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What could be printed to improve Resser Tara?


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I think that the Emissary and Forgotten Marshal help with this a bit.  It is possible to do "Friendly" burying and then getting fast from the Emissary when it unburies.  This could let Tara use her AP to Slow the opposing crew, moreso than use fast on them.  

This Tara rather likes to keep her hand.

Carrion Emissary (Conflux of Nothingness)
Forgotten Marshal
Karina (Faces of Oblivion)
Tara (Obliteration Symbiote)
Bete could be tossed in since there will not be Void models about. For unbury and to hold the 10 if desired.
Scion of the Void
Then toss in scheme runners, etc.  Guild Autopsies and Flesh Constructs can be given Fast and will heal the damage.
Sloth can be used for his heal as Tara can trivially remove the Slow, and he can help her slow the enemy crew.

It is possible that she is about Fast only her models and slowing the opponent in Rezzers.  Not sure that Outcasts have that kind of Slow spam support available.

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Something like a Bete Noire, Rotten Belle or Nurse would go a long way to making her equally good as a resser.

Forgot....she could really use a high powered summoning upgrade - something that would let her use scrap counters to summon a rogue necromancy or something?

Heh. Hehehehe. See what you did there.

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Agreed w/ Decker-- Resser Tara needs no particular help. I'd actually say that I think she's marginally better as a Resser than Outcast- her Outcast game is easier, but if you get her rolling as a Resser, she gets pretty unstoppable. Summoning another half your force if you're lucky, and then giving everything extra AP basically means you can get around double the total AP your opponent late game.

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I have only run her as a resser and find her great. The belles are incredible for her and she can get off her fast bubble far more reliably and she can isolate models for her bomb.

Giving her spare parts is definitely an interesting dynamic but I still need to experiment with more. The Forgotten Marshall, Scion, Lovelace and Emissary should all do good things for her.

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I started playing her outcast but ended up resser because that was the faction I was mainly playing.  I think she's great as resser and I don't miss a thing.  Ressers provide great scheme runners with crooligans and necropunks.  Something outcasts lack except for the void wretches.  I really like her themed models, but having to worry about dumping the hand to keep them viable became a chore that was sapping the fun out of my games.  Ressers also have plenty of big beaters that she can throw out.  Most of the good outcast models are mercs anyway, so she can always hire them.  Hanna and Anna make a great team.

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  Hanna and Anna make a great team.

I 100% agree with this. My Outcast Tara playstyle was to take Bishop and Hannah (or Taelor), both with Oathkeeper, then bury one on turn 1 with a Death Marshal, unbury, pop Oathkeeper, and rip up something, then repeat turn 2 with the other beater. 


With Ressurs, I love to do Hannah and Bete because you can easily heal/bury Hannah by coping Bete's action.

With Wave 3, my go to has become:

Tara (Spare Parts, Knowledge of Eternity, and Dead of Winter)

Karina (summoning upgrade)


Anna Lovelace (Corpse Bloat)

2 Void Wretches

1 Death Marshal


Seems a bit small, right? Turn 1, summon with Karina (I've not yet failed to bring out the Student of Viscera, but your mileage may vary). Once something dies, which will happen quickly between Anna's casting, Karina's summon, Tara's gun, Hannah's punching/copying Anna's spells, then summon with Tara or use Corpse Bloat. When one of the sisters is low on health, scoop her up with the Marshal or Tara, then heal her up with the Void Wretches.


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Anna is even better than Hannah in my opinion. That non-randomizing Ca is absolutely amazing (I almost gunned down Pandora in 1 activation and she couldn't push towards me to make me deal with Fears Given Form).

Being able to have Hannah copy Corpse Bloat, Anna's gun, and Anna's push is wonderful.

Hannah with Whispers from Beyond with the 2 SS upgrade that negates SS use... Pretty dang good.

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Without obliteration symbiote to unbury Karina's summons you can only summon once per game with her right? Am I missing something there?

Correct, but that's why you take Obliteration Symbiote.


I'm starting to move away from taking a Death Marshal, as I'd rather the + flip to initiative and Spare Parts is lovely. Anna doesn't need to be tossed across the board and you can always glimpse the void on your own guy and then heal up with a Wretch.

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I tried Scion with Tara last night (in Resurrs), it was pretty fun blinking in and stealing the fast from Temporal Shift! Its only my second game with Tara (and this got called at turn 3) but it felt better than the first where I took Dead of Winter and a more standard Tara list. 

