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Unboxing Malifaux - 'Blessed of December'


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Thx a lot for the unboxing ! As always, it is very interesting.

This is very rare that I find a mini from Wyrd utterly ugly. This is one of those rare occasions.

The pose is peculiar (It looks like she is waiting to be "blessed" from behind...), it does not fit on the base and the horns are goofy. Worst of all, I see a lot gaps between the different pieces you have pasted together. Lots of annoying wasted moments playing with green stuff to be expected I guess...

But then again, I don't like the artwork either (also a very rare occasion with Wyrd).

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11 minutes ago, admiralvorkraft said:

Oh well, the rest of the December models are a huge improvement over the metals and you can't win them all.

Matter of taste...IMO the old Snow Storm perfectly captured that North American spirit-something feeling that the whole snow-ice-wendigo theme is based on. While the new one, being okay as it is, has no flavor at all. It's a vanilla demon that could have appeared in the WH beastman range or any fantasy tabletop.

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18 hours ago, yool1981 said:

Thx a lot for the unboxing ! As always, it is very interesting.

This is very rare that I find a mini from Wyrd utterly ugly. This is one of those rare occasions.

The pose is peculiar (It looks like she is waiting to be "blessed" from behind...), it does not fit on the base and the horns are goofy. Worst of all, I see a lot gaps between the different pieces you have pasted together. Lots of annoying wasted moments playing with green stuff to be expected I guess...

But then again, I don't like the artwork either (also a very rare occasion with Wyrd).

I actually found that this model fit real well together for me without gaps so you will not need much or any green stuff, though I do agree that it is a rather unattractive model. 

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