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When do you change faction?

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For me, I am at the moment sharing a model pool with my Mrs. She collects Reserrectionists with Kirai and Molly being her Masters of Choice (both Spirit Path) and I collect Neverborn with preference to Lilith but am slowly coming around to Pandora. When we are looking at picking up new boxes we always look for an overlap so at the moment McMourning and Lucius which I just know will open more factions to each of us

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I didn't even choose it accidentally. I chose it because I liked the models.


My (now) wife chose them because she liked the models. She then switched to Gremlins and I stuck with Guild. Somewhere between choice and accident for me, I gather.


You are.



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I was going to go guild, I went into the shop, Lady J and and Dita were sold out so I bought Ophelia, as I didn't like any of the other masters. And now I realise that guild are just like Gremlz only not as cool.

And Arcanists appeal to me as they are only trying to scrape a living under the boot of there oppressive overlords, a bit like the Gremlz.

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And now I realise that guild are just like Gremlz only not as cool.


Those are fighting words!


And Arcanists appeal to me as they are only trying to scrape a living under the boot of there oppressive overlords, a bit like the Gremlz.


Oh, you mean the cults of cannibals that are just trying to get by because they are so oppressed?


Also, Gremlins scrape their food out from under their boots. Slight difference.

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When started out, I mostly just focused on a single Master at a time (Pandora, Zoraida, Marcus and then Lucius), only moving on when I felt I had gotten all I could out of that Master and felt like a new challenge or change of pace. Of course the nature of Masters like Zoraida and Marcus meant that I ended up with models from every Faction in the game, and more than a few Masters to go with it (because why buy the single models when they also come in a crew box?). :P


So feweling like I needed to at least get all these models on the table, I flitted from Master to Master for a while, before deciding to focus on just Neverborn for a few months when M2E came out. After that I had enough models from every faction to attempt the Rainbow Challenge last year (have a painted crew for and play at least one game with every Master in the game). That brought my collection up to having models for almost everything in the game, about 90% of which is painted. 


After the Rainbow Challenge I decided to focus on a single Faction for a while, starting with Outcasts for the latter part of last year, followed by Ressers this year. I've gotten tired of Ressers so now I've started on a new faction focus - Ten Thunders. 


So I guess these days, I switch Factions for the same reason I use to switch Masters in v1.0 - when I feel like a new challenge, or when I'm getting tired of what I'm currently playing. I still get the "ooh, shiny" syndrome though - just last night I was marvelling at how awesome and interesting Ironsides is, and how I should play her at some point. :)

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daniello - I dunno sounds appealing to me. But then again, I'd probably be pushed toward Trixiebelle instead of away, so there's that.

Rathnard - Have you ever considered expanding to other game systems for variety, instead. Or are you a Wyrd fanboy to the core? :D

I got "ooo shiny'd" by ironsides too - that was the last push I needed to commit to arcanists (and how goddamn terrible the new jack daw set looks helped push me away from outcasts - so that helped too).

Blue just isn't my color, though. :(

Too much friggin' blue in arcanists - shits gonna change, while I'm here. >8)

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I've been pretty focused on Malifaux for a good 5 1/2 years now, but lately I've been dabbling in other systems. Mostly Kings of War but also Infinity, Deadzone and Dropzone Commander.

That's for another topic though. Suffice to say, Malifaux remains my absolute favourite system. :)

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And Arcanists appeal to me as they are only trying to scrape a living under the boot of there oppressive overlords.

We at the Guild we don't oppress. We give you choices and a better life. All we ask is return is that obey. It's not too much to ask, is it? :P

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Bought fiery angel of death due to looks of the box set. Got mei feng to give another option. Raspy was going cheap.

Liked the look of alt lilith and was gonna buy the lucius box as i love his fluff picked up lynch due to illuminated.

Already had lucius so bought alt lady j and metal sonia for the witchlings.

Now i have guild and two tt masters though should probably get mccabe at some point......

Just bought ironsides for the captain and the circle is complete..............

Until jack daw and hamelin show up anyway.

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So I went to the shop today to buy Ramos and help out the poor downtrodden working class from their oppressive masters and got oh shiney syndrome. I realised that another way of helping the little guy as through a rival dynasty. And so have bought some ten thunders!

I've changed from Gremlz to Ten Thunders by purchasing Brewie, free drinks all round.

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I establish a base that covers my weaknesses in one faction, then I switch and repeat the process. I started with Ten Thunders (Mei Feng, Misaki, and McCabe) and I'm moving into Arcanists (Rasputina, Toni). I tend to play more by sub-faction than faction, so after that is Nephilim for my Neverborn fix.


I tend to queue up in advance. And I don't even want to think about what Wave 3 is going to do to my painting table.

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Well I bought Sonnia because I got a good deal on her box and a Handler, not because I like the way she plays. Picked up the TtB kits for proxy purposes. Picked up Lucius because he's got the best dress sense in the game. Got Mei Feng as a gift and Ramos as an alternative in-faction option, at which point it just made sense to pick up Hoffman (also because I needed some minions with staying power for Lucy).


Future masters will be Ironsides and Kaeris to complete the M&SU sub-faction, McCabe because Mounted Guard, Lone Marshall and Hounds make for a wonderful themed list, they can go fox hunting. Then McMourning (if I can find the original sculpt for cheap) will complete my collection of totally loyal Guild lapdogs (they have badges and everything). 


And then I'm done. I promise. Unless I start playing competitively for some reason because that would mean switching to Neverborn (for Lucius' always, anything for Lucius) and picking up Lynch and Zoraida because they have the best 7-stone models in the game in their boxes. And maybe Collodi because The Zinc Lich told me to and his box looks awesome, and his rules-set is insane...

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The Collodi box really is s thing of beauty! I had always intended to do NB, particularly as I really like the Dreamer's fluff as it was one of the things that pulled me into the game, but about half my play group do NB now so I changed my mind! I'm trying very hard not to get lured into a fourth faction with the Dark Carnival box which is lovely. Arcanists don't really do it for me in general though.

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My "strategy" for collecting seems to change pretty much hourly. I guess I can say that I have a favourite faction in Neverborn (in that I have more masters from them than anyone else), but I tend to pick masters moreso than factions. That said, when I do pick a master, I normally like to round out enough models in the faction to give me some options at 50SS... which normally entails buying multiple masters.

I'm really concerned about the GenCon promo coming up... there is a lot that I like in what's been revealed so far. My wallet is going to be crying out in pain. I am also really interested in the Dark Carnival box, but Arcanists have been a slippery slope that I've been able to avoid so far.

Gotta say, Wyrd really nailed the whole built-in upsell thing. I'm pretty sure I'lll eventually own everything... and be really happy collecting it.

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McMourning would argue otherwise!


McMourning is a well respected Doctor and has never been proven guilty to any of the accusations around him doing such a thing! Now I would tone down mister unless you want to hear from his Lawyers. 


At least with Guild's options, you aren't also turned into an undead puppet afterwards by your murderer.   :D


Seriously the attitude around here. What we, Rezzers are doing are simply saving the planet, we give you a new life, eternal life. And this is what we get? Pfft. The price of being the good guys, ungratefulness. Go green! Reanimate, recycle, save the planet! 

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Seriously the attitude around here. What we, Rezzers are doing are simply saving the planet, we give you a new life, eternal life. And this is what we get? Pfft. The price of being the good guys, ungratefulness. Go green! Reanimate, recycle, save the planet! 


I play Ressers and Arcanists, yet I just made a joke supporting the Guild.  You might say I'm...Shifting Loyalties.   B)


Go green!


So...play Gremlins then?   :D

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