Recon against Ramos  

Tara: Spare Parts, Obi Sym, Knowledge of Eternity

Karina: Upgrade

Sybelle: Bleeding Tongue

Scion: Corpse Bloat

Rotten Belle x 2

Void Wretch

Night Terror

SSC 7 

Probably should have taken another Void Wretch over a NT. The idea was that if Scion got attacked, I could bury him and then have Tara use Corpse Bloat etc.. and have another model unbury the Scion when needed. Sybelle as the beater lost to Joss and Howard but I was being nice to the Ramos player, who was having his second game ever. There was a situation where I could have obeyed Howard to Hit Joss to trigger Decapitate (had the :ram) and force him to lose his Control hand or last 2 SS or see Joss die. Then SS a crow on Sybelles next attack to kill Howard.  

Tara summoned an Autopsy and buried a fast Sybelle, Karina summoned 2 Punks and a Drowned over the 3 turns. I'm not sure if Corpse Bloat is useful on Scion but I'm not seeing many other upgrades that are worth going on him. 1/4/7 is pretty nice as he targets WP. 

need to experiment to see if Sybelle should be the go-to beater for the :crowtrigger and Tara's ability to put her where she can threaten key models.

Would love to try Anna too, any proxies out there?


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  Hanna and Anna make a great team.

I 100% agree with this. My Outcast Tara playstyle was to take Bishop and Hannah (or Taelor), both with Oathkeeper, then bury one on turn 1 with a Death Marshal, unbury, pop Oathkeeper, and rip up something, then repeat turn 2 with the other beater. 


With Ressurs, I love to do Hannah and Bete because you can easily heal/bury Hannah by coping Bete's action.

With Wave 3, my go to has become:

Tara (Spare Parts, Knowledge of Eternity, and Dead of Winter)

Karina (summoning upgrade)


Anna Lovelace (Corpse Bloat)

2 Void Wretches

1 Death Marshal


Seems a bit small, right? Turn 1, summon with Karina (I've not yet failed to bring out the Student of Viscera, but your mileage may vary). Once something dies, which will happen quickly between Anna's casting, Karina's summon, Tara's gun, Hannah's punching/copying Anna's spells, then summon with Tara or use Corpse Bloat. When one of the sisters is low on health, scoop her up with the Marshal or Tara, then heal her up with the Void Wretches.


A follow up on this:

I ran another game against Seamus (Turf War, all marker based schemes). We both took Protect Territory and Breakthrough (I revealed, he didn't). He had Seamus, CCK, 1 Belle, Sybelle, 2 Night Terrors, Philip, a Nurse, and Sue.

I ran Tara (Obliteration Symbiote, Knowledge of Eternity, Spare Parts), Karina (summoning upgrade), Hannah, Anna (Corpse Bloat), 2 Void Wretches, and 1 Dead Doxy.

We called it before turn 5 finished because all that my opponent had left was a half would Sybelle and a locked down Philip. I had only lost Anna (on that turn).

My findings after 4 games with this template:

Anna is hands down one of the best Henchman. You can't push, teleport, or place near her (no back alley, no hunpo assault, no pandora pushes, nothing). You can't lock stuff down to avoid her shooting because she'll just ignore it. Then, once she's killed something, use Corpse Bloat to take the rest! Not enough AP? Have Hannah copy what you wanted and then charge in to finish it off. Enemy too close? Push them off? Need more activations? Take some free zombies/seishin. She's absolutely amazing and people aren't prioritizing her. 

The card dominance this crew gives, without even burning a Soulstone is fantastic. 7 cards and rush of magic before you stone. 

One of the sisters is under heat? Bury and heal with Tara or push them away with a Doxy.

Too many corpse markers? Summon with Tara or Corpse Bloat!

And then Tara kept pulsing fast out. 3 AP for 4 turns for Hannah, Anna, a Doxy, Karina, an Autopsy, and Seamus, who whiffed because Hannah had locked him down and Anna was terrorizing everyone else.

The crew is so good at keeping pressure on the enemy, doesn't care about not having good cards, hands out fast like candy, and quickly replaces fallen troops with Guild Autopsies for cheap. I only ever summoned one thing (an autopsy turn 1) with Karina. I didn't have the card for it, but her gun did more than enough damage.

I did still get tabled by a Pandora list though (Pandora and Nekima with FGF, Mr. Graves, a Doppleganger, and a Silurid), but I've got a rematch coming up, hopefully.

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