good cards and when your highest is a single 9 for one guaranteed piglet, you've got some tough times ahead. That's partly why I prefer to use the Pigapult as a repositioning system rather than an attacking model, just because I don't get tempted to cheat and eat up even more cards.

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The answer is Som'er Teeth Jones. What was the question?

As an all-round master I'd say he's the best Gremlin. You can always chuck his Family Tree upgrade on Sammy and let her summon while he treads the field shooting things. A Skeeter near her can hand out "do it like dis!" for masks. Lenny (as mentioned) can summon piglets to feed the pigapult, as can Som'er himself if need be (although you probably won't need that many piglets). Bayou Gremlins for "git yer bro". Slop Haulers (because Slop Haulers).

Darn. I want to go start painting my Gremlins now.

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Basically an 8:mask turns one Bayou Gremlin into two Bayou Gremlins that both take two damage. Sammy can carry a Master only upgrade, in this case Family Tree. She can't devote three AP a turn to summoning like Som'er can, but it does free him up to get stuck in while she does the summoning. If you don't have the :mask you can stone for it as normal, or use a Skeeter to cast "do it like dis!" and discard a :mask to add :mask to the total, which could be more economical than spending two soul stones to summon. The Skeeter would need an 8 to get it off though.

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