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So what's up with Wong?


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Sorry if this is already a thread, I saw there was that one about Wong up fairly high, but I think most threads revolve around actually using models in game and their crew building.  I'm more curious about his story, or what he's doing.

It's a fairly open question, but I'm just curious what he's about, or from whence he came?  He clearly uses magic, but how did that come about?

My other more broad curiosity is about Faction X Arcanist crossovers, namely the notion that anything that can cast spells might be related to Arcanist.  Is this how people generally view the Arcanist Faction, as the primary "Casters"?  The alternative, that I subscribe to (Which better explains why Wong would not be Arcanist), is that Arcanist happen to be comprised of many mages, but represent more of an ideal or mentality, a group bound more by shared interest than vestment in the arcane.  Does this seem reasonable, or is there a good reason Wong could be theoretically clumped into Arcanist?

I'm just curious what the defining trait why or why not a model might be partially woven into the Arcanist (Other than purely that being their design), and the general story around Wong and any connection he has to magic or the Arcanist (Does he like them, hate them?).

Thanks for the know how, half-stock-green-kin.

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Arcanists are not a catch all term for magic users. Arcanists are a criminal syndicat that is united by the general belief that magic should not be regulated and locked down in the way the Guild commands. The Guild believes only practitioners of the Thalarian Doctrine should be permitted to practice magic and ruthlessly clamp down, eradicate and exterminate all others, with a minor and heavily regulated exception in regards to the Oxford Method, practiced by the students at the University of Mississippi. And mainly because they don't have direct control over the school.


Much of the expanded fluff can be found in the companion role playing game Through the Breach.

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Wong essentially found a dead Ten Thunders spellcaster and stole his stuff, including a magic Three Demon Bag that told him how to do magic and make things explode (and that his name was now Wong...it might just have him confused for its previous owner, the actual Wong).

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Wong essentially found a dead Ten Thunders spellcaster and stole his stuff, including a magic Three Demon Bag that told him how to do magic and make things explode (and that his name was now Wong...it might just have him confused for its previous owner, the actual Wong).

He did have that oriental feel (Fu Manchu and all).  And I certainly noticed that the bag was called the Three Demon Bag, which peeked my interest.

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In the previous edition, Obadiah and Burt Jebsen pal'd around the swamps having cool adventures and generally being rad all day. Like Mason said, Obadiah picked up a bag, glued a fu Manchu onto his face with some spirit gum, and made with the magic stuff as Wong. Burt and Wong traveled on a mission of vengeance against the Ten Thunders since they wrecked Burt and Wong's village.

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Also, Wong and Burt are the only gremlins ( too my limited knowledge ) that have noses.

An alarming evolutionary development to be sure.

first edition gremlins have noses

some of them did, some of them didnt. I guess the evolutionary trait was evolving not having noses then so they don't have to smell each other. 

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