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Rooster Rider


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Rooster Riders are really good in games where you want to earn VP. They move fast and break things.


They're must-takes for Stake a Claim - they drop a Claim Marker a Turn, faster than anything but Tara (who drops about 1.5 a turn). They're good with Zoraida since she can Obey a Roostercharge. Likewise Brewmaster.


They're fragile. They'll die when the opponent focuses on them, which is usually immediately after you kill an enemy model or otherwise lead the enemy to realize how badass they are.


Of course, this also means they're natural patsies for Frame For Murder.

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Ahh amazing, thanks.


So would you recommend activating near the end of your crew's activation? ie keeping them out of harms way and then darting round to attack/drop scheme markers?


I'm concerned about their squishiness, so tips on keeping them alive appreciated too. The fact that they can move so fast is an asset for scoring VPs, but could potentially act against them in terms of survivability?

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I believe this is how you construct a Gremlin crew in eight simple steps.

1) Take Trixiebelle.

2) Take a Slop Hauler.

3) Check the Strategy, Schemes and so on and decide on a Master.

4) Check if you chose Ulix. If not, go to 5), if you did take Ulix, go to 7).

5) Take a Rooster Rider.

6) Strongly consider taking another Rooster Rider. Take into account whether Make Them Suffer is present in the Scheme pool and also briefly consider whether or not the Strategy is Reckoning.

7) Fill your crew.

8) Win the game!

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I believe this is how you construct a Gremlin crew in eight simple steps.

1) Take Trixiebelle.

2) Take a Slop Hauler.

3) Check the Strategy, Schemes and so on and decide on a Master.

4) Check if you chose Ulix. If not, go to 5), if you did take Ulix, go to 7).

5) Take a Rooster Rider.

6) Strongly consider taking another Rooster Rider. Take into account whether Make Them Suffer is present in the Scheme pool and also briefly consider whether or not the Strategy is Reckoning.

7) Fill your crew.

8) Win the game!


I think 1) and 2) should be swapped, but otherwise it's almost certainly how many crews are being made. 

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Rooster Riders are certainly good but they can be killed, tricked by a competent opponent and the Gremlin players tend to play them too erm... recklessly. (see what I did there)

On the other hand Trixibelle and the Slop Hauler are both big and pure pain in the... Thanks guys who participated in the beta on the Gremlin front! :)

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Crew building, my way: 


1: Take out all the pretty models.

2: Realize there'll be about 1000SS worth of models and 8 masters in the Crew. 

3: Try to decide on One master. Fail miserably.

4: Decide the best way is to select a few masters to Not play today. Put two masters back in the cabinet. 

5: Realize that didn't fix the problem. 

6: Mope a while.

7: Put all the minis back in the cabinet.

8: Sulk

9: Try with the Crew builder. 

10: Select a master I don't own, and a crew containing at least 5 I have not Completely unreasonable proxies for. An eldar ranger could do as a silent one, right? 

11: Give up

12: Play the list I played last time, being sad the whole game I didn't at least swap that newly painted mini in. 

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On the other hand Trixibelle and the Slop Hauler are both big and pure pain in the... Thanks guys who participated in the beta on the Gremlin front! :)

I don't think we could even really have a functional faction without Slop Haulers so yes, thanks are owed to the beta testers!

As for the rooster rider, I'm looking forward to trying them when the plastics eventually hit. They seem the very definition of glass cannons.

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Guys, don't go down on that road. I started it with my comment but honestly didn't expect to escalate to this. Gremlin players naturally want to defend "their" toys while the others point out things other factions don't have a so easy access. I guess the two sides will never agree on anything so it is better to just leave it like this.



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I believe this is how you construct a Gremlin crew in eight simple steps.

1) Take Wong.

2) Take Trixiebelle

3) Check the Strategy, Schemes and so on and be happy you've chosen Wong.

4) Take something to make Glowy

5) ...

6) ...

7) Fill your crew.

8) Win the game!



Gremlins are broken, we don't even need our OP healers or Roosters to win games!  ;) (but Roosters are definitely worth it still!)

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