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Terrible Malifaux Jokes Thread

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Welcome ladies, gentlemen and huge things with teeth, to the Terrible Malifaux Jokes Thread! Here's a few to get you started - feel free to chime in with your own.


How can you tell if a Death Marshall isn't feeling well? 

He keeps coffin at people.


Why are sober Gremlins more destructive?

Because the drunken wreck-less.


What do you call a dead Wendigo?

A wendi-gone.


Why should you never go golfing with Tara?

Because she always gets a hole in one.

Edited by Hungering Derpness
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So a Convicted Gunslinger, a Gremlin, and a Guild Guard are all standing together on a bridge.

The Convicted Gunslinger pulls out a bottle of whiskey and takes a drink, then tosses it in the air, pulls out his gun and shoots the bottle. "Too much whiskey in Malifaux!" he states.

The Gremlin pulls out a jug of moonshine and takes a drink, then tosses it in the air, pulls out his boomstick and shoots the jug. "Too much moonshine in Malifaux!" he states. 

The Guild Guard pulls out a bottle of Soulstone Ale and takes a long drink, finishing the bottle. He then tosses it in the air, pull out his gun and shoots the gremlin. "Too many Gremlins in Malifaux!" he states. 

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