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Unboxing Malifaux - Jack Daw's 'Guilty as Charged' Starter Set


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Thank you once again! A very, very valued contribution!

But man oh man those Guilty look incredibly silly. :D:D:D Talk about jumping the shark! They look even sillier as models than in the art.

On the good side, Jack Daw's air guitar pose is a lot less pronounced on the mini, Lady Ligeia looks good (though that seam is a pain) and Montressor... well, he looks amazingly silly as well but in a very different way. I sort of like him.

But those Guilty... *shakes head*

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Well they are better as sculpts as the art indicated.. But that doesn't mean they are good. Those guilties are just horrible.. Holy hell. 

I do like Ligeia though regardless of that bj mouth of the century. Jack Daw looks a lot better than the art and render. Actually kinda like him. Montresor is another very comic book kinda villain. So awesome! 

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Glad I'm not the only one who thinks Montresor is a bit odd. Mean He's relatively man-sized, but on a 50mm base. With legs that long in proportion to the rest of him I don't envy his tailor either.

I'm looking forward to getting some paint on Daw and Ligeia. I can't get past the Guilty though. In both a good way and a bad way.

Their design is original
Does the electric chair guy wobble along on the feet or fly? If it flies, repeat after me: "a dead man is piloting a flying electric chair". TIE fighter noises are encouraged.
They're thematic and cheap to hire
So many bits, and what's with the cross guy?

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I actually like the bed struck one. The Chair is one of the dumbest models I've seen in a while, not as horrible as Scion of Black Blood though but that's another topic. The Cross one is.. Overly violent. And I'm not one to steer clear / complain usually about violent looking minis. But that Cross one is just wow. Wtf happened there and why? :D 

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Yeah, I remember being quite sad about seeing the Guilty for the first time... I'm a fan of the rest of the models, but just can't bring myself to want those things. (shakes head)


I will say if I ever get the box I'm going to take advantage of the base size on Montressor and put him standing on a Gallows.

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Really disappointed with the guilty.  Having all the other outcast masters and the metal Jack, I was looking forward to getting his crew. I was worried when the art was released, but was waiting on the models for final judgement.  Saw them at Gencon and decided there was no way I was buying the box.  I never want to see those models on the table.  Not opposed graphic designs in general, I just think they're dumb.  Wrong time period?  Why 40mm bases other than the models were scaled to large?  Hard to image them getting around the board.  I've put together a proxy crew and like using Jack, but he'll have to stay at home for any tournaments.  Please Wyrd, do a take back and give us something we like.

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It doesn't hurt to have one or two Guilty with your Jack Daw crew, especially where you are also taking 2 non-thematic heavy-hitters. The Guilty are great to bring them into the fold a la Abuela. They're also a royal resilient pain in the butt (especially if you can make them have Finish The Job through Sue - deterrents like those are great).

~Lil Kalki

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Actually the Cross guy.. I think it would make an okay model if one would "reattach" the limbs and the head back on to the model. Then it would be guilty. Hanging on strapped to that Cross. Might actually do that should I get this box at some point. Still seriously blacking out on what to do with the Chair. It's just so very stupid.. 

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I must be the only person in the world that likes these and I don't play jack will say I want jack as I have just got the crossroads seven and want to try running him with them but don't want to buy the box for just one figure!! 

You're not.

If you listen to few vocal folks on the forums, these and quite a bit of other stuff is the worst thing ever put out in ages, etc, etc. Quite a number of folks said the same thing about Crossroads Seven.

Me, I look at the sales numbers and considering this and Crossroads set outsold everything by a large measure over Gencon, and went past even our expectations so that the boxes we had brought in we ran out of, I'm not overly concerned about it at the end of the day. Folks had the same reaction to the Viktoria's box set and we know how well that does. We're not going to bat a 100% for everyone every time.

Opinions obviously vary though. 



Edited by Nathan Caroland
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Yep. Just because I'm not interested in picking up the Jack Daw box doesn't change the fact that other people like it, and rock on them. Aesthetic tastes vary, and what's awesome about Malifaux is that, even with the occasional box set I don't like the look of, there's other box sets where I do. So Jack Daw doesn't grab my attention, the Ironsides box and Shenlong box did. Therefore, I am content. Doesn't mean I won't post my opinion when it's relevant every once in a while though, lol.

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I too very much enjoy how the Guilty look. I only haven;t assembled the Cross Guilty because I ran out of scenic bases and liked that one the least (And that's saying a lot about the other two because I REALLY like these). I was even debating omitting Wrath instead.... That's how I feel here hahaha :)

~Lil Kalki

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I actually don't mind the Guilty - but have a better use for the bed and electric chair ones in a diorama I'm planning as patients of Dr Grimmel.

They do make amazing diorama models. I saw one on the Wyrd Place with the "hushing" Orderly next to the Bed struck Guilty. It was amazing. 

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