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When do you change faction?

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I've now gotten my collection of Gremelz to about 80 points (with three masters; Zoraida, Ophelia and Somer), which I figure is enough to have a decent selection to play the standard 50 point games with.

I'm now looking at switching to Arcanists (going with Ramos, Ironsides and Colette when she comes out) and wondered when othe people swapped factions, do you get to so many points, get every master or every model or is it a case of 'oh new shiney thing, must have'.

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I have to be very careful with these things. I don't like my stuff to sit in boxes, unused for longer period of time.
If I start new faction (and Gremlins are really hard to resist to be honest) it is a great chance that my Outcast would end up seeking new home.
Therefore I prefer to expand my Outcast family with new master (currently with Jack Daw) and associated models rather than start new faction :)

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for me, it started off in 1.0 and 1.5 as "ooh, shiny" Then I started doing the henchman thing so I was always on the look out for something new and fun to use in a demo. Then I started playing 10 Thunders...

now in 2.0, the dual faction thing is causing me wallet all sorts of pain. I start playing Lucas McCabe, so I get the guild stuff he can use while a 10T master, then look, I have half a guild McM or Lucius crew... might as well pick up those boxes... Yan Lo, well, he wants Toshiro... who wants punk Zombies... I'm half way to Nicodem now... Oh, and while I'm at it, i'll pick up McMourning since he's also guild. Hoffman looks cool, and even though he's guild, I have these Metal Gamin from my Mei Feng stuff, he could get a lot of mileage out of them...

Then I started playing brewmaster... and I'm thinking about Burt and Wong... Plus Zoriada is gremlins, and I could get Waldegeist finally! and hey, I could get Doppleganger and beckoners for her, and Lynch, and Lucius...

it's admittedly a great strategy for wyrd... it's also kind of cruel. the good kind though... :P

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for me, it started off in 1.0 and 1.5 as "ooh, shiny" Then I started doing the henchman thing so I was always on the look out for something new and fun to use in a demo. Then I started playing 10 Thunders...

now in 2.0, the dual faction thing is causing me wallet all sorts of pain. I start playing Lucas McCabe, so I get the guild stuff he can use while a 10T master, then look, I have half a guild McM or Lucius crew... might as well pick up those boxes... Yan Lo, well, he wants Toshiro... who wants punk Zombies... I'm half way to Nicodem now... Oh, and while I'm at it, i'll pick up McMourning since he's also guild. Hoffman looks cool, and even though he's guild, I have these Metal Gamin from my Mei Feng stuff, he could get a lot of mileage out of them...

Then I started playing brewmaster... and I'm thinking about Burt and Wong... Plus Zoriada is gremlins, and I could get Waldegeist finally! and hey, I could get Doppleganger and beckoners for her, and Lynch, and Lucius...

it's admittedly a great strategy for wyrd... it's also kind of cruel. the good kind though... :P

That is exactly the same boat I am in.


Mei Feng seems like fun!


Hmm...I'll need some arcanist stuff to make her better...


Also, I want illuminated, so I better pick up Lynch....


I hear Lynch is really good with neverborn.  Maybe I should get Pandora?




And the cycle continues.

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I have to be very careful with this things. I don't my stuff to sit in boxes, unused for longer period of time.

If I start new faction (and Gremlins are really hard to resist to be honest) it is a great chance that my Outcast would end up seeking new home.

Therefore I prefer to expand my Outcast family with new master (currently with Jack Daw) and associated models rather than start new faction :)


My attitude exactly. Except with Guild.

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Normally I wait until I have painted an Army up, got the ready for gaming, play with them twice and then start something new. However with my second child on the way I suspect my ability to game will be severely restricted, so hopefully that will slow down my flip flopping.

The benefits I see with Arcanists is they only have one dual Master which means my chances of going on a tangent are greatly reduced (I don't like the look/feel of 10T).

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Should also point out that the obvious answer to the OP's question is "when you accidentally choose guild when first starting the game."

Thought I'd sneak that one in there. :D


Happened to me. Result: Still playing Guild. Seems I'm just weird.

I didn't even choose it accidentally. I chose it because I liked the models.
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