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Malifaux ADD - Rathnard needs a new Faction!



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So long story short, I'm quitting Ressers and moving to a new faction (see my blog for the long version!). Unfortunately, I have accute Malifaux ADD; I can't for the life of me settle on a single Faction to play with. Right now I'm trying to decide between three factions, so rather than go back and forth on them for week after week, I thought I'd get some input from the forum. ;)
So here's what I'm trying to decide between;
The Outcasts are currently my favorite Faction. I played Outcasts fairly solidly for a few months last year and really came to enjoy the wild variation within the Faction and the playstyles of my chosen three - Misaki, Hamelin and especially Jack Daw. A part of me would love to bring these Masters back out, but one of my locals John Metzakis was also thinking of starting Outcasts. He's said he's not fussed with what faction he goes with, but it also seems fair that he have a turn of the best faction in the game. ;)
At the moment I've collected and painted the entire Outcast Faction bar one model - the Strongarm Suit. There's the Wave 3 models and I'll undoubtedly want to repaint some of them (Leveticus comes to mind), both otherwise there'll be very little hobby work involved. While this means I won't be churning out alot of new crews, in a sense that's an advantage for me. I've recently been painting up models for two other game systems (Infinity and Kings of War), so going with Outcasts will give me the breathing space to finish my other projects. 
I've been thinking about getting into Gremlins for a long time, but one of the main things that's stopped me is that I just can't get into the aesthetics. I feel like I should like the Gremlins but for some reason, the models just haven't been grabbing me. That said, anything can be fixed with a theme, and since building my Bayou McMourning crew I feel like I've hit on something I could do. If I pick up Gremlins, I'm thinking I'll go with an undead theme and especially Haitian Voodoo (or at least the rumours white folk would spread about Haitian voodoo back in the day ;) ). So plenty of zombie pigs, Zombie Gremlins, skulls on sticks and and skull facepaint for the living models. 
At the moment I have just three crews; So'mer, Zoraida and Ophelia. Chances are I'll want to replace Ophelia and Zoraida so even if I stick to 2-3 Masters and use the models from Bayou McMouring's crew, it's going to be alot of painting and converting. As above, with the various other game systems I want to play/paint that will slow down my progress with the Gremlins, so it's definitely a factor. And of course, I'll want to paint up something for the Brewmaster, Ulix, Mah and Wong, if only because I want to tick them off my list of Masters played for the Rainbow Challenge. 
Playing Gremlins will also give me a chance to pull out my original favorite master, Zoraida, whom I've been dying to get back into since M2E came out! Finally, the Gremlin faction is almost absent in my area, which gives both me and everyone else in my group a chance to see just what they're capable of. ;)
I've never really delved into the Ten Thunders as a Faction, but I must admit I quite like their array of available models. The lack of Malifaux Rats is sad (I really do love those Rats), but what they do have are some amazing models for their cost with heaps of versatility. Rules-wise, I feel like there's alot of potential synergies and combos to mess with, especially if I go with the more support-oriented masters like Lynch, McCabe or Shenlong. Speaking of which, I'd love to give Shenlong a go - there's something about a guy who beats monsters up with his bare hands that's immensely appealing. ;)
With the likes of Treasure Hunter McCabe, the Mei Feng Cake crew and the Yellow Jakob Lynch, my Ten Thunders crews are some of the nicest in my collection. From a modelling perspective it would be great to revisit these, and while the lack of common theme between the Masters is a potential negative, it would offer some variety in painting as I expand each crew with the models I don't yet have. And the recent sculpts for Ten Thunders have been great - another plus. 
With full crews for all 6 released Masters there's not alot I'd need to paint to make them playable, so I'd be free to concentrate on the more recent, generic releases. In other words, less work to do than Gremlins but more than Outcasts. But as above, I can theme each one toward a different Master, which should be quite fun. 
Anyway, it's getting late but those are my thoughts. Like I said, I've been unable to settle on which so I'd appreciate knowing your opinion on my dilema. :)
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My vote is for 10 Thunders.  They have a really versatile model selection, and while I agree with you on the lack of a common theme (it kills me to take Lynch and have a heavily themed crew of drug addicts......and a random Chinese immigrant that happened to come along), it is really nice that there is no obvious counter for anything when factions are announced.


