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How many models you've painted this year?

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Hi, I saw this on Malifaux Swedens social media with a facepage. Simple question:


How many models have you bought/bartered/begged/threatened your way into this year, and of those models, how many have you actually painted?


For my part, speaking in %, I'd say that of the 60 or so models I've aquired this year (my first) I've managed (so far, three+ weeks left!) to paint roughly 90% of 'em.


For me, that's an insane ratio, and a testament to the strenght of the game itself; making me exited for miniature gaming again.

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Including Christmas from last year, I have acquired: McCabe box, Misaki box, Yamaziko, Pandora box, Thunder Archers, Monks of the Low River, Marcus box, extra Rattler & Cerberus, Bete Noir, Nicodem box, Somer box, extra box of Bayou Gremlins, Slop Haulers, Samurai, Waldgeists, Nephilim, Pathfinder & Traps, Guild Riflemen, Dreamer box, Doppelganger, Miss Ery, Fuhatsu, Ama No Zako, Viks box, Whiskey Golem, and Ophelia box. That's it...I think.


Painted this year from previous years' acquisitions: Wong, Burt, and Gracie.


Of that, remaining to be painted is: 8 Bayou Gremlins, extra Rattler & Cerberus, Nicodem Box, Pathfinder & Trap, Guild Riflemen, Bete Noir, and Samurai. The Bayou Gremlins will probably be done by this time next week.


Unpainted from previous years' acquisitions: Lady Justice box, Miss Step, and Miss Terious.


On its way from Black Friday: Merris, War Pig, two Hog Whisperers, Pigapult, and Piglets.


Nota bene: this is just this year's painting and purchases, as well as presently unpainted models. Of the extant plastic models that I did not mention, the only ones I don't own are Sonnia's box, McMorning's box, Lucius's box, Kirai's box, Von Schill's box, Convict Gunslingers, Desperate Mercenaries, Strong Arm Suit, Killjoy, Hans, Primordial Magic, Governor's Proxy, Malifaux Child, Vanessa, Lone Marshal, and Executioners. Everything else is in my Breach bag, fully painted...along with about 75% of the old metal line.


Hmm...I need to step it up on Guild. However, my acquisition to painted ratio for the year so far is 73%, and if I do get those Bayous done, as I expect to, it'll be 81%. I'm gonna call that respectable...and convenient that I apparently acquired 100 models this year.

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Just got into Malifaux this year, but sadly haven't painted any of it.  Building up the terrain options first.  Painted a good amount of Warmachine, but between the two games and Relic Knights finally releasing, I'm sad to say I've fallen off the wagon pretty hard when it comes to getting everything I buy painted.

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I actually had a really good painting to purchase ratio going there until I bought and entirely unpainted collection second hand. Then my ratio went from something like 30/40 to 30/??? and I lost the will to even finish off those 10 models I had such high hopes for.


Now I try to avoid looking directly at the press of unpainted models for fear that all the white metal might fall out and crush me.

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Of the models I have so far (105), I have painted 75 (for a completion of 71.4%) - all of this is from this year though, since I only started playing back in the spring.

However, once my Black Friday order arrives, I'll be "dropping down" to 75/129 painted (58.1%), which'll make me sad, until I realise that I'll have Leveticus and more gremlins to play with :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thosewho know me on here will know I have a grey pile as big as Everest!


For example, in the past year I have probably bought 130+ Malifaux plastic models..They are pretty much assembled, but none are painted.  Some have lovingly had a black or grey undercoat put on them but that was as far as it went!


I will make it my New Year's resolution for 2015 to paint at least.....  one malifaux mini!  :)

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Tournaments and Mako's model tracker have really provided motivation to paint my crews. using the modeltracker I am currently on 71% of models painted (from a list of 117 models). Its just dropped as I picked up Yan Lo yesterday. 


For Touraments I know I've painted 14 Oucast models to have a fully painted Jack Daw crew, and in preparation for the upcoming tournaments in Jan/Feb I've painted 12 ressur models in the past 4 weeks with one or two more to go. 


Extrinsic motivation is always a main motivator for me to paint, but sometimes when you can see in your mind's eye the colour scheme/style you want for your crew it really does produce the best results, and the greatest satisfaction.

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I am soooooo glad to know it isn't just me.  Purchasing models is easy--too easy--I can do it while watching television so I have more models than I care to count :o.


The good news is that in order to get some older models I have been "forced" to pick up collections on ebay including several painted models.  The painting isn't always artistic quality, but so far only one model has been painted so poorly that I dropped it into some simple green for a few days.  


Assembly is slow but steady and priming is easy enough so I have about two dozen models ready for paint.


Painting is a different story.   I failed at paint-by-number painting as a kid and while I understand what color theory is I can't really apply it. As if my own lack of talent and skill were not enough, when I see some of the amazing work over in the showcase I am so overwhelmed that I shut down.


But after a few long talks with myself I have managed to convince me that I just have to get my painting up to table-top standards.  So far I have 8 "finished" models (6 of them being ice gamin) and another dozen or so with a splash of paint on them.  The finished models have been rated as "don't suck" by those at the flgs so I am feeling a bit encouraged.  


The good news is that I am running out of models I don't own so while 2014 was the year of acquisition, maybe 2015 can be the year of painting.

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