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Lucius Crew - What models?


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Some young nephilim, a depleted, possibly a stiched together. o wait this is in the guild board.... so you are moving form a mass and gun base faction to a mass and gun base guild master.

If by type you mean subtyping, Lucius like guardsmen, mimics and works well with marshal minions. Most of the time I see him with 2-3 guild riflemen staying close to Dashel, which makes it easy to engaged them all with a 3+ engagement range. You can never go wrong with death marshals. I love the lawyers, always take 1.

I often see his crew in the 9 to 10 range for models.

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Agreed w/ hagis. I'd say the shortest of short lists would be a doppelganger and riflemen (the latter b/c it's the only way I've seen to make dashel not a waste).

BTW, how are people feeling he runs changelings?

I found that Changelings benefit from being near Nino or Freikorps Trappers for the range so they can get their "overwatch" shot on moving targets. While Riflemen have good range their threat range is not nearly as big as Nino's.

Seeing how a friend of mine runs his they also need a good position with LoS.

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While I am thinking about it Lucius's teleport action does not need a minion as the target so you can use it on a peacekeeper or executioner.

acolyte is correct about the executioner.

Use a beefy, tanky, smashy model and swap them! It is great as it allows for some movement shenanigans that really can keep your opponent off-balance.

I frequently bring the gunline as i love the pseudo-military feel, but it is by no means necessary.

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Changelings near a long range target benefit from having around something with a lure. I used a performer, but have considered a beckoner. You could also use Kade if you really wanted to cut someone up bad.

However, I had found some pretty good success using Envy from the crossroads seven. Moderate damage of 4 with a built in :+fate to the attack is pretty nasty. Not to mention Envy hands out focus and if you have a dop, that's something great for them to copy. Plus, with all the scheme running Lucius does, Envy's accuracy should be pretty solid.

I also love lawyers with Lucius. Lawyers are just GOOD in general, but even in death they serve the guild! (or Neverborn) but especially with :+fate to wp duels, they have even more synergy. I find I haven't really used the gun line too much though.


I also really like Master Queeg. He can run most schemes by himself or with a friend (like a guild sergeant)

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Changelings near a long range target benefit from having around something with a lure. I used a performer, but have considered a beckoner. You could also use Kade if you really wanted to cut someone up bad.

If a guild player uses Kade, tell them that they are abusing a little kid that is just lost and sad. Kade is not a mimic just a lost woe.

I look at running Lucius from the Neverborn side, but the models you can take with him in the guild are changlings, Candy, Mr. Graves, Mr. Tannen, beckoners and a dupleganger. Of which if you are looking for a good 8 ss Ml model go with Mr. Graves: min damage of 3, a close attack that can push models, black blood and armor or go with Candy: 3 inch engagement, a heal ability (not as good as sum), hits as hard as the enemy and some control with sweets or sours. 

The big issue I have with Lucius is that his box really is a guild box which makes it hard to justify because other than they lawyers I do not want anything in it.

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If I didn't have a single guild model and wanted to start out with Lucius I would probably get Hoffman's box set first. I might follow that with a doppleganger and a guild pathfinder. The Lady J box set is also nice since it gives you death marshals and the Judge. A solid beater is also nice, I really like Ryle but the Peacekeeper or Graves aren't too shabby either.

If I wasn't restricted to what is realistic to buy I would get freikorp trappers and wardens asap but what can you do.

I have real trouble getting a satisfying result from lawyers when use one. Maybe the people who feel they are essential to him can go into more detail on that?

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I just picked up the Lucius metal box, along with a Guild Sergeant and an extra lawyer, but based on the models I own I suspect there's a heck of a lot of options. I don't have any riflemen or pathfinders though.


Guild Captain/Captain Darshal proxy

Guild Sergeant

3 Guild Guard

As Mimics


Candy (because who would think it strange to see the chief minister of the Guild wandering around with a cute little girl?)

2 lawyers

From Lady J


3 Death Marshals

From Sonnia

Samuel Hopkins

6 Witchling Stalkers

From Hoffman




2 Hunters

2 Watchers

2 Wardens

From Perdita





Papa Loco

3 Pistolero De Latiago


Brutal Emissary

2 Executioners

Pale Rider


I think the Hunters and Wardens will be handy when I want to smack people around. The Guild Guard will be fun for a pseudo-military look.

I don't have a Scribe, but I have the Governor's Proxy and the Malifaux Child. The Child could be handy for some of Lucius's (1)Ca buffs for his minions.

How do Performers work with Lucius?

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Lawyers are really there to make commanding presence less card intensive, particularly for non-guardsman models where the sergeant can't fill that role. He's also quick, evasive and non-threatening enough that he tends to stick around to contribute to scoring and the generic buff vs horror is surprisingly useful. 

I wouldn't say he's an amazing or obligatory model, but he's well rounded and satisfying to use with Lucius. 

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Hit fees on a beater, and even if they are kicking your butt, they are taking dmg. Give your models Hard to Wound, even tank with them a bit with their high DF and possible :-fate against them. Not to mention finish the job and even the chance to slow or paralyze. 

