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Out-of-faction models to get?


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Which out-of-faction models are worth fielding under Arcanist masters and why? I'm especially interested in Marcus' options because I'm kinda overwhelmed with the menagerie available, but all masters are either in my collection or the shopping list.

So far I have: Johan, Hans, Convict Gunslinger, MFX Child, 3 Silurids.

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Johan is the number 1 out of faction model to get for most Arcanists so you're already set there.  Silurids make great runners for Marcus, so again you're all set.

If you're looking at Marcus, I'd suggest Waldgeists.  They're tough and tanky, they can hold ground and they can project board presence without committing.  These are all things that your beasts don't usually do.  The Dawn Serpent is another one.  A lot of people don't like the price tag but you get to bring a gun.  People don't expect guns with Marcus.  

Some folks really like the various hounds as scheme runners.  I've never used them but I can see why they're popular. 

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Out of faction models I use frequently that haven't been mentioned (yet):

Freikorps Trapper, Lazarus, Big Jake (conversion)

Ama no Zako is probably worth having (she's been on my painting table too long already). Some people like Taelor or Bishop... a bit expensive for what they bring to the table for my taste though.

I don't really play Marcus, but there's pretty solid advice here for that already.  I will say that Lazarus made beast and alpha'd is *hilarious* and alsome :)

Edited by rover1013
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What about Oiran's? Are they work taking with Colette over Performers and/or Angelika?

I like Performers so much that it's *kinda* hard to justify the Oiran. They serve a slightly different purpose though; kind of a lateral move.

The bigger issue is that my merc slots are usually eaten up by other things (Malifuax Child, Trapper, Johan being the most common) and they're just not good enough for cost to justify the slot over other choices.

I do tend to take less mercs with colette though, so maybe there's something there worth trying specifically...

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under my thread Malefaux Raptors? a couple people suggested using raptors to unbury Killjoy in your opponent's hindquarters. Seemed very strong, so Killjoy. I could also see taking Bishop for his paralyze against Masters like Leveticus where trying to kill them is a waste of AP. Silurids, Waldgeists, Dawn Serpent, Freikorps Librarian - healing, Freikorps Specialist - scheme marker removal, Canine Remains.

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For anyone

Johan. Condition removal and a Relic hammer is a good combination. Plus he is M&SU for plenty of potential synergy. 

Bishop and Tealor are also useful mercs. Lazarus has decent Blast, and some construct synergy. Most other Mercs are good, but only if you want their niche. 


For Marcus

Silurids are Great scheme runners and claim jumpers. Gupps are cheaper and nearly as good at scheme running, but only half as good at claim jumping. 

Waldigiests are tanks. 

Dawn Serpent and Rogue Necromancy are hard hitting beasts. 

Thats probably your most common sets. Canine remains are decent fast models, and night terrors are hard to shift for their points. Guild hounds are cheap and good in packs (with any hound, not just guild hounds). The same is probably true of Corrupted hounds.

Pigs require careful management, but can hit pretty hard. Shikome have some nice tricks if you are doing things with poison, but haven't got anyone else to add advasary to the enemy. Swarm Mother can do some interesting tricks in a swamp fiend list or a leap list. 





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Johan is solid with anyone, because he can remove conditions as well as being a fairly decent tank with a Relic Hammer

He is especially good with Arcanists because he works best with M&SU, which are a large proportion of the Arcanist Faction. (They make him hit better and he heals them all)

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Johan is solid with anyone, because he can remove conditions as well as being a fairly decent tank with a Relic Hammer

He is especially good with Arcanists because he works best with M&SU, which are a large proportion of the Arcanist Faction. (They make him hit better and he heals them all)

Ahh, I see... Good to know, thanks!!!

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Any model with the Mercenary characteristic can be hired by any crew, although there is a limit on the number of mercenaries that can be hired out-of-faction.  Some models also have special rules, like Marcus and Mei Feng, that let them hire models from different factions, and those will be listed on the hiring model's card.  I could have sworn that PullMyFinger had complete hiring lists available for different masters, but empirical evidence suggests otherwise.  I might have to see if that can be fixed.

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Taelor could do funny things with her (0) action. Ramos could make her railwalk when he summons some spiders while the "Welcome to Malifaux" condition is active. Together with Johan(a) and The Captain or in a Mei Feng crew with Kang she could bring much fear under undeads, tyrants and constructs.

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Taelor could do funny things with her (0) action. Ramos could make her railwalk when he summons some spiders while the "Welcome to Malifaux" condition is active. Together with Johan(a) and The Captain or in a Mei Feng crew with Kang she could bring much fear under undeads, tyrants and constructs.

Welcome to Malifaux only work on enemy summons.

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Main Mercs Ive used for Arcanist:







Malifaux Child


Beasts for Marcus:



Dawn Serpent

That's my mercs with Mei Feng, Colette, Kaeris, and Marcus. Everything else I can get in faction, typically Joss, Howard, Mech Rider, Silent Ones, Performers, Cassandra, The Captain, Arcane Effigy, and December Acolytes fill most needs that common crew selection can't for me.

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