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Organized play and painted models.


Painted bonus or not?  

31 members have voted

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I wouldn't add it to Gaining grounds, but if you are organising a tournement and want to encourage the players to paint, then this would be a good way to do it. 


Food for thought though, what if you have a painted crew, but not painted summons? 



In my opinion summons are as much a part of your crew as hired models when it comes to painting and proxying.

As for the original question I think every model should be required to be painted and based, but scoring and prizes for good painting should be separate from the game play scoring.

None of the poll options are anywhere near my opinion.

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Painted miniatures should never award in game benefits, there are plenty of valid reasons why someone might not paint their crew, from not having the time to just not having the desire to. I personally prefer playing with painted miniature and incentives to encourage people to play with painted miniatures are nice, but it should never go into the actual game mechanics.

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I voted yes, but to me it doesn't really matter.  However, if they put the effort in, they should be rewarded.  For campaigns I wouldn't put too much emphasis on it, but in a Tournament setting, I could force them to use painted models using the Gaining Grounds documents.  Usually, I want to have a "friendly" event, so The extra SS thing is a solid idea.

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I don't think paint should confer a bonus to players in a Gaining Grounds tournament setting.  That said, playing by pure GG rules all models must be painted.  If you are forgoing that rule, that's cool, but don't give a bonus to painted minis in a GG setting.  Having separate prizes for best model and crew painted is a better way to do that.

In a local campaign or story setting I wouldn't care.  I do think it should only be offered to the master's cache and not the hiring pool.  Masters with a decent/high cache benefit more from having 51ss to hire from - another upgrade or promoting something to a better model, for instance.

In our local campaign we are offering a weekly scrip bonus for painted models so players don't have to earn as many in the game, but still attributes to the weekly 16 cap.

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You could reward it in few ways.     You could allow a fully painted crew 1 time per game/tournament extra flip.  Or a +1 to masters SS cache.  Or 1 tournament point at the end of the tournament .    I don't think a painting reward is a good incentive to paint.  Painting rewards only rewards those to are great painters and usually the same person wins is every tournament. 

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I wouldn't add it to Gaining grounds, but if you are organising a tournement and want to encourage the players to paint, then this would be a good way to do it. 


Food for thought though, what if you have a painted crew, but not painted summons? 



In my opinion summons are as much a part of your crew as hired models when it comes to painting and proxying.

As for the original question I think every model should be required to be painted and based, but scoring and prizes for good painting should be separate from the game play scoring.

None of the poll options are anywhere near my opinion.

You certainly could say that if you get the bonus for a fully painted crew, then the crew must be fully painted at all times. 

Personally I try and have at least a basic paint job on any model that I put on the table for any game. But I know plenty of people who don't. 

The difficulty in bringing an all painted crew varys from person to person. Me, It isn't a problem at all at the moment, but last year I barely painted anything. Fortunately, most of my models were already painted, so I could happily play fully painted crews. But if I had just started playing at that point, I didn't really have the time and space available to paint my crews. 

I've had games where I have summoned more models than I started with, so its possilbe that painting summons is more effort than painting your crew, but it is very very Master/crew dependant. 

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I voted "No" in the poll on principle.  Painted models are their own reward.  :) 

If you want to ensure that there are more painted models in existence, you're better off demonstrating to people that something like base coat, wash, and highlight for their models doesn't take very long to do (compared to how long it took to assemble their models :huh:) and it makes them look so much better and easier to recognize.

I mean, really.  If someone went out and bought the Dreamer box, primed it with green Army painter, added a detail wash, and then painted the base edges, that accomplishes everything it's supposed to:

1.  You have an assembled model on the table that isn't a grey glob that's difficult to recognize from any other grey glob on the table.

2.  It's painted.


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For Organised play, just state in the rulespack that all models should be painted or they can't use them. Thats incentive enough and works pretty well already.

Off course for newbie friendly tournaments/leagues you will want a much more relax system, but one that maybe confers a small bonus to the player. Maybe an extra raffle ticket towards a raffle prize? a bonus league point ? (depending on the min/max points). For new player tournaments, its probably best not to have any paint requirement, especially if you might be expecting people to play who have only purchased a box in the last week or so.

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I have a different question.  Do you believe in playing games on full/actual terrain?

Because I think that's super important and sets the mood/style for the game, it really makes things look good (Similar to how painting does).  I don't know how organized Malifaux runs, but at my FLGS I have seen that the Warmahordes players exclusively play on felt-cut-outs to simulate terrain with no topographical impact on the board.  Their instance being that the game they play has such tight ranges (14" is a LONG range for something, 8" is a decent ranged ability/attack), so they think they need to avoid the "fidgety"-ness of terrain that can displace or have models not standing on it cleanly.  But I think that's grossly against the fun of the game, I wouldn't really want to play with no terrain, especially with painted models.  That would feel so lifeless.