If they announce they are playing arcanists, there is a good chance that there will be armored models, so bring Kang.


If they announce they are playing rezzers, there is a really good chance there will be summoning and undead, so bring Kang (or Taelor)


If they announce they are playing 10 Thunders, you have no idea what kind of play style is going to be represented.  It is all dependent on the master that is chosen.



Also, they have some of the prettiest models.

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In your blog when talking about things you didn't like about ressers, you mentioned wanting more models that were faster, hit a little harder, and didn't mind if that meant they take more damage. all things that pretty much sum up the gremlins, right? :P I think you kind of answered it for yourself.


Also, gremlins gets you Zoriada back, and it gets you brewmaster who you can use as an excuse to get into ten thunders! it all works out!!! XD


Personally, I vote Ten Thunders. they are the faction I keep going back to, and probably always will. They're so versatile and your opponent really has no idea what they're up against when you announce them. could be ninjas, could be constructs, could be undead. they can be hard to plan against which makes them fun. So, I'm voting 10T, though my first comment still holds true. ;)


good luck!

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Originally I intended to vote for Outcasts because, first of all, they are your favorite faction. And second of all, once plastic Hamelin, all those Malifaux Rats that you like so much, beautiful new Rat King and young Stolen lady munching on a rat... Once they are out, do you really think you would be able to resist?


BUT! But... Imagine this: Zoraida, Sammy LaCroix, Gluttony and your Bayou Voodoo Gremlins!

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I was very torn between voting Gremlins or TT as well.  I'd be really interested in seeing your opinions and approaches to both of the factions (and both have a neverborn dual-faction master...).  But in the end voted TT because I think there's going to be a lot more chatter about Gremlins with their new releases out now, while the TT will still be somewhat under appreciated.


Although I second the call for pink Gremlins if you do go that route ;) 

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I'm advising tt. It seems that one of the strengths you enjoy the most in Outcasts is the wide variety of play styles. I would suggest that the Thunders have a similar (if not quite so disparate) breadth of options. As others here have mentioned, you never know what you're going to see when your opponent declares tt.

Secondly, also as mentioned, they don't seem to be seeing a lot of love as a faction, but more so as parts to fill in other factions. It might be fun to see what you can do to change (or confirm) that opinion.

Third, hobby wise they would seem to be the middle ground. I don't know you, but you apparently enjoy the hobby side of minigaming a fair bit, and this gives you the opportunity to get invested in your models without getting buried by them (thus leaving you time for other games).

Just one man's two cents.

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Gremlins for sure. Outcasts are tedious and boring and 10T is truly the faction that isn't a real faction - made up of masters from other factions with an aesthetic to fill one final nerd niche. Do the proper thing and get your gremlin on.

I'm going to be doing a voodoo themed gremlin faction too so I suggest you try something else or suffer some heavy competition. >8)

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Gremlins is coming up from behind! Yeaaaaay... please don't make him play 10T... there are like what... two people who play 10T?

Aaron Darland and Alex Parsons... am I missing anyone? ;)

Even if he doesn't do undead gremlins... rest assured that I will be doing it anyway. Though I was thinking mutanty inbred gremlins with undead pigs and voodoo everything else... but still. :D

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Even if he doesn't do undead gremlins... rest assured that I will be doing it anyway. Though I was thinking mutanty inbred gremlins with undead pigs and voodoo everything else... but still. :D


Start your own painting thread already and get working on that! Chop chop. :D 

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I'm usually the kind of guy who shows up with a new crew and... surprise! rather than step by stepping it. Iron Painter was the exception - one day I'll get around to the facebook thing and a painting thread - around the same time I actually make myself a lightbox to take decent pictures. :/

Also, I think I have some Colette (Cooper?) that budged up to the front of the line. I'm going to finish off my three "main" Arcanists then I'll jump on the gremlins bandwagon.

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