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Chronicles - August 2015

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Hey Wyrdos. Check out the newly released Wyrd Chronicles Vol. 19!
In this issue:
  • Why Won't You Die?!: Learn how to deal with Malifaux's toughest models.
  • High Stakes: A skilled gambler is about to play the most dangerous game of his life.
  • Scenario - Off the Rails: They say the railroad's coming through here soon...
  • Playing with Fire: Omnicarbivore takes on the queen of incineration in this painting article.
  • TTB Adventure - The Whispering Affair: A broken door, a missing woman, and too much blood for this to end well...
  • Misaki versus Molly: The Oyabun's daughter faces off against an undead reporter in this gripping battle report!
  • Ram in the Thicket: The voices in a rail worker's head might be more than just stress...
As always, you can find the Chronicles as a free download on DriveThruRPG: http://drivethrurpg.com/product/155161/Wyrd-Chronicles--Ezine--Issue-19?cPath=23027_23030
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I'm sorry that you feel that creating another account to download our free magazine is a problem. I understand that not everyone may want a DriveThruRPG account, but that is what we're requiring to have access to our Chronicles releases. We felt this change of hosting was the right move for us for a variety of reasons.


DriveThruRPG does not require any payment information in order to be able to download these free releases. It's just a matter of making a new account once, and you'll be able to download this Chronicles and future Chronicles without any additional hassle.

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I'm sorry that you feel that creating another account to download our free magazine is a problem. I understand that not everyone may want a DriveThruRPG account, but that is what we're requiring to have access to our Chronicles releases. We felt this change of hosting was the right move for us for a variety of reasons.


Summary: Sarcasm. Screw You. Deal With It. 


I have no issue registering an account on another site. I do take issue with the professionalism displayed in the quoted post.  

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It is not sarcasm or screw you. As I said in my post, we thought it was the right move so we went with it, and I'm sorry if that's a problem for people.


Not to be rude, but you would have to do some serious mental gymnastics to read that first sentence as anything but sarcasm. 

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Not to be rude, but you would have to do some serious mental gymnastics to read that first sentence as anything but sarcasm.

I understand how you'd read it that way, and I should have phrased it better, but it was not sarcasm. I don't want anyone to think any of our offerings are difficult to get, so I am sorry if it's a problem.

Tone doesn't convey well, and in trying to maintain some sense of objectivity in my post it reads as hollow and therefore sarcastic. It is not.

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I genuinely don't see the issue. DrivethroughRPG is a solid site, and offering the magazie free is pretty sweet!

I just flicked through #19 as I'm working my way through the back catalogue, but that paint job is excellent! More painting tips would be useful (Especially some kinda. scheme for the starter set, my skills are pretty ok but I'm not sure how to tackle those models!)

Regarding the global event, it sounds fun! Although, I generally don't play with randoms so probably won't participate (I'm not even sure if my local club plays Malifaux)

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Actually, knowing Aaron as I do and how he reacts, I can tell you outright that he wasn't using sarcasm or telling you to get screwed. If he wanted to, he would have found a more polite way in telling you to do so that would have likely left you questioning if he just told you to get bent or not.


I on the other hand am full of sarcasm and a touch of piss and vinegar and the fellas here usually try to keep things on track - I may or may not listen or care depending on the day or whim. While we understand that some folks may not have accounts there, nor wish to create them, it is the best move for us. It's free to create an account, no payment details are requested in the least, if you care to bother and have a Facebook account you can click right on in quickly and easily and to top it off, we're not asking anyone to pay for these (yet, I'll leave myself that opening). These are neither quick, nor free to put together.


So yes, please, if you are so inclined, go and enjoy and let us know your thoughts about this issues Wyrd Chronicles. If you choose not to partake because of where it is hosted, we're sorry for that, and I feel that you are missing out on something. Opinions vary of course.

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