As for your question, I agree with a lot of what has been said.  I don't think tangible in-game benefit is needed to coerce players.  I think extolling the hobby/artistic aspect of the game is enough.  Perhaps have a dedicated painting/build event rather than always having play events, offer coaching/help to those who aren't as familiar or comfortable with the hobby.  But I don't think that in-game bonuses are needed to incentivize.  I also think it'd be awkward considering that the clear/colored plastic models are "Counts as painted" for all tournament intents, so what would you do with that, offer then the same bonus, or deny them because they choose an aesthetic that is different than painted?  That wouldn't exactly be the most friendly thing to do with them, if they preferred that style.

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I voted no because the Gaining Grounds rules say that painting is a requirement for use and unpainted models shouldn't be allowed in a tournament unless the tourney is being tailored to brand new players. An entire crew can be painted to a tournament legal standard relatively quickly (not going to win best painted or anything, but still enough to satisfy Gaining Grounds). Most tournaments give at the minimum a few weeks notice, so you have plenty of time to get yourself prepped for a tournament.

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I voted no because the Gaining Grounds rules say that painting is a requirement for use and unpainted models shouldn't be allowed in a tournament unless the tourney is being tailored to brand new players. An entire crew can be painted to a tournament legal standard relatively quickly (not going to win best painted or anything, but still enough to satisfy Gaining Grounds). Most tournaments give at the minimum a few weeks notice, so you have plenty of time to get yourself prepped for a tournament.

I dislike that mentality on the basis of, I buy models to paint them, and it often takes time.  And while I enjoy painting, I might not always have as much available time as I'd like to put into painting models to finish a crew.  The idea of painting things quickly to satisfy a tournament "qualification" irks me, because I want to paint the best I can, not simply meet some random 3-color and done requirement.  Granted I could base-coat out the models or something, but it's often not the case that you want to be jumping around on a bunch of models only half-doing each (If you intend to take them further).

Granted I'm the slowest painter in the world, so perhaps I have no say in any matter of painting speed.  But It's just a preposterous idea to me, that anyone should have to rush/do a less than full quality job to meet a requirement.  Especially when there are full rules for color/clear plastics being "As is" painted for the same tournaments :wacko: Granted I also understand that bringing completely unpainted crews is not exactly alluring as a show of the hobby's triumphs.  Really the thing that would be the biggest issue is recent releases vs tournaments starting, because the time wouldn't be there to finish potentially, and "finishing" simply to meet a requirement is a gross idea to me.

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I voted no because the Gaining Grounds rules say that painting is a requirement for use and unpainted models shouldn't be allowed in a tournament unless the tourney is being tailored to brand new players. An entire crew can be painted to a tournament legal standard relatively quickly (not going to win best painted or anything, but still enough to satisfy Gaining Grounds). Most tournaments give at the minimum a few weeks notice, so you have plenty of time to get yourself prepped for a tournament.

I dislike that mentality on the basis of, I buy models to paint them, and it often takes time.  And while I enjoy painting, I might not always have as much available time as I'd like to put into painting models to finish a crew.  The idea of painting things quickly to satisfy a tournament "qualification" irks me, because I want to paint the best I can, not simply meet some random 3-color and done requirement.  Granted I could base-coat out the models or something, but it's often not the case that you want to be jumping around on a bunch of models only half-doing each (If you intend to take them further).

Granted I'm the slowest painter in the world, so perhaps I have no say in any matter of painting speed.  But It's just a preposterous idea to me, that anyone should have to rush/do a less than full quality job to meet a requirement.  Especially when there are full rules for color/clear plastics being "As is" painted for the same tournaments :wacko: Granted I also understand that bringing completely unpainted crews is not exactly alluring as a show of the hobby's triumphs.  Really the thing that would be the biggest issue is recent releases vs tournaments starting, because the time wouldn't be there to finish potentially, and "finishing" simply to meet a requirement is a gross idea to me.

I take my time on painting as well and I personally consider "best painted" to be a higher accolade than first place in a tournament. My point was that painting requirements should be enforced for tournaments as they really aren't that difficult to meet the minimum standard on.

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I wouldn't add it to Gaining grounds, but if you are organising a tournement and want to encourage the players to paint, then this would be a good way to do it. 


Food for thought though, what if you have a painted crew, but not painted summons? 



In my opinion summons are as much a part of your crew as hired models when it comes to painting and proxying.

As for the original question I think every model should be required to be painted and based, but scoring and prizes for good painting should be separate from the game play scoring.

None of the poll options are anywhere near my opinion.

Yeah none of the options are something I agree with. We use a different system when we run events that allow unpainted models. We do a loaded raffle and if you play with painted models you get more tickets simple.

With that said, local GG tournaments in New England are going to fully painted as a requirement going forward. Campaign games on a regular night can obviously have unpainted.

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