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The worst mirror matches

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Have you had played a mirror match? Meaning the same master against the same one? I would think that this would happen in tournaments every once in a while.

What did you think of it?

Also, which Master mirror is the worst?

McMourning mirror match would make for a really weird game with the Poison and Expunges. Hamelin mirror would be somewhat similarly strange but maybe even more so.

Lynch mirror match would be extremely bloody and over quickly due to how Brilliance works in the crew.

Ophelia mirror would prolly be similarly brutal but for slightly different reasons.

Brewmaster mirror match would probably degenerate into complete inaction.

Marcus vs Marcus would also be really, really weird.

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Tara vs. Tara could be pretty funny however I think THE worst match up would have to be Hamelin vs. Hamelin. That game would take so long Justin and Aaron's grandchildren would be running Wyrd and promoting M7E! :D

I disagree! The way the Rats' Swarm together works would make players able to snipe of bundles of enemy Rats. Would be very interesting game indeed.

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Tara vs. Tara could be pretty funny however I think THE worst match up would have to be Hamelin vs. Hamelin. That game would take so long Justin and Aaron's grandchildren would be running Wyrd and promoting M7E!  :D


Nah, it would be amusing to see who get the most rat kings though....



How does Ulix vs Ulix stack up? Shenlong vs Shenlong might also be very amusing. (My condition. No MINE!)

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Two Brewmasters. That sounds hilarious. Turns 2-5 would be fun for both parties.


If those two players didn't make it a drinking game and taking shots together with their models, I would be soooooo dissapointed.


I always wanted to see the amount of Scrap a Ramos mirror produces, but that's not really weird, is it?

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I actually put a lot of thought into this pre-adepticon. Low and behold... Levy as far as the eye can see. I hypothesized that the more aggressive Levy list would prevail and I don't think I'm wrong. Everyone's Levy lists were so different it didn't even barely feel like a mirror tbh.

Brewmaster x 2 - booooooooring.

There was a Somer-spam mirror match in Story Encounter. Yup that was crazy. hahaha


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I played a Ulix/Ulix game that was interesting. we actually had almost the same list even! 


my list:


Gremlins Crew - 50 - Scrap
Ulix -- 5 Pool
 +Dirty Cheater [1]
 +Hunting Bow [2]
 +Husbandry [3]
Penelope [2]
Gracie [10]
 +Saddle [1]
Old Major [9]
 +Corn Husks [2]
 +Quality Mash Liquor [2]
Piglet [4]
Slop Hauler [5]
The Sow [8]
His was the same but another slop hauler instead of the piglet and saddle on Gracie. maybe QML on Old Major was swapped out but i cant remember.
The game ended turn 6 with a 10-10 tie, and it was an uphill battle for those last two points for me. It came down to a bad positioning allowing me to lay down the last scheme marker needed for Line in the Sand. I don't know if it was a bad match up really though. there was a lot of "My Gracie is charging your Gracie" action going on.  
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Marcus v Marcus is probably one of the worst. Both crews would consistently be at negative flips, alpha would work on everything etc.


The player who doesn't play pure Marcus would be at the advantage in that game, since those models wouldn't be at a  :-fate .


Also, seize the day would be game winning if one player took it. 

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