They can just do anything you need them to do.



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I just picked up the Lucius metal box, along with a Guild Sergeant and an extra lawyer, but based on the models I own I suspect there's a heck of a lot of options. I don't have any riflemen or pathfinders though.

I think the Hunters and Wardens will be handy when I want to smack people around. The Guild Guard will be fun for a pseudo-military look.

I don't have a Scribe, but I have the Governor's Proxy and the Malifaux Child. The Child could be handy for some of Lucius's (1)Ca buffs for his minions.

How do Performers work with Lucius?

The child can only copy what lackeys are for and the "minions can interact while engaged". The "obeyey" action mentions austringers by name so you can't copy it.

I usually just proxy the proxy as the scribe. There must be a reason they named the model proxy after all...

Performers can make good use of extra scheme markers to force duels on people and pushes with added paralyzes is never wrong. I like them with Lucius. 

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Hit fees on a beater, and even if they are kicking your butt, they are taking dmg. Give your models Hard to Wound, even tank with them a bit with their high DF and possible :-fate against them. Not to mention finish the job and even the chance to slow or paralyze. 

They can just do anything you need them to do.



I never have enough cards to force negatives on anyone and my beaters tend to be the judge or a peacekeeper so they are already hard to wound. As for minions they usually die to weak damage x2 so htw tends to not make much of a difference to me.

I can see the usefulness against certain lists that rely on something other than weak damage. As for plus to horror duels that extra card has been the black joker three times out of the seven horror duels I took in my last two games with Lucius so these days I skip lawyers and don't do the free horror actions unless I have the joker in hand as well as a card I'm prepared to use to pass. If you aren't jinxed I can imagine it leading to actually passing duels. ;) 

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Oh, I understand. I've never had much luck with Wardens and I've only heard good things about them.


but... What are you fighting that your minions are dying like that o.O?

i know Lucius thinks every pawn can be sacrificed, but sometimes you just got to keep them away!

Also, a witchling stalker is also good to have around in case you get some bad luck with the WP duels. Not to mention stalkers are just great anyway.

also, don't sleep on the Orderly for Lucius. Since you don't pay the merc tax, they make decent scheme runners (wk 6) and tar pits (2AP heal and regen)/scheme runner killers. Plus they have card draw if they DO kill something and can use the 2AP action to heal others as well

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I can see the usefulness against certain lists that rely on something other than weak damage. As for plus to horror duels that extra card has been the black joker three times out of the seven horror duels I took in my last two games with Lucius so these days I skip lawyers and don't do the free horror actions unless I have the joker in hand as well as a card I'm prepared to use to pass. If you aren't jinxed I can imagine it leading to actually passing duels. ;) 

Thats why I take Witchling stalkers as well with Lucius. (Or Friekorps Specialists). Lawyers will make you much more likely to pass the horror flip without draining your hand, which is something I find really useful with Lucius. 

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Oh, I understand. I've never had much luck with Wardens and I've only heard good things about them.


but... What are you fighting that your minions are dying like that o.O?

i know Lucius thinks every pawn can be sacrificed, but sometimes you just got to keep them away!

Also, a witchling stalker is also good to have around in case you get some bad luck with the WP duels. Not to mention stalkers are just great anyway.

also, don't sleep on the Orderly for Lucius. Since you don't pay the merc tax, they make decent scheme runners (wk 6) and tar pits (2AP heal and regen)/scheme runner killers. Plus they have card draw if they DO kill something and can use the 2AP action to heal others as well

I face a lot of arcanists and guild so weak damage 3 or 4 is pretty standard for anything bothering to hit you. Hard to wound is in my eyes mostly useful to deter enemies from focusing and they only tend to focus with 1/3/4 damage tracks or if they can oneshot you with one hit so they need severe dmg 6 which is kind of rare in the models I face. When facing rotten belles for instance, the htw is golden. When facing Joss or Langston it's not that big a deal.

Stalkers are more or less essential for their consition removal in a lot of lists. Once you go stalker you never go back ;) 

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If i didn`t miss it i would say in addtion to the posts above that some Guild Hounds are also nice to have with him (in NvB one could run a 8 dog list with the Corrupted Hounds). With the Guardsmen and Mimics he has i wide range of options. Mr. Tannen is a good protection for Lucius and his nearby lackeys. Francisco  could bind some enemies in front of a firing line, protecting your shooters.

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I always wanted to try Tannen, Pride and Emissary with Lucius just to see how rage inducing that might be, but it's a lot of SS for no minion models and almost no real dmg aside from maybe Lucius. But, man, I'd be pissed just seeing it. 

Also, the mounted guard is a very good piece for Lucius. Lucius can move him, Queeg can have him take his 0 out of activation. Push him and a beater up and get into position. Charge whatever you need to. The guard has respectable dmg. Then a trigger can get the beater to chain activate and both have :+fate to DF if you can't get the trigger off. Plus they are fast even without towing fatties if you need to do some scheme running .

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