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I'm trying to be patient, I really am...


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I should have every model I want, in plastic, for free, right now!!!!


That would seem unreasonable, however, as you have said in your own Malifools podcast, the game itself and its popularity is growing exponentially. People, like myself, who have been playing for under a year are in a buying limbo.

Many, arguably staple, models from different factions are either not available in plastic yet, with no clear release date, and/or their metal versions are unavailable (stitched together, Gupps, Coryphee to name a small selection). If you are lucky enough to have started the game before the switch to plastic and have collected those models to support you crew selection choices, great.

But if you are new, you are essentially forced into a limited buying pool. Can we wait for those models? Yes obviously, but I think many of us would like to see a larger selection of releases each month or at least a longer term overview of release dates.

The wave 2 final beta cards have been out for nearly a year? Crossroads has been out for 3/4 months and what % of those models have we seen? 10% maybe?

I want to be able to play the models and masters I wish to play, or atleast be told an estimate of when I will be able to.

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*Staff hat*


I don't have a cool mod hat like MythicFox :(


I get that people are upset about different things. Some people like (or accept) certain things and others don't. That's fine. Everyone is going to have their own feelings on everything.


From a release perspective, I can assure you we want everything to be out quickly, too. There are many things to consider, however, and we're doing the best we can. I think people will be very pleased with 2015.


But until that time, keeping your griping and your anti-griping civil. I'm not scared to give out warnings. In fact, I rather enjoy it.

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I've got to admit I was a bit weirded out, but now it makes sense.

Hey, zFiend, I believe these feelings I have on Matthew Macchonaughey are actually yours. Can I give them back?

Oh for sure. Wait til you see my newly painted Grizzly Joss. It'll all make sense then.

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we're doing the best we can.


Just not at communicating the hoped for release schedule (or re-release in the case of the Viks box amongst others) or delays in the release schedule.


Part of the problem is not knowing when stuff's coming out. Wyrd are great at a lot of things...this isn't one of them

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I've played wargames for 20+ years.  If I raged at every company that had models with rules but no model released I'd have lost my mind by now.  The fact that they used to have models but don't at present isn't really any different from that, in fact it's probably slightly better as 'if you really want to' you could get a hold of them (admittedly at a price premium).


I wonder if the mistake of M2e was trying to keep everyone from the existing community happy, as they could have just pulled the rules for everyone apart from the models re-released in plastics.  But I imagine that would have created even greater rage than the approach they took of 'rules for everyone, but you'll have to wait for production to catch up if you want the models.


Personally I'm not in the least bit fussed as I'll play what I can have and when new stuff appears I can buy it, I treat the release schedule as my 'what is available' to play rather than a rulebook without figs.  Those who want can proxy, those who love Wyrd figures can either buy what exists or wait.


I had 4-5 painted crews from M1.5, I now have 7 painted crews.  I've only played a handful of games of M2e but not because I don't like the game but because of a severe lack of time available.  I love their models and love painting them.  Their current approach is fine by me.  Obviously your experience differs and that is rather unfortunate (for you).

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As someone who is just getting started, I can definitely sympathize with the frustration of not seeing many models available for easy purchase. I'm personally hopin to be able to get Stitched Together and Black Blood Shamans Soon .

At the same time, I'm enjoying enough of the asthetics of the game that I don't mind the crew box focused purchasing model as it means I can get ALL THE THINGS for cheaper than individual purchase!

Given that expansions and retooling for a different casting medium are no where near cheap or quick processes, it seems like they are doing decently well at making progress so far. He'll look at how much time it's taking PP to convert models from metal to their plastic. And they're arguably one of the 'big fish' in the miniature wargaming world.

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I am happy with the way things are going as it gives me more time to build the figures without being swamped by a pile of grey!


I have very little gaming time as it is so a few models here and there suits me fine.


And to be honest I only play using the models I have.  Yes, it may handicap me if I was to go to tournaments etc but since I am only a casual pick up and play gamer waiting isn't really an issue (except where brewie is concerned lol)!

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Or, possibly, we are also doing the best we can there?


Or possibly not? As you said, you (Wyrd) have info that you (Wyrd) have chosen not to share with us. That's your (Wyrd's) perogative and I understand the reasoning...but it's not the best. 


"Hey guys, we hoped to have the Brewmaster box out for you on x date but this problem arose and it's going to take a minimum of y months to sort out" would be better than the info we've had, therefore, by definition, you're (Wyrd) not doing the best you (Wyrd) can.


As you said, you want to make the best decisions for you and us, please don't take my detraction as anything other than constructive criticism for the company. If enough of us show that we, like your wife, can be trusted with the information and there is more room for overlap, maybe your evil overlords will let you share a bit more. Where as, if no one criticised the current system, they're just going to think they're doing the "best" thing and carry on.

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I've been playing faux for around 12 months and and the amount of plastics to come out since then is rather impressive. As for the box set, you get a nice discount over buying the models separately. So tbh i prefer it that way... Once last thing not to be a wyrd fan boy but at least they try to give us release schedules most other companies do not...

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A lot of the issues caused are by wyrd releasing a book every year and slowing down all the previous books model releases cause of the new book. Honestly it does not need a new book every year. Release books every other year and get the models that actually sell the game sorted. It works for other games. It will work here too. Models come with rules anyway so no big deal there. Its an obvious easy fix and wyrd still get money one way or another

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My temperament usually makes weighing in on this kind of issue a bad idea but I just want to say one thing.


Personally, I'm just happy that Wyrd exists and gave me the best damn miniature game there is. Yep, there's problems.....more communication is always wanted....models in less pieces....etc, etc.....and people will continue to compare different company's business decisions. As long as I can keep playing this game I'll accept whatever they want to sell me, whenever they want to sell it to me.


Thanks Wyrd.

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A lot of the issues caused are by wyrd releasing a book every year and slowing down all the previous books model releases cause of the new book. Honestly it does not need a new book every year. Release books every other year and get the models that actually sell the game sorted. It works for other games. It will work here too. Models come with rules anyway so no big deal there. Its an obvious easy fix and wyrd still get money one way or another


Once the plastics are caught up with M1E, I don't think a book the size of Wave 3 every year is a problem.  The bigger issue is that they've produced about the same number of new models while also trying to reproduce all of the content from the game's first 3 years.  They'd have to be producing about 2.5 years worth of product every year to be caught up by GenCon.

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Or possibly not? As you said, you (Wyrd) have info that you (Wyrd) have chosen not to share with us. That's your (Wyrd's) perogative and I understand the reasoning...but it's not the best. 


"Hey guys, we hoped to have the Brewmaster box out for you on x date but this problem arose and it's going to take a minimum of y months to sort out" would be better than the info we've had, therefore, by definition, you're (Wyrd) not doing the best you (Wyrd) can.


As you said, you want to make the best decisions for you and us, please don't take my detraction as anything other than constructive criticism for the company. If enough of us show that we, like your wife, can be trusted with the information and there is more room for overlap, maybe your evil overlords will let you share a bit more. Where as, if no one criticised the current system, they're just going to think they're doing the "best" thing and carry on.


As Aaron said, been there, done that. Trying to estimate dates and then having delays actually generates far more complaints than this.


And since delays happen and dates aren't set in stone, publicly estimating and staying silent are pretty much the options. Done both. Not everybody is happy with either.


As for rare 1 models in box sets not released separately, said everything I could on that here: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/102288-2nd-ed-model-only-in-starter-boxes/?p=745289


Anyway, we appreciate the feedback, we really do. Not trying to shout anyone down, just explain. :)

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