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The "Super Creative" Future Model Brainstorming Thread

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Oh lordy, the things I want could fill a book.


Let's see... we need preachers, badly. Basic priest with a cross and a Bible, sure, but Nun with a Shotgun's a staple, and at the -very- least a young Ortega lass in a Spanish-styled dress with a crucifix around her neck, protecting the kids and spurning black blooded Demons with bright light. A "Book of Brimstone" Neverborn in disguise wouldn't go amiss, either.


More western types, with native Americans being a big one. CHief! Braves! Shamans! How is this not a thing yet? Either with teh Arcanists, drawing on native fauna, or with teh Neverborn, with whom they've set up some kind of a truce since they live with teh world, rather than trying to conquer it.


Speaking of conquering ... evil rail baron? He needs a thick-handed enforcer, an efficient secrtary, a scrawny bald accountant, and Irish linemen ... and he hates the Union, oh my, does he HATE the Union.


Some plain ol' Outlaws. A "Black Bart" type who's just a henchman with a pistol, no magic, no great fate ... he just wants to rob banks and get rich, you know? Give him some bandits on horseback and he'll work for anybody that'll wave money at him. Needs more color? Make him a "Lost Cause" guy, a former Confederate that's now in his 60's, hanging on to the faded notion that, one day, they'll rise again. He just needs enough funding to raise an army...


Zombie kids. Nuff said.


An actual goodguy Guild henchman or master. A Guild Guard who's gotten promotions and actually wants to make the place safer to live. Let her rant and rail against her corrupt boss, but at teh end of teh day, she's busting tail to knock out Resser nests, root out Nervborn, and deal with those damn Gremlins.


The bored old rich guy hunter was already mentioned, but I wouldn't be opposed to seeing an expanded Malifaux Explorer's Guild. Having 'native' (IE Gremlin) porters was on point, but you could toss some more adventuring types in there as well. The big wall of muscle, the dashing swordsman, the Malifaux orphan local guide, the Inventor and his daughter, the tropes are all well-known and fun.


Zombie gremlins got mentioned ... so how about a swamp houngan to raise 'em? The Swamp Hag's had to have a few apprentices over the years, right? Let one go into business for herself using what's locally available. :)


Speaking of which ... animated plants! Venus FLy Traps, BIG walking swamptrees, choking vines, flowers that breathe poisonous spores ... nobody ever remembers the flora. *sniffle*


A huckster wagon! A marvelous carriage filled with tonics, elixers, and draughts of astounding potancy! And he sells them so -cheaply-!


Minnor necromancers. Because we always need gothic lolitas in purple stripey stockings. They're new at this, so don't do much past mindless zombies, but you gotta start somewhere!


Malifaux wolfpack, because Arcanists that's why. Normal wolves and an Alpha to lead 'em.


Human witches.  Outcasts, but the Witch Hunters need to have somebody to hunt. They're not evil, they're just hunted! Possibly a Warlock henchman to follow.


Guild need a hangman.


Giant frogs.


Townsfolk! No, I don't know what they'd do, but, come on. Settlers, guys in suits, ladies in dresses, a barber, town drunk (Hey, there's a Woe for ya!), shopkeepers... the works. Toss in some Asian models for the Ten Thunders... sure, a chicken butcher and some laundry women, but a Fu Manchu-type, an opium dealer, and a 'respectable businessman' in a suit and tie are all needed. 


Oh hey, speaking of people, you know all those Performers? They could really use a piano player to accompany them. Or failing that, a player piano. With, like, guns.


How about a Guild Lawman, the kind that doesn't know the law very well but is shockingly fast with a pistol ... he's the one who puts Convict Gunslingers down.


Rusty Alyce needs a clockwork rabbit to call her own.


The Guild need an old sawbones to do some doctorin'.


The ghosts of settlers from the LAST time the Breach was opened?


Crazy ol' coot prospector and his donkey.


Cute gal with a giant wrench. I don't know why they always seem to have those things, but, I guess when you have giant pipes, you need giant pipewrenches.

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Oh hey, this thread again. It's fun going back to my earlier brainstorming :)


For the henchmen that seem to be affiliated with a group characteristic (see: Sidir for Black Sheep, Bad Juju for Swampfiend, Daschel for Guardsmen, so on and so forth), I'd like to see a rollout of two upgrades for each, these upgrades being limited (so can only take one). One would buff the henchman themself, while the other would give bonuses to minions (maybe enforcers) with the characteristics in a bubble. After a while, maybe roll out a third upgrade that buffs a group characteristic also associated with the same faction. Maybe Dashel takes command of some Death Marshals, or Ototo finds himself leading some Freikorps mercenaries on a mission for the TT.

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  • 2 months later...

Something that's been bouncing around my head for a bit that I just had to put in this thread...but with the four Riders apparently coming this summer, I reflected how it's a shame that Ten Thunders and Gremlins don't have any Riders. I'm aware of the parallels to the four, and only four, horsemen, but still I'm curious to think what such riders would look like.


Plus it would make for a funny lore story with Zoraida and Leveticus freaking out over the two new riders showing up out of nowhere :P "This wasn't in the Pattern! At all!"

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To all the people who want religious factions in Malifaux: be aware that there was an incident in the fluff involving a bit of a turf war between various religious factions ending in some pretty big fires that resulted in the Guild cracking down pretty heavily on stuff like clergy and places of worship. They are a business, after all, and anything that hurts the bottom line gets hurt in turn.


Wave three gave me at least one of the models that I wanted. the Winged Plagues do a great job of spreading Blight outside of Hamelin's immediate vicinity. Other things I want to see:


-Outcast constructs. We have a community of illegal sentient constructs out in the Quarentine zone, so let's get some more on the table top. Ampersand is my favorite part of the Malifaux fluff, and Vanessa and Lazarus are pretty lonely relying on Leveticus' sub-faction.


-A Freikorps member with some way of speeding up the subfaction a little. I'm not talking about anything big, but the Specialist and Freikorpsmen would really, really, appreciate the Guard Sargent's Lead the Patrol.


-Guild Stormtroopers. The Guild has a lot of "dudes with guns", but not a lot of people to kick down doors and melee people. On the low end, minion side, you have Witchlings, and on the high end side you have the Executioner and the Peacekeeper, but you don't really have much in that middle range. A seven-point enforcer with a shield would fill a niche that they could really use. Make them a Marshal so Lady Justice can finally get some use out of her massed-charge upgrade :P

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A band of gypsies for my Zoraida crew.

  • Young lady with red headscarf, white shirt, playing violin.
  • Gentleman wearing vest, who has proper mustache and even more proper knife.
  • Kid carrying a chicken under his or hers arm. You can't prove it's stolen! And a kid who is throwing rocks.
  • Gypsy Wagon!
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Esmeralda, The Gypsy Fiddler


Red headscarf, dark long hair, white shirt, long skirt, barefooted, playing violin.



Song Request Ability

Before performing a duel, this model may discard a card. Add the suit of the discarded card to the duel's final total.



(1) In the Whirl of Dance Attack Action

An action with weak damage potential, that would affect the target with buffs and debuffs.

:ram The Gypsy Balad: Slow Condition

:crow Czardas: Fast Condition

:mask Touching Melody: Mood Swing Condition, just like Pandora's Incite and Candy's Wail

:ram:tomeSimply Stunning: Paralyze Condition






Dark curly hair, impressive mustache, barechested (wearing only a vest).

A smirk on his face, hands are slightly lifted, so you can see, that he means no harm. In the back, he has a knife behind his belt.



(1) Kick Up Dirt Attack Action

Affected model doesn't flip a card when defending, still may cheat. Lasts only until the end of this model's Activation.


(1) Knife in the Guts Attack Action

Low Ml, high damage Attack Action.






Two kids and a stray dog on a 50 mm base. One is holding a chicken under it's arm and the other one is throwing rocks.



(1) Fast Fingers Tactical Action

Discard enemy Scheme Marker in base contact. At the end of this model's Activation place a Scheme Marker into your base contact.


(1) Hail of Rocks Attack Action

No damage. Push target model it's Wk away from this model.

:mask...and a Growl: Target moves its Cg instead of Wk.




Gypsy Wagon


A colourful wagon with a lot of things like frying pans, cauldrons, chickens and a guitar hanging on it. Model would have two sets of side walls, so it could be used either as Gypsy Wagon or as a wagon for Collodi's travelling troupe.

50 mm base.



Sturdy Ability - Armor +2



No Attack Actions at all



(1) Supplies Tactical Action

Up to 3 other models within 3" perform 1/1/2 Healing Flip.


(0) Duck Behind Tactical Action

Until the start of this model's next Activation area in :aura 6" is considered to have Soft Cover trait.

:ramWagon, Sweet Wagon: The area is considered to have Hard Cover trait instead.


(0) Strew Tactical Action

Lower this model's Wd by 1, place a Scheme Marker within 3".

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Pretty cool Laika.

Thank you :)



Another idea I had was... community is integral part of Malifaux, right?

So how about we would nominate bloggers, podcasters, forum users etc. - people, you would call Malifaux personalities. Out of them, ten contestants would be chosen. Poll would be made and after a month or so, winner would be made into a model of a faction of his own choosing. That model would then be a part of next beta test.

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I'd like a Faust kind of character = possibly Arcanist/Neverborn who can sacrifice cards/souls stones/WP etc. for more and more power but runs the risk of loosing his mind. Could be an academic and possibly have synergy with the oxfordian mages. He was once a mage who went to far in search of power and tried to use the power of the Neverborn but it nearly broke his mind.


Also I'd like to see more Neverborn based around fairytales. Eg: A wolf who can lure enemies into terrain or disguise itself.

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Rezzers have an alt sculpt already. Gremlins don't have one yet... so much Rocky Horror potential though...

Well, strictly there are 5 alternate Gremlin sculpts, War rooster, Female Hog Whisperer,  Egg collector, War Wabbit and Nightmare Golem...

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