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Holiday Miniature Exchange 2014


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I don't get it! So I go to the shop, buy at least $20.00 of models and post them off to someone I don't know and am unlikely to meet. in return they post me some models (at least $20.00 worth too). Why? How does it increase the total amount of good vibes and happiness in the world? How does it benefot me or the recipient? After all, if I pick my own models then I guarantee I get what I want. I can see that giving away models that you don't want, or doing someone a lovely paintjob, or even giving away one of those rare or oop models that are so coveted would be a really lovely gesture but this I don't get!

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I don't get it! So I go to the shop, buy at least $20.00 of models and post them off to someone I don't know and am unlikely to meet. in return they post me some models (at least $20.00 worth too). Why? How does it increase the total amount of good vibes and happiness in the world? How does it benefot me or the recipient? After all, if I pick my own models then I guarantee I get what I want. I can see that giving away models that you don't want, or doing someone a lovely paintjob, or even giving away one of those rare or oop models that are so coveted would be a really lovely gesture but this I don't get!

Have you have heard of secret santa? 

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I don't get it! So I go to the shop, buy at least $20.00 of models and post them off to someone I don't know and am unlikely to meet. in return they post me some models (at least $20.00 worth too). Why? How does it increase the total amount of good vibes and happiness in the world? How does it benefot me or the recipient? After all, if I pick my own models then I guarantee I get what I want. I can see that giving away models that you don't want, or doing someone a lovely paintjob, or even giving away one of those rare or oop models that are so coveted would be a really lovely gesture but this I don't get!

Thank you for responding. I understand that this will not be for everyone and I accept that.

Again thank you for responding and I hope you have an enjoyable Holiday season.

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I don't get it! So I go to the shop, buy at least $20.00 of models and post them off to someone I don't know and am unlikely to meet. in return they post me some models (at least $20.00 worth too). Why? How does it increase the total amount of good vibes and happiness in the world? How does it benefot me or the recipient? After all, if I pick my own models then I guarantee I get what I want. I can see that giving away models that you don't want, or doing someone a lovely paintjob, or even giving away one of those rare or oop models that are so coveted would be a really lovely gesture but this I don't get!


Fair point, $20 for $20 doesn't seem to benefit anyone.


Buuuuuut, it benefits you in a few ways:

  1. Surprise!! Who knows what you'll end up with! Exciting!
  2. Mail! Mail sucks because of bill, bill, garbage, bill, but no longer, now mail is AWESOME!
  3. My giver last year sent me a lot of cool stuff, including some Malifools swag. Some of this stuff you don't know you want until you get it, others you can't get on this continent. I bought some extra kit from a local tournament, just so I could ship it across the water to someone for this event. Or maybe someone sends you something that you want, but wouldn't buy for yourself. 
  4. You have a slightly more personal interaction with at least 2 of the forum members.


I like it for the same reason I still like Christmas, even though it's a pain to find things to buy for people. At least here, I know what to buy! (...don't need to send socks. Unless they're Malifaux branded...hmmm)

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Well I am floored.

Just floored.

For the past couple years I have hosted an International Holiday Miniatures Exchange through the Wyrd forums to help people bring a little holiday cheer to one another.

This year: wow this year has been like something of a fairytale.

Previous years we've managed to have about 25-29 people join in and show some holiday spirit. But usually it wasn't until the very last week of signups that we'd see these numbers.

This year though we are at an unprecedented level of participation: 50+ people signed up in the first week. WOW

I am left speechless.

I can't begin to thank you all enough. This in itself is my Holiday gift. So Thank YOU